Echec lors de l'intégration Bluetooth

Mon problème

J’utilise HA OS dans une VM Proxmox avec une clé bluetooth Trust 15542-05 (« Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR3011 Bluetooth » retourné par lsusb)

L’intégration Bluetooth finit en « Echec de la configuration »

Merci d’avance pour toute aide.

Pour info :

Mes logs

2024-01-09 18:35:25.661 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Attempting to recover bluetooth adapter hci0 with mac address 00:02:72:B0:A5:6C
2024-01-09 18:35:25.661 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Attempting to power cycle bluetooth adapter hci0 [00:02:72:B0:A5:6C]
2024-01-09 18:35:25.662 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Found adapters from hci: {0: {'dev_id': 0, 'name': 'hci0', 'bdaddr': '00:02:72:B0:A5:6C', 'flags': 5, 'type': 1, 'features': <ifaddr._shared.c_ubyte_Array_8 object at 0x7f66f7c82b10>, 'pkt_type': 52472, 'link_policy': 7, 'link_mode': 32768, 'acl_mtu': 1022, 'acl_pkts': 8, 'sco_mtu': 121, 'sco_pkts': 3, 'stat': < object at 0x7f66f7c82ba0>}}
2024-01-09 18:35:25.662 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Found adapter 00:02:72:B0:A5:6C in hci device as 0
2024-01-09 18:35:25.662 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] hci0 (00:02:72:B0:A5:6C) idx is 0
2024-01-09 18:35:25.663 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Attempting to power cycle bluetooth adapter hci0 [00:02:72:B0:A5:6C]
2024-01-09 18:35:25.663 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding cmd_code as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.663 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:25.663 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:25.663 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding event_code as type EvtCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.663 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:25.664 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:25.664 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding command_opcode as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.664 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding status as type Status
2024-01-09 18:35:25.664 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding address as type Address
2024-01-09 18:35:25.664 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding bluetooth_version as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.664 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding manufacturer as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.665 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding supported_settings as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.665 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding current_settings as type CurrentSettings
2024-01-09 18:35:25.665 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding class_of_device as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.665 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding name as type Name
2024-01-09 18:35:25.665 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding short_name as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.665 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Socket Read: <event_code=CommandCompleteEvent, controller_idx=0, param_len=283> <command_opcode=ReadControllerInformation, status=Success> <address=00:02:72:B0:A5:6C, bluetooth_version=5, manufacturer=69, supported_settings=69887, current_settings={Powered: True, Connectable: False, FastConnectable: False, Discoverable: False, Bondable: False, LinkLevelSecurity: False, SecureSimplePairing: True, BREDR: True, HighSpeed: False, LowEnergy: False, Advertising: False, SecureConnections: False, DebugKeys: False, Privacy: False, ControllerConfiguration: False, StaticAddress: False, PHYConfiguration: False, WidebandSpeech: False}, class_of_device=7077888, name=b'homeassistant', short_name=0>
2024-01-09 18:35:25.666 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Current power state of bluetooth adapter is ON.
2024-01-09 18:35:25.666 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding powered as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.666 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding cmd_code as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.666 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:25.666 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:25.667 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding event_code as type EvtCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.667 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:25.667 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:25.667 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding command_opcode as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding status as type Status
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding current_settings as type CurrentSettings
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Socket Read: <event_code=CommandCompleteEvent, controller_idx=0, param_len=7> <command_opcode=SetPowered, status=Success> <current_settings={Powered: False, Connectable: False, FastConnectable: False, Discoverable: False, Bondable: False, LinkLevelSecurity: False, SecureSimplePairing: True, BREDR: True, HighSpeed: False, LowEnergy: False, Advertising: False, SecureConnections: False, DebugKeys: False, Privacy: False, ControllerConfiguration: False, StaticAddress: False, PHYConfiguration: False, WidebandSpeech: False}>
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding cmd_code as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding event_code as type EvtCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding class_of_device as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Socket read <event_code=ClassOfDeviceChangedEvent, controller_idx=0, param_len=3> <class_of_device=0>
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding event_code as type EvtCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding command_opcode as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding status as type Status
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding address as type Address
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding bluetooth_version as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding manufacturer as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding supported_settings as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding current_settings as type CurrentSettings
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding class_of_device as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding name as type Name
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding short_name as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:25.669 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Socket Read: <event_code=CommandCompleteEvent, controller_idx=0, param_len=283> <command_opcode=ReadControllerInformation, status=Success> <address=00:02:72:B0:A5:6C, bluetooth_version=5, manufacturer=69, supported_settings=69887, current_settings={Powered: False, Connectable: False, FastConnectable: False, Discoverable: False, Bondable: False, LinkLevelSecurity: False, SecureSimplePairing: True, BREDR: True, HighSpeed: False, LowEnergy: False, Advertising: False, SecureConnections: False, DebugKeys: False, Privacy: False, ControllerConfiguration: False, StaticAddress: False, PHYConfiguration: False, WidebandSpeech: False}, class_of_device=0, name=b'homeassistant', short_name=0>
2024-01-09 18:35:25.670 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Bouncing Bluetooth adapter hci0
2024-01-09 18:35:25.670 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Setting hci0 down
2024-01-09 18:35:26.171 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Setting hci0 up
2024-01-09 18:35:27.774 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Finished bouncing hci0
2024-01-09 18:35:27.774 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding powered as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:27.774 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding cmd_code as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:27.774 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:27.774 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding event_code as type EvtCode
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding command_opcode as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding status as type Status
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding current_settings as type CurrentSettings
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Socket Read: <event_code=CommandCompleteEvent, controller_idx=0, param_len=7> <command_opcode=SetPowered, status=Success> <current_settings={Powered: True, Connectable: False, FastConnectable: False, Discoverable: False, Bondable: False, LinkLevelSecurity: False, SecureSimplePairing: True, BREDR: True, HighSpeed: False, LowEnergy: False, Advertising: False, SecureConnections: False, DebugKeys: False, Privacy: False, ControllerConfiguration: False, StaticAddress: False, PHYConfiguration: False, WidebandSpeech: False}>
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding cmd_code as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Encoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding event_code as type EvtCode
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding controller_idx as type Controller
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding param_len as type ParamLen
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding command_opcode as type CmdCode
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding status as type Status
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding address as type Address
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding bluetooth_version as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:27.775 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding manufacturer as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding supported_settings as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding current_settings as type CurrentSettings
2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding class_of_device as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding name as type Name
2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Decoding short_name as type IntUL
2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Socket Read: <event_code=CommandCompleteEvent, controller_idx=0, param_len=283> <command_opcode=ReadControllerInformation, status=Success> <address=00:02:72:B0:A5:6C, bluetooth_version=5, manufacturer=69, supported_settings=69887, current_settings={Powered: True, Connectable: False, FastConnectable: False, Discoverable: False, Bondable: False, LinkLevelSecurity: False, SecureSimplePairing: True, BREDR: True, HighSpeed: False, LowEnergy: False, Advertising: False, SecureConnections: False, DebugKeys: False, Privacy: False, ControllerConfiguration: False, StaticAddress: False, PHYConfiguration: False, WidebandSpeech: False}, class_of_device=7077888, name=b'homeassistant', short_name=0>
2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Power state of bluetooth adapter hci0 [00:02:72:B0:A5:6C] is ON after power cycle

Ma configuration

version core-2024.1.2
installation_type Home Assistant OS
dev false
hassio true
docker true
user root
virtualenv false
python_version 3.11.6
os_name Linux
os_version 6.1.71-haos
arch x86_64
timezone Europe/Paris
config_dir /config
Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in false
can_reach_cert_server ok
can_reach_cloud_auth ok
can_reach_cloud ok
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Home Assistant OS 11.4
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2023.12.0
agent_version 1.6.0
docker_version 24.0.7
disk_total 30.8 GB
disk_used 4.5 GB
healthy true
supported true
board ova
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons Advanced SSH & Web Terminal (17.0.2)
dashboards 1
resources 0
mode auto-gen
oldest_recorder_run 7 janvier 2024 à 14:45
current_recorder_run 9 janvier 2024 à 18:14
estimated_db_size 0.68 MiB
database_engine sqlite
database_version 3.41.2


encore toi @pmgs , décidément tu le fais exprès ( plaisanterie ) :wink: :wink:

Si tu débranche et rebranche la clé toujours pareil ?

1 « J'aime »

En tous les cas c’est mon 3ème post sur le Bluetooth …

J’avais pensé la mettre sur un usb 3 quand j’ai lu que cela pouvait être une cause ne non fonctionnement.

Je vais faire 3 essais , débrancher rebrancher sur le même usb 2, sur un autre et sur un usb 3.

j’llais te le dire évite le USB 3 justement , mais bon essai quand même cela coute rien…

au pire si tu as petite rallonge usb essai

KO 3 fois.

Mon interprétation de cette ligne de log

2024-01-09 18:35:27.776 DEBUG (MainThread) [btsocket.btmgmt_protocol] Socket Read: <event_code=CommandCompleteEvent, controller_idx=0, param_len=283> <command_opcode=ReadControllerInformation, status=Success> <address=00:02:72:B0:A5:6C, bluetooth_version=5, manufacturer=69, supported_settings=69887, current_settings={Powered: True, **Connectable: False**, FastConnectable: False, Discoverable: False, Bondable: False, LinkLevelSecurity: False, SecureSimplePairing: True, BREDR: True, HighSpeed: False, LowEnergy: False, Advertising: False, SecureConnections: False, DebugKeys: False, Privacy: False, ControllerConfiguration: False, StaticAddress: False, PHYConfiguration: False, WidebandSpeech: False}, class_of_device=7077888, name=b'homeassistant', short_name=0>
Connectable: False

La clé n’est pas OK.

Concernant l’idéé d’une rallonge usb, j’avais également lu cette « astuce » mais je n’en ai pas sous la main et je ne pense pas que cela arrange ce cas de figure, ce serait, à mon avis, pour pallier à une mauvaise réception du signal.

Il me reste comme idées :

  • trouver une autre clé
  • essayer un proxy bluetooth (j’ai pas d’esp32 sous la main mais ce ne serait pas possible avec un PC portable?)

tu as le bluetooth intégré sous certain pc , mais alors la cela n’est pas la meilleur solution

Soit une cle Sena UD100 , elle sont top ( mais prix elevé de nos jours )
Soit une cle qui est vraiment compatible dans la liste de HA , que je t’avais donné sur un autre post.
Soit un ESP
sinon tu as ceci que moi aussi je possède Module Atom Lite C008
Module Atom Lite C008 M5stack - Modules Atom | GO TRONIC
aussi @WarC0zes , possède c’est d’ailleurs ce Mr qui m’as fais dépensé des sousous pour en acquérir… :rofl: :rofl:

1 « J'aime »

Pas besoin de « meilleure solution » pour l’instant, juste besoin de me faire la main pour comprendre.

Ceci dit le module " Module Atom Lite C008" me semble très bien et il est probable que je l’achète plus tard.

Merci bien pour ces informations.

c’est simple tu verra , cela te permet de te faire la main facilement sur des esp

1 « J'aime »