Ajouter un device non reconnu a zigbee2mqtt


Je suis un perdu pour l’ajout d’un nouveau device non reconnu dans zigbee2mqtt.
Je m’explique: J’ai chez moi deux thermostats. Physiquement ce sont les meme (meme HW), mais ils sont vendus sous deux marques différentes, et donc deux references differentes.
Zigbee2MQTT n’en reconnait qu’un sur les deux, le deuxième est absent de la base de donnée.
Comment est ce que je peux l’ajouter facilement?
J’ai lu qu’il fallait creer un fichier .js, le mettre dans le repertoire zigbee2mqtt, et ajouter une ligne dans le configuration.yaml pour q’au redemarrage de HA il intege automatiquement la nouvelle config.


donne les refs du matos, ça sera peut-être plus simple pour commencer :wink:


Le thermostat qui est reconnu est le TH1300ZB de Sinopé


Et le 2eme marque / modèle / référence, n’importe quoi, rien que la première ref on trouve une flopée de matériel se ressemblant


Le deuxieme modele, celui qui n’est pas supporté par Zigbee2MQTT, c’est le OTH3600-GA-ZB de Ouellet. c’est exactement le meme que le premier, vendu sous un autre nom.


Effectivement à priori il va falloir attendre un peu Add support for OTH3600-GA-ZB Thermostat · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · Discussion #25679 · GitHub

Attends éventuellement d’autres avis mais je n’ai pas trouvé grand chose

oui c est moi qui l’ai créé :slight_smile:
Est ce qu’il n’existe pas un moyen de contourner? De ma comprehension, en passant à travers cs etapes Support new devices | Zigbee2MQTT il etait possible d’ajouter un device non reconnu. Mais je suis déjà perdu dès les premieres lignes :frowning:


Jamais utilisé, à priori vu la date c’est à jour, mais jette un oeil au breaking change de z2M en V2, je sais qu’il parle des convertisseurs externe dedans Zigbee2MQTT 2.0.0 breaking changes · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · Discussion #24198 · GitHub


1 « J'aime »

Merci, je reviendrais poster la solution ici si j’arrive à quelque chose

2 « J'aime »

Bon je suis pas loin d’y arriver. J’ai trouvé comment faire:

J’ai donc crée un fichier sinope.js, que j’ai mis dans le repertoire hommeassistant/zigbee2mqtt, et dans lequel j’ai copier coller le code ci dessous. En gros j’ai pris le contenu du fichier sinope.ts qui est dans le lien precedent, j’ai supprimé tous les devices, excepté le TH1300ZB, et j’ai gardé les definitions du debut, car je ne suis pas sur si je peux les supprimer ou non.

import {Zcl} from 'zigbee-herdsman';

import fz from '../converters/fromZigbee';
import tz from '../converters/toZigbee';
import * as constants from '../lib/constants';
import * as exposes from '../lib/exposes';
import {electricityMeter, light, onOff} from '../lib/modernExtend';
import * as reporting from '../lib/reporting';
import {DefinitionWithExtend, Fz, KeyValue, KeyValueAny, Tz} from '../lib/types';
import * as utils from '../lib/utils';
import {precisionRound} from '../lib/utils';

const e = exposes.presets;
const ea = exposes.access;

const manuSinope = {manufacturerCode: Zcl.ManufacturerCode.SINOPE_TECHNOLOGIES};

const fzLocal = {
    ias_water_leak_alarm: {
        // RM3500ZB specific
        cluster: 'ssIasZone',
        type: ['commandStatusChangeNotification', 'attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
        convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
            const zoneStatus = msg.data.zoneStatus;
            return {
                water_leak: (zoneStatus & 1) > 0,
                tamper: (zoneStatus & (1 << 2)) > 0,
    } satisfies Fz.Converter,
    thermostat: {
        cluster: 'hvacThermostat',
        type: ['attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
        convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
            // @ts-expect-error ignore
            delete msg['running_state'];
            const result: KeyValue = {};
            const occupancyLookup = {0: 'unoccupied', 1: 'occupied'};
            const cycleOutputLookup = {15: '15_sec', 300: '5_min', 600: '10_min', 900: '15_min', 1200: '20_min', 1800: '30_min', 65535: 'off'};

            if (msg.data['1024'] !== undefined) {
                result.thermostat_occupancy = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['1024'], occupancyLookup);
            if (msg.data.SinopeOccupancy !== undefined) {
                result.thermostat_occupancy = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['SinopeOccupancy'], occupancyLookup);
            if (msg.data['1025'] !== undefined) {
                result.main_cycle_output = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['1025'], cycleOutputLookup);
            if (msg.data.SinopeMainCycleOutput !== undefined) {
                result.main_cycle_output = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['SinopeMainCycleOutput'], cycleOutputLookup);
            if (msg.data['1026'] !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: 'on_demand', 1: 'sensing'};
                result.backlight_auto_dim = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['1026'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.SinopeBacklight !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: 'on_demand', 1: 'sensing'};
                result.backlight_auto_dim = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['SinopeBacklight'], lookup);
            if (msg.data['1028'] !== undefined) {
                result.aux_cycle_output = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['1028'], cycleOutputLookup);
            if (msg.data.localTemp !== undefined) {
                result.local_temperature = precisionRound(msg.data['localTemp'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.localTemperatureCalibration !== undefined) {
                result.local_temperature_calibration = precisionRound(msg.data['localTemperatureCalibration'], 2) / 10;
            if (msg.data.outdoorTemp !== undefined) {
                result.outdoor_temperature = precisionRound(msg.data['outdoorTemp'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.occupiedHeatingSetpoint !== undefined) {
                result.occupied_heating_setpoint = precisionRound(msg.data['occupiedHeatingSetpoint'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.unoccupiedHeatingSetpoint !== undefined) {
                result.unoccupied_heating_setpoint = precisionRound(msg.data['unoccupiedHeatingSetpoint'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.occupiedCoolingSetpoint !== undefined) {
                result.occupied_cooling_setpoint = precisionRound(msg.data['occupiedCoolingSetpoint'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.unoccupiedCoolingSetpoint !== undefined) {
                result.unoccupied_cooling_setpoint = precisionRound(msg.data['unoccupiedCoolingSetpoint'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.ctrlSeqeOfOper !== undefined) {
                result.control_sequence_of_operation = constants.thermostatControlSequenceOfOperations[msg.data['ctrlSeqeOfOper']];
            if (msg.data.systemMode !== undefined) {
                result.system_mode = constants.thermostatSystemModes[msg.data['systemMode']];
            if (msg.data.pIHeatingDemand !== undefined) {
                result.pi_heating_demand = precisionRound(msg.data['pIHeatingDemand'], 0);
            if (msg.data.minHeatSetpointLimit !== undefined) {
                result.min_heat_setpoint_limit = precisionRound(msg.data['minHeatSetpointLimit'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.maxHeatSetpointLimit !== undefined) {
                result.max_heat_setpoint_limit = precisionRound(msg.data['maxHeatSetpointLimit'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.absMinHeatSetpointLimit !== undefined) {
                result.abs_min_heat_setpoint_limit = precisionRound(msg.data['absMinHeatSetpointLimit'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.absMaxHeatSetpointLimit !== undefined) {
                result.abs_max_heat_setpoint_limit = precisionRound(msg.data['absMaxHeatSetpointLimit'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.pIHeatingDemand !== undefined) {
                result.running_state = msg.data['pIHeatingDemand'] >= 10 ? 'heat' : 'idle';
            return result;
    } satisfies Fz.Converter,
    tank_level: {
        cluster: 'genAnalogInput',
        type: ['attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
        convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
            const result: KeyValue = {};
            if (msg.data.presentValue !== undefined) {
                let x = msg.data['presentValue'];
                if (x == -1) {
                    result.tank_level = 0;
                } else {
                    const xMin = 110;
                    const xMax = 406;
                    const delta = 46;
                    if (delta <= x && x <= 70) {
                        x = delta;
                    if (0 <= x && x <= delta) {
                        x = x + 360;
                    const y = (x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin);
                    const lowerLimit = 10;
                    const upperLimit = 80;
                    const valueRange = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
                    const pct = y * valueRange + lowerLimit;

                    result.tank_level = utils.precisionRound(pct, 2);
            return result;
    } satisfies Fz.Converter,
    sinope: {
        cluster: 'manuSpecificSinope',
        type: ['attributeReport', 'readResponse'],
        convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
            const result: KeyValue = {};
            if (msg.data.GFCiStatus !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: 'off', 1: 'on'};
                result.gfci_status = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['GFCiStatus'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.floorLimitStatus !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: 'off', 1: 'on'};
                result.floor_limit_status = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['floorLimitStatus'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.secondScreenBehavior !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: 'auto', 1: 'setpoint', 2: 'outdoor temp'};
                result.second_display_mode = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['secondScreenBehavior'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout !== undefined) {
                result.outdoor_temperature_timeout = msg.data['outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout'];
                // DEPRECATED: Use Second Display Mode or control via set outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout
                result.enable_outdoor_temperature = msg.data['outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout'] === 12 ? 'OFF' : 'ON';
            if (msg.data.outdoorTempToDisplay !== undefined) {
                result.thermostat_outdoor_temperature = precisionRound(msg.data['outdoorTempToDisplay'], 2) / 100;
            if (msg.data.currentTimeToDisplay !== undefined) {
                result.current_time_to_display = msg.data['currentTimeToDisplay'];
            if (msg.data.floorControlMode !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {1: 'ambiant', 2: 'floor'};
                result.floor_control_mode = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['floorControlMode'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.ambiantMaxHeatSetpointLimit !== undefined) {
                result.ambiant_max_heat_setpoint = msg.data['ambiantMaxHeatSetpointLimit'] / 100.0;
                if (result.ambiant_max_heat_setpoint === -327.68) {
                    result.ambiant_max_heat_setpoint = 'off';
            if (msg.data.floorMinHeatSetpointLimit !== undefined) {
                result.floor_min_heat_setpoint = msg.data['floorMinHeatSetpointLimit'] / 100.0;
                if (result.floor_min_heat_setpoint === -327.68) {
                    result.floor_min_heat_setpoint = 'off';
            if (msg.data.floorMaxHeatSetpointLimit !== undefined) {
                result.floor_max_heat_setpoint = msg.data['floorMaxHeatSetpointLimit'] / 100.0;
                if (result.floor_max_heat_setpoint === -327.68) {
                    result.floor_max_heat_setpoint = 'off';
            if (msg.data.temperatureSensor !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: '10k', 1: '12k'};
                result.floor_temperature_sensor = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['temperatureSensor'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.timeFormatToDisplay !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: '24h', 1: '12h'};
                result.time_format = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['timeFormatToDisplay'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.connectedLoad !== undefined) {
                result.connected_load = msg.data['connectedLoad'];
            if (msg.data.auxConnectedLoad !== undefined) {
                result.aux_connected_load = msg.data['auxConnectedLoad'];
                if (result.aux_connected_load == 65535) {
                    result.aux_connected_load = 'disabled';
            if (msg.data.pumpProtection !== undefined) {
                result.pump_protection = msg.data['pumpProtection'] == 1 ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
            if (msg.data.dimmerTimmer !== undefined) {
                result.timer_seconds = msg.data['dimmerTimmer'];
            if (msg.data.ledIntensityOn !== undefined) {
                result.led_intensity_on = msg.data['ledIntensityOn'];
            if (msg.data.ledIntensityOff !== undefined) {
                result.led_intensity_off = msg.data['ledIntensityOff'];
            if (msg.data.minimumBrightness !== undefined) {
                result.minimum_brightness = msg.data['minimumBrightness'];
            if (msg.data.actionReport !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {
                    1: 'up_clickdown',
                    2: 'up_single',
                    3: 'up_hold',
                    4: 'up_double',
                    17: 'down_clickdown',
                    18: 'down_single',
                    19: 'down_hold',
                    20: 'down_double',
                result.action = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['actionReport'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.keypadLockout !== undefined) {
                const lookup = {0: 'unlock', 1: 'lock'};
                result.keypad_lockout = utils.getFromLookup(msg.data['keypadLockout'], lookup);
            if (msg.data.drConfigWaterTempMin !== undefined) {
                result.low_water_temp_protection = msg.data['drConfigWaterTempMin'];
            return result;
    } satisfies Fz.Converter,
const tzLocal = {
    thermostat_occupancy: {
        key: ['thermostat_occupancy'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const sinopeOccupancy = {0: 'unoccupied', 1: 'occupied'};
            const SinopeOccupancy = utils.getKey(sinopeOccupancy, value, value, Number);
            await entity.write('hvacThermostat', {SinopeOccupancy}, manuSinope);
            return {state: {thermostat_occupancy: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('hvacThermostat', ['SinopeOccupancy'], manuSinope);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    backlight_autodim: {
        key: ['backlight_auto_dim'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const sinopeBacklightParam = {0: 'on_demand', 1: 'sensing'};
            const SinopeBacklight = utils.getKey(sinopeBacklightParam, value, value, Number);
            await entity.write('hvacThermostat', {SinopeBacklight}, manuSinope);
            return {state: {backlight_auto_dim: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('hvacThermostat', ['SinopeBacklight'], manuSinope);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    main_cycle_output: {
        key: ['main_cycle_output'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const lookup = {'15_sec': 15, '5_min': 300, '10_min': 600, '15_min': 900, '20_min': 1200, '30_min': 1800};
            await entity.write('hvacThermostat', {SinopeMainCycleOutput: utils.getFromLookup(value, lookup)}, manuSinope);
            return {state: {main_cycle_output: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('hvacThermostat', ['SinopeMainCycleOutput'], manuSinope);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    aux_cycle_output: {
        // TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['aux_cycle_output'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const lookup = {off: 65535, '15_sec': 15, '5_min': 300, '10_min': 600, '15_min': 900, '20_min': 1200, '30_min': 1800};
            await entity.write('hvacThermostat', {SinopeAuxCycleOutput: utils.getFromLookup(value, lookup)});
            return {state: {aux_cycle_output: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('hvacThermostat', ['SinopeAuxCycleOutput']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    enable_outdoor_temperature: {
        // DEPRECATED: Use Second Display Mode or control via the timeout
        key: ['enable_outdoor_temperature'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            if (value.toLowerCase() == 'on') {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout: 10800}, manuSinope);
            } else if (value.toLowerCase() == 'off') {
                // set timer to 12 sec in order to disable outdoor temperature
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout: 12}, manuSinope);
            return {state: {enable_outdoor_temperature: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout'], manuSinope);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    second_display_mode: {
        key: ['second_display_mode'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const lookup = {auto: 0, setpoint: 1, 'outdoor temp': 2};
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {secondScreenBehavior: utils.getFromLookup(value, lookup)});
            return {state: {second_display_mode: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['secondScreenBehavior']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    thermostat_outdoor_temperature: {
        key: ['thermostat_outdoor_temperature'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const number = utils.toNumber(value);
            if (number >= -99.5 && number <= 99.5) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {outdoorTempToDisplay: number * 100}, manuSinope);
            return {state: {thermostat_outdoor_temperature: number}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['outdoorTempToDisplay'], manuSinope);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    outdoor_temperature_timeout: {
        key: ['outdoor_temperature_timeout'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const number = utils.toNumber(value);
            if (number >= 30 && number <= 64800) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout: number});
                return {state: {outdoor_temperature_timeout: number}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['outdoorTempToDisplayTimeout']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    thermostat_time: {
        key: ['thermostat_time'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            if (value === '') {
                const thermostatDate = new Date();
                const thermostatTimeSec = thermostatDate.getTime() / 1000;
                const thermostatTimezoneOffsetSec = thermostatDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60;
                const currentTimeToDisplay = Math.round(thermostatTimeSec - thermostatTimezoneOffsetSec - 946684800);
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {currentTimeToDisplay}, manuSinope);
            } else if (value !== '') {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {currentTimeToDisplay: value}, manuSinope);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    floor_control_mode: {
        // TH1300ZB and TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['floor_control_mode'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            if (typeof value !== 'string') {
            const lookup = {ambiant: 1, floor: 2};
            value = value.toLowerCase();
            // @ts-expect-error ignore
            if (lookup[value] !== undefined) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {floorControlMode: utils.getFromLookup(value, lookup)});
            return {state: {floor_control_mode: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['floorControlMode']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    ambiant_max_heat_setpoint: {
        // TH1300ZB and TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['ambiant_max_heat_setpoint'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            // @ts-expect-error ignore
            if ((value >= 5 && value <= 36) || value == 'off') {
                // @ts-expect-error ignore
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {ambiantMaxHeatSetpointLimit: value == 'off' ? -32768 : value * 100});
                return {state: {ambiant_max_heat_setpoint: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['ambiantMaxHeatSetpointLimit']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    floor_min_heat_setpoint: {
        // TH1300ZB and TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['floor_min_heat_setpoint'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            // @ts-expect-error ignore
            if ((value >= 5 && value <= 34) || value == 'off') {
                // @ts-expect-error ignore
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {floorMinHeatSetpointLimit: value == 'off' ? -32768 : value * 100});
                return {state: {floor_min_heat_setpoint: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['floorMinHeatSetpointLimit']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    floor_max_heat_setpoint: {
        // TH1300ZB and TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['floor_max_heat_setpoint'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            // @ts-expect-error ignore
            if ((value >= 7 && value <= 36) || value == 'off') {
                // @ts-expect-error ignore
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {floorMaxHeatSetpointLimit: value == 'off' ? -32768 : value * 100});
                return {state: {floor_max_heat_setpoint: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['floorMaxHeatSetpointLimit']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    temperature_sensor: {
        // TH1300ZB and TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['floor_temperature_sensor'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            if (typeof value !== 'string') {
            const lookup = {'10k': 0, '12k': 1};
            value = value.toLowerCase();
            // @ts-expect-error ignore
            if (lookup[value] !== undefined) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {temperatureSensor: utils.getFromLookup(value, lookup)});
            return {state: {floor_temperature_sensor: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['temperatureSensor']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    time_format: {
        key: ['time_format'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {timeFormatToDisplay: utils.getFromLookup(value, {'24h': 0, '12h': 1})}, manuSinope);
            return {state: {time_format: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['timeFormatToDisplay'], manuSinope);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    connected_load: {
        // TH1400ZB and SW2500ZB
        key: ['connected_load'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {connectedLoad: value});
            return {state: {connected_load: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['connectedLoad']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    aux_connected_load: {
        // TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['aux_connected_load'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {auxConnectedLoad: value});
            return {state: {aux_connected_load: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['auxConnectedLoad']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    pump_protection: {
        // TH1400ZB specific
        key: ['pump_protection'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            if (value.toLowerCase() == 'on') {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {pumpProtection: 1});
            } else if (value.toLowerCase() == 'off') {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {pumpProtection: 255});
            return {state: {pump_protection: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['pumpProtection']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    led_intensity_on: {
        // DM25x0ZB and SW2500ZB
        key: ['led_intensity_on'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const number = utils.toNumber(value);
            if (number >= 0 && number <= 100) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {ledIntensityOn: number});
            return {state: {led_intensity_on: number}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['ledIntensityOn']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    led_intensity_off: {
        // DM25x0ZB and SW2500ZB
        key: ['led_intensity_off'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const number = utils.toNumber(value);
            if (number >= 0 && number <= 100) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {ledIntensityOff: number});
            return {state: {led_intensity_off: number}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['ledIntensityOff']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    led_color_on: {
        // DM25x0ZB and SW2500ZB
        key: ['led_color_on'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value: KeyValueAny, meta) => {
            const r = value.r >= 0 && value.r <= 255 ? value.r : 0;
            const g = value.g >= 0 && value.g <= 255 ? value.g : 0;
            const b = value.b >= 0 && value.b <= 255 ? value.b : 0;

            const valueHex = r + g * 256 + b * 256 ** 2;
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {ledColorOn: valueHex});
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    led_color_off: {
        // DM25x0ZB and SW2500ZB
        key: ['led_color_off'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value: KeyValueAny, meta) => {
            const r = value.r >= 0 && value.r <= 255 ? value.r : 0;
            const g = value.g >= 0 && value.g <= 255 ? value.g : 0;
            const b = value.b >= 0 && value.b <= 255 ? value.b : 0;

            const valueHex = r + g * 256 + b * 256 ** 2;
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {ledColorOff: valueHex});
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    minimum_brightness: {
        // DM25x0ZB
        key: ['minimum_brightness'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const number = utils.toNumber(value);
            if (number >= 0 && number <= 3000) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {minimumBrightness: number});
            return {state: {minimumBrightness: number}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['minimumBrightness']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    timer_seconds: {
        // DM25x0ZB and SW2500ZB
        key: ['timer_seconds'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const number = utils.toNumber(value);
            if (number >= 0 && number <= 65535) {
                await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {dimmerTimmer: number});
            return {state: {timer_seconds: number}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['dimmerTimmer']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    keypad_lockout: {
        // SW2500ZB
        key: ['keypad_lockout'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            const lookup = {unlock: 0, lock: 1};
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {keypadLockout: utils.getFromLookup(value, lookup)});
            return {state: {keypad_lockout: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['keypadLockout']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
    low_water_temp_protection: {
        // RM3500ZB specific
        key: ['low_water_temp_protection'],
        convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => {
            await entity.write('manuSpecificSinope', {drConfigWaterTempMin: value});
            return {state: {low_water_temp_protection: value}};
        convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => {
            await entity.read('manuSpecificSinope', ['drConfigWaterTempMin']);
    } satisfies Tz.Converter,
const definitions: DefinitionWithExtend[] = [
        zigbeeModel: ['OTH3600-GA-ZB'],
        model: 'OTH3600-GA-ZB',
        vendor: 'Sinopé',
        description: 'Zigbee smart floor heating thermostat',
        extend: [electricityMeter()],
        fromZigbee: [fzLocal.thermostat, fzLocal.sinope, fz.hvac_user_interface, fz.ignore_temperature_report],
        toZigbee: [
        exposes: [
                .withSetpoint('occupied_heating_setpoint', 5, 36, 0.5)
                .withSetpoint('unoccupied_heating_setpoint', 5, 36, 0.5)
                .withSystemMode(['off', 'heat'], ea.ALL, 'Mode of the thermostat')
                .withRunningState(['idle', 'heat'], ea.STATE),
            e.enum('thermostat_occupancy', ea.ALL, ['unoccupied', 'occupied']).withDescription('Occupancy state of the thermostat'),
                .enum('second_display_mode', ea.ALL, ['auto', 'setpoint', 'outdoor temp'])
                    'Displays the outdoor temperature and then returns to the set point in "auto" mode, or clears ' +
                        'in "outdoor temp" mode when expired.',
                .numeric('thermostat_outdoor_temperature', ea.ALL)
                .withDescription('Outdoor temperature for the secondary display'),
                .numeric('outdoor_temperature_timeout', ea.ALL)
                .withPreset('15 min', 900, '15 minutes')
                .withPreset('30 min', 1800, '30 minutes')
                .withPreset('1 hour', 3600, '1 hour')
                .withDescription('Time in seconds after which the outdoor temperature is considered to have expired'),
                .binary('enable_outdoor_temperature', ea.ALL, 'ON', 'OFF')
                .withDescription('DEPRECATED: Use second_display_mode or control via outdoor_temperature_timeout'),
                .enum('temperature_display_mode', ea.ALL, ['celsius', 'fahrenheit'])
                .withDescription('The temperature format displayed on the thermostat screen'),
            e.enum('time_format', ea.ALL, ['24h', '12h']).withDescription('The time format featured on the thermostat display'),
            e.enum('backlight_auto_dim', ea.ALL, ['on_demand', 'sensing']).withDescription('Control backlight dimming behavior'),
            e.enum('keypad_lockout', ea.ALL, ['unlock', 'lock1']).withDescription('Enables or disables the device’s buttons'),
        configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint) => {
            const endpoint = device.getEndpoint(1);
            const binds = [
            await reporting.bind(endpoint, coordinatorEndpoint, binds);
            await reporting.thermostatTemperature(endpoint);
            await reporting.thermostatPIHeatingDemand(endpoint);
            await reporting.thermostatOccupiedHeatingSetpoint(endpoint);

            try {
                await reporting.thermostatKeypadLockMode(endpoint);
            } catch {
                // Not all support this: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/3760

            await endpoint.configureReporting('manuSpecificSinope', [
                {attribute: 'GFCiStatus', minimumReportInterval: 1, maximumReportInterval: constants.repInterval.HOUR, reportableChange: 1},
            await endpoint.configureReporting('manuSpecificSinope', [
                {attribute: 'floorLimitStatus', minimumReportInterval: 1, maximumReportInterval: constants.repInterval.HOUR, reportableChange: 1},
            await reporting.temperature(endpoint, {min: 1, max: 0xffff}); // disable reporting

export default definitions;
module.exports = definitions;

enuiste dans le fichier de configuration de zigbee2mqtt j’ai ajouté les deux lignes suivantes:

  - sinope.js

J’ai redemarré, et ca ne marche pas :cry: J’ai probblement fait une erreur quelque part.
Mais pour me compliquer la tache, a chaque fois que je redemarre zigbee2mqtt, ma clé Conbee II perd les pedales (ou la VM, un des deux). Je n’ai pas d’autres choix que d’arreter mon NAS, et de tout redemarrer, ce qui prend un temps fou. J’ai hate de recevoir mon nouveau controlleur Sonoff…

1 « J'aime »


Essaie de renseigner les variables (zigbeemodel, model et vendor) exactement comme tu les as générées, avec les caractères spéciaux:

J’ai eu le même problème avec un radiateur électrique connecté et ce sont ces caractères spéciaux qui ont fait la différence.

C’était une bonne idée mais ça ne fonctionne pas mieux.
J’ai un autre device qui n’est pas supporté, un simple switch. C’est peut être plus facile pour commencer :stuck_out_tongue: