Pairing Zigbee2Mqtt

Je souhaite ré-appairer une prise connectée Tuya dans Zigbee2mqtt et à part un message « device xxxx left the network », je n’y arrive plus.
En détail: suite au prb de coupure intempestives de ces prises, j’ai débranché et arréter d’utiliser les 2 qui étaient actives.
Suite à la màj du Firmware dispo dans zigbee2mqtt, j’ai réactivé ces prises. Mais voila, la seconde prise était en fait une nouvelle prise jamais appairée et pas la précédente déjà utilisée.(no comment…)
En essayant de remettre en service ladite prise, lorsque je la met en mode apparaige (appui long sur le bouton), zigbee2mqtt m’affiche le message suivant

Mais pas d’appairage…
La prise est une TuYa TS011F_plug_1.
Une bonne âme pourrait elle m’éclairer pour me permettre d’inclure cette prise? Ou alors ce problème est confirmé et en suis victime ? Mais c’est étrange car l’inclusion de la nouvelle prise était OK…


On dirait que tu fais une exclusion au lieu d’une inclusion…
Tu es à jour de tout (comme tu n’as pas indiqué ta config) , notamment de Z2M en vers > 1.25?


Mettre en mode appairage n’est pas forcément suffisant, car il arrive qu’un début de connexion se fasse, enregistre des données et après… bin ça merd…
Du coup un appairage standard ne fonctionne plus.

Une remise à zéro usine de ta prise est donc recommandé. Recherche dans la notice de ta prise comment faire, sinon donnes nous le modèle exact.

A+ Fred

Concernant les infos:
Version Z2M (en docker)

Version de Zigbee2MQTT [1.25.2]( commit: [3c5854fa](
Type de coordinateur zStack12
Révision du coordinateur 20201127
Adresse IEEE du Coordinateur 0x00124b001cd4054f
Version de l'nterface 0.6.97

L’attribut ‹ permit join › est à vrai et j’active le mode inclusion avec le bouton en haut à droite de l’interface,

je ne vois pas comment je pourrai lancer une exclusion, mais je suis preneur :wink:
Je maintient un appui sur le bouton de la prise jusqu’a clignotement de la led.
La prise était reconnue comme

Modèle Zigbee :TS011F
Constructeur Zigbee: _TZ3000_typdpbpg

Deux autres dispo, fonctionnement OK depuis MàJ. Celle ci était reconnue dans Z2M.
Je suis preneur de la manip pour remise à zéro. Un appui long n’est pas suffisant ?

OK donc ça c’est bon

Justement en faisant un reset (appui long, trop long ?)
C’est ce que dit le message rouge d’où ma question

Tu peux essayer de faire la même chose à deux variantes près :

  • Aller dans l’ui de z2m et activer les logs (journal) en mode debug pour visualiser en direct les messages
  • Après appui long et led clignotante, faire des appuis réguliers (1 toutes les 2 sec env) pour forcer le dialogue entre la clé et le module

Merci pour le coup de main, mais je suis vraiment perdu :roll_eyes:
Au niveau des logs en effectuant la manip appui long puis appuis répété j’ai ceci :

Warning 2022-06-25 11:44:44Device '0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78' left the network
Info 2022-06-25 11:44:44MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/event', payload '{"data":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78","ieee_address":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78"},"type":"device_leave"}'
Info 2022-06-25 11:44:44MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78"},"type":"device_removed"}'

=>puis plus rien…
j’ai activé les logs du module Zigbee-herdman pour en savoir plus, mais la c’est pas hyper clair pour moi.

2022-06-25T09:55:31.524Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,53,68,129,0,0,6,0,113,38,1,1,0,84,0,222,20,245,0,0,33,8,80,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0,175,114,28,152]
2022-06-25T09:55:31.524Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,53,68,129,0,0,6,0,113,38,1,1,0,84,0,222,20,245,0,0,33,8,80,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0,175,114,28,152]
2022-06-25T09:55:31.524Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 53 - 2 - 4 - 129 - [0,0,6,0,113,38,1,1,0,84,0,222,20,245,0,0,33,8,80,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0,175,114,28] - 152
2022-06-25T09:55:31.525Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- AF - incomingMsg - {"groupid":0,"clusterid":6,"srcaddr":9841,"srcendpoint":1,"dstendpoint":1,"wasbroadcast":0,"linkquality":84,"securityuse":0,"timestamp":16061662,"transseqnumber":0,"len":33,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,80,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0]}}
2022-06-25T09:55:31.526Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Received 'zcl' data '{"frame":{"Header":{"frameControl":{"frameType":0,"manufacturerSpecific":false,"direction":1,"disableDefaultResponse":false,"reservedBits":0},"transactionSequenceNumber":80,"manufacturerCode":null,"commandIdentifier":10},"Payload":[{"attrId":0,"dataType":16,"attrData":1},{"attrId":16385,"dataType":33,"attrData":0},{"attrId":16386,"dataType":33,"attrData":0},{"attrId":32769,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":32770,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":20480,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":32768,"dataType":16,"attrData":0}],"Command":{"ID":10,"name":"report","parameters":[{"name":"attrId","type":33},{"name":"dataType","type":32},{"name":"attrData","type":1000}]}},"address":9841,"endpoint":1,"linkquality":84,"groupID":0,"wasBroadcast":false,"destinationEndpoint":1}'
2022-06-25T09:55:31.526Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log 'zcl' data is from unknown device with address '9841', skipping...
2022-06-25T09:55:31.526Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext []
2022-06-25T09:55:31.764Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,70,68,129,0,0,1,224,113,38,1,1,0,81,0,180,23,245,0,0,50,8,81,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0,175,114,28,6]
2022-06-25T09:55:31.765Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,70,68,129,0,0,1,224,113,38,1,1,0,81,0,180,23,245,0,0,50,8,81,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0,175,114,28,6]
2022-06-25T09:55:31.765Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 70 - 2 - 4 - 129 - [0,0,1,224,113,38,1,1,0,81,0,180,23,245,0,0,50,8,81,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0,175,114,28] - 6
2022-06-25T09:55:31.765Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- AF - incomingMsg - {"groupid":0,"clusterid":57345,"srcaddr":9841,"srcendpoint":1,"dstendpoint":1,"wasbroadcast":0,"linkquality":81,"securityuse":0,"timestamp":16062388,"transseqnumber":0,"len":50,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,81,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0]}}
2022-06-25T09:55:31.766Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Received 'zcl' data '{"frame":{"Header":{"frameControl":{"frameType":0,"manufacturerSpecific":false,"direction":1,"disableDefaultResponse":false,"reservedBits":0},"transactionSequenceNumber":81,"manufacturerCode":null,"commandIdentifier":10},"Payload":[{"attrId":53264,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":53296,"dataType":48,"attrData":0},{"attrId":53248,"dataType":32,"attrData":1},{"attrId":53249,"dataType":27,"attrData":0},{"attrId":53250,"dataType":35,"attrData":2352626},{"attrId":53251,"dataType":35,"attrData":140},{"attrId":53252,"dataType":35,"attrData":12537},{"attrId":53253,"dataType":35,"attrData":1530}],"Command":{"ID":10,"name":"report","parameters":[{"name":"attrId","type":33},{"name":"dataType","type":32},{"name":"attrData","type":1000}]}},"address":9841,"endpoint":1,"linkquality":81,"groupID":0,"wasBroadcast":false,"destinationEndpoint":1}'
2022-06-25T09:55:31.766Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log 'zcl' data is from unknown device with address '9841', skipping...
2022-06-25T09:55:31.766Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext []
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2022-06-25 09:55:33: Received MQTT message on 'homeassistant/sensor/81' with data '{"time":"2022-06-25 09:55:31","model":"Oregon-THGR810","id":81,"channel":1,"battery_ok":1,"temperature_C":23.8,"humidity":57}'
2022-06-25T09:55:38.302Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,32,68,129,0,0,2,7,113,38,1,1,0,2,0,158,103,245,0,0,12,8,82,10,0,0,37,126,3,0,0,0,0,173,207,28,195]
2022-06-25T09:55:38.302Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,32,68,129,0,0,2,7,113,38,1,1,0,2,0,158,103,245,0,0,12,8,82,10,0,0,37,126,3,0,0,0,0,173,207,28,195]
2022-06-25T09:55:38.302Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 32 - 2 - 4 - 129 - [0,0,2,7,113,38,1,1,0,2,0,158,103,245,0,0,12,8,82,10,0,0,37,126,3,0,0,0,0,173,207,28] - 195
2022-06-25T09:55:38.303Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- AF - incomingMsg - {"groupid":0,"clusterid":1794,"srcaddr":9841,"srcendpoint":1,"dstendpoint":1,"wasbroadcast":0,"linkquality":2,"securityuse":0,"timestamp":16082846,"transseqnumber":0,"len":12,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,82,10,0,0,37,126,3,0,0,0,0]}}
2022-06-25T09:55:38.309Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Received 'zcl' data '{"frame":{"Header":{"frameControl":{"frameType":0,"manufacturerSpecific":false,"direction":1,"disableDefaultResponse":false,"reservedBits":0},"transactionSequenceNumber":82,"manufacturerCode":null,"commandIdentifier":10},"Payload":[{"attrId":0,"dataType":37,"attrData":[0,894]}],"Command":{"ID":10,"name":"report","parameters":[{"name":"attrId","type":33},{"name":"dataType","type":32},{"name":"attrData","type":1000}]}},"address":9841,"endpoint":1,"linkquality":2,"groupID":0,"wasBroadcast":false,"destinationEndpoint":1}'
2022-06-25T09:55:38.309Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log 'zcl' data is from unknown device with address '9841', skipping...
2022-06-25T09:55:38.309Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext []
2022-06-25T09:55:38.445Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,29,68,129,0,0,0,224,113,38,1,1,0,2,0,78,105,245,0,0,9,8,84,10,2,208,72,2,0,10,173,207,28,12]
2022-06-25T09:55:38.445Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,29,68,129,0,0,0,224,113,38,1,1,0,2,0,78,105,245,0,0,9,8,84,10,2,208,72,2,0,10,173,207,28,12]
2022-06-25T09:55:38.445Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 29 - 2 - 4 - 129 - [0,0,0,224,113,38,1,1,0,2,0,78,105,245,0,0,9,8,84,10,2,208,72,2,0,10,173,207,28] - 12
2022-06-25T09:55:38.446Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- AF - incomingMsg - {"groupid":0,"clusterid":57344,"srcaddr":9841,"srcendpoint":1,"dstendpoint":1,"wasbroadcast":0,"linkquality":2,"securityuse":0,"timestamp":16083278,"transseqnumber":0,"len":9,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,84,10,2,208,72,2,0,10]}}
2022-06-25T09:55:38.448Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Received 'raw' data '{"clusterID":57344,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,84,10,2,208,72,2,0,10]},"address":9841,"endpoint":1,"linkquality":2,"groupID":0,"wasBroadcast":false,"destinationEndpoint":1}'
2022-06-25T09:55:38.448Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log 'raw' data is from unknown device with address '9841', skipping...
2022-06-25T09:55:38.448Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext []
2022-06-25T09:55:38.852Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,53,68,129,0,0,6,0,113,38,1,1,0,34,0,80,110,245,0,0,33,8,85,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0,71,248,27,122]
2022-06-25T09:55:38.852Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,53,68,129,0,0,6,0,113,38,1,1,0,34,0,80,110,245,0,0,33,8,85,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0,71,248,27,122]
2022-06-25T09:55:38.852Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 53 - 2 - 4 - 129 - [0,0,6,0,113,38,1,1,0,34,0,80,110,245,0,0,33,8,85,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0,71,248,27] - 122
2022-06-25T09:55:38.852Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- AF - incomingMsg - {"groupid":0,"clusterid":6,"srcaddr":9841,"srcendpoint":1,"dstendpoint":1,"wasbroadcast":0,"linkquality":34,"securityuse":0,"timestamp":16084560,"transseqnumber":0,"len":33,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,85,10,0,0,16,1,1,64,33,0,0,2,64,33,0,0,1,128,48,1,2,128,48,1,0,80,48,1,0,128,16,0]}}
2022-06-25T09:55:38.853Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Received 'zcl' data '{"frame":{"Header":{"frameControl":{"frameType":0,"manufacturerSpecific":false,"direction":1,"disableDefaultResponse":false,"reservedBits":0},"transactionSequenceNumber":85,"manufacturerCode":null,"commandIdentifier":10},"Payload":[{"attrId":0,"dataType":16,"attrData":1},{"attrId":16385,"dataType":33,"attrData":0},{"attrId":16386,"dataType":33,"attrData":0},{"attrId":32769,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":32770,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":20480,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":32768,"dataType":16,"attrData":0}],"Command":{"ID":10,"name":"report","parameters":[{"name":"attrId","type":33},{"name":"dataType","type":32},{"name":"attrData","type":1000}]}},"address":9841,"endpoint":1,"linkquality":34,"groupID":0,"wasBroadcast":false,"destinationEndpoint":1}'
2022-06-25T09:55:38.854Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log 'zcl' data is from unknown device with address '9841', skipping...
2022-06-25T09:55:38.854Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext []
2022-06-25T09:55:39.243Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,70,68,129,0,0,1,224,113,38,1,1,0,42,0,20,115,245,0,0,50,8,86,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0,113,38,29,53]
2022-06-25T09:55:39.244Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,70,68,129,0,0,1,224,113,38,1,1,0,42,0,20,115,245,0,0,50,8,86,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0,113,38,29,53]
2022-06-25T09:55:39.244Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 70 - 2 - 4 - 129 - [0,0,1,224,113,38,1,1,0,42,0,20,115,245,0,0,50,8,86,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0,113,38,29] - 53
2022-06-25T09:55:39.244Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- AF - incomingMsg - {"groupid":0,"clusterid":57345,"srcaddr":9841,"srcendpoint":1,"dstendpoint":1,"wasbroadcast":0,"linkquality":42,"securityuse":0,"timestamp":16085780,"transseqnumber":0,"len":50,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,86,10,16,208,48,1,48,208,48,0,0,208,32,1,1,208,27,0,0,0,0,2,208,35,242,229,35,0,3,208,35,140,0,0,0,4,208,35,249,48,0,0,5,208,35,250,5,0,0]}}
2022-06-25T09:55:39.247Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Received 'zcl' data '{"frame":{"Header":{"frameControl":{"frameType":0,"manufacturerSpecific":false,"direction":1,"disableDefaultResponse":false,"reservedBits":0},"transactionSequenceNumber":86,"manufacturerCode":null,"commandIdentifier":10},"Payload":[{"attrId":53264,"dataType":48,"attrData":1},{"attrId":53296,"dataType":48,"attrData":0},{"attrId":53248,"dataType":32,"attrData":1},{"attrId":53249,"dataType":27,"attrData":0},{"attrId":53250,"dataType":35,"attrData":2352626},{"attrId":53251,"dataType":35,"attrData":140},{"attrId":53252,"dataType":35,"attrData":12537},{"attrId":53253,"dataType":35,"attrData":1530}],"Command":{"ID":10,"name":"report","parameters":[{"name":"attrId","type":33},{"name":"dataType","type":32},{"name":"attrData","type":1000}]}},"address":9841,"endpoint":1,"linkquality":42,"groupID":0,"wasBroadcast":false,"destinationEndpoint":1}'
2022-06-25T09:55:39.247Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log 'zcl' data is from unknown device with address '9841', skipping...
2022-06-25T09:55:39.247Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext []
2022-06-25T09:55:39.634Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,35,68,129,0,0,0,0,113,38,1,1,0,42,0,227,119,245,0,0,15,8,87,10,1,0,32,74,226,255,32,53,228,255,32,1,113,38,29,179]
2022-06-25T09:55:39.635Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,35,68,129,0,0,0,0,113,38,1,1,0,42,0,227,119,245,0,0,15,8,87,10,1,0,32,74,226,255,32,53,228,255,32,1,113,38,29,179]
2022-06-25T09:55:39.635Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 35 - 2 - 4 - 129 - [0,0,0,0,113,38,1,1,0,42,0,227,119,245,0,0,15,8,87,10,1,0,32,74,226,255,32,53,228,255,32,1,113,38,29] - 179
2022-06-25T09:55:39.635Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- AF - incomingMsg - {"groupid":0,"clusterid":0,"srcaddr":9841,"srcendpoint":1,"dstendpoint":1,"wasbroadcast":0,"linkquality":42,"securityuse":0,"timestamp":16087011,"transseqnumber":0,"len":15,"data":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,87,10,1,0,32,74,226,255,32,53,228,255,32,1]}}
2022-06-25T09:55:39.636Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Received 'zcl' data '{"frame":{"Header":{"frameControl":{"frameType":0,"manufacturerSpecific":false,"direction":1,"disableDefaultResponse":false,"reservedBits":0},"transactionSequenceNumber":87,"manufacturerCode":null,"commandIdentifier":10},"Payload":[{"attrId":1,"dataType":32,"attrData":74},{"attrId":65506,"dataType":32,"attrData":53},{"attrId":65508,"dataType":32,"attrData":1}],"Command":{"ID":10,"name":"report","parameters":[{"name":"attrId","type":33},{"name":"dataType","type":32},{"name":"attrData","type":1000}]}},"address":9841,"endpoint":1,"linkquality":42,"groupID":0,"wasBroadcast":false,"destinationEndpoint":1}'
2022-06-25T09:55:39.636Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log 'zcl' data is from unknown device with address '9841', skipping...
2022-06-25T09:55:39.636Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext []
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2022-06-25 09:55:43: Received MQTT message on 'homeassistant/sensor/174' with data '{"time":"2022-06-25 09:55:42","model":"LaCrosse-TX141THBv2","id":174,"channel":0,"battery_ok":0,"temperature_C":26.7,"humidity":44,"test":"No","mic":"CRC"}'
2022-06-25T09:55:44.290Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser <-- [254,13,69,201,113,38,120,203,244,76,60,56,193,164,0,0,0,188]
2022-06-25T09:55:44.290Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --- parseNext [254,13,69,201,113,38,120,203,244,76,60,56,193,164,0,0,0,188]
2022-06-25T09:55:44.290Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:unpi:parser --> parsed 13 - 2 - 5 - 201 - [113,38,120,203,244,76,60,56,193,164,0,0,0] - 188
2022-06-25T09:55:44.291Z zigbee-herdsman:adapter:zStack:znp:AREQ <-- ZDO - leaveInd - {"srcaddr":9841,"extaddr":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78","request":0,"removechildren":0,"rejoin":0}
2022-06-25T09:55:44.291Z zigbee-herdsman:controller:log Device leave '0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78'
Zigbee2MQTT:warn  2022-06-25 09:55:44: Device '0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78' left the network

Fait nouveau, j’ai tenté l’inclusion d’une lampe ikea (non utilisé jusque la)=> rien du tout de chez rien du tout ! => soit c’est c’est du coté du routeur (CC2531) soit coté Z2M.
En bref mon install est ok pour les module appairés mais impossible d’appairer de nouveaux devices. Je vais suivre voire compléter l’issue 12813 car la description est en tout point identique.
Le seul point qui puisse m’aider et je pense une confirmation d’autres membres en config similaire.

C’est bizarre. L’issue semble correspondre mais 12jours avec 2 personnes touchées (toi) ça semble être un cas très très bien particulier. Pour des capteurs qui ne sont pas si exotiques, c’est étonnant.

Justement on voit tout l’inverse ce que ce ça devrait faire (exclusion et pas inclusion).
C’est con à dire, mais ça me fait plutôt penser à une erreur de manipulation sur la passage en inclusion qu’ un bug.
Essaye d’utiliser la prise hors zigbee mais avec l’application tuya, ça donnera peut-être une idée

Tu es peut-être pas à la toute dernière version
Mais bon : appairage lampe ikea, je viens d’en refaire un, ça passe

Clairement une lampe Ikea, une prise Tuya : c’est pas hyper exotique, et être uniquement 2 trés, trés étonnant, mais bon…

Possible mais je ne vois vrt pas ! Ni pour la prise qui se retrouvé exclus du réseau et impossible à appairer, ni pour l’ampoule Ikea qui est bien en mode inclusion : mais rien de rien. J’ai tenté l’inclusion d’un module CC2531 flashé en router => rien de rien.
Ma config Z2M au cas ou, je ne vois rien de particulier, mais c’est le propre de demander de l’aide, quand on est dedans c’est beaucoup moins visible.

    "commit": "3c5854fa",
    "config": {
        "advanced": {
            "adapter_concurrent": null,
            "adapter_delay": null,
            "availability_blacklist": [],
            "availability_blocklist": [],
            "availability_passlist": [],
            "availability_whitelist": [],
            "cache_state": true,
            "cache_state_persistent": true,
            "cache_state_send_on_startup": true,
            "channel": 11,
            "elapsed": false,
            "ext_pan_id": [
            "ikea_ota_use_test_url": true,
            "last_seen": "epoch",
            "legacy_api": true,
            "legacy_availability_payload": true,
            "log_directory": "/app/data/log/%TIMESTAMP%",
            "log_file": "log.txt",
            "log_level": "debug",
            "log_output": [
            "log_rotation": true,
            "log_symlink_current": true,
            "log_syslog": {
                "app_name": "Zigbee2MQTT",
                "eol": "/n",
                "host": "localhost",
                "localhost": "localhost",
                "path": "/dev/log",
                "pid": "",
                "port": 123,
                "protocol": "tcp4",
                "type": "5424"
            "output": "json",
            "pan_id": 6754,
            "report": false,
            "soft_reset_timeout": 0,
            "timestamp_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
        "blocklist": [],
        "device_options": {},
        "devices": {
            "0x00124b00251f4724": {
                "friendly_name": "Inter VR"
            "0x00158d0002325a36": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Cellier"
            "0x00158d000309ff7d": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur WC Rdc"
            "0x00158d0004146829": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Bureau Delphine"
            "0x00158d00042108d5": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Bureau Séb"
            "0x00158d0004210c4c": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Espace stockage"
            "0x00158d0004874312": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Salon"
            "0x00158d00054b6a42": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Cuisine"
            "0x00158d00058904a9": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Salle de Bains"
            "0x00158d00072b932a": {
                "friendly_name": "Capteur Pluie"
            "0x0c4314fffe5d9819": {
                "friendly_name": "Prise PC bureau Séb"
            "0x0c4314fffe60acb6": {
                "friendly_name": "Prise baie brassage"
            "0x50325ffffe031025": {
                "description": "Capteur vibration machine à laver",
                "friendly_name": "Vibration Machine à laver",
                "vibration_timeout": 30
            "0x540f57fffe19f219": {
                "friendly_name": "Prise Télé"
            "0x842e14fffe7b1c74": {
                "friendly_name": "Lampe bureau Séb"
            "0x842e14fffe7c3b93": {
                "friendly_name": "Lampe Stockage1"
            "0x8cf681fffe0921e0": {
                "friendly_name": "Lampe Stockage2"
            "0xa4c1384892585ab7": {
                "description": "Prise machine à laver",
                "friendly_name": "Prise MAL2"
            "0xa4c138ef0f35b0a1": {
                "description": "Prise lave vaisselle",
                "friendly_name": "Prise LV"
        "external_converters": [],
        "frontend": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 8082
        "groups": {},
        "homeassistant": {
            "discovery_topic": "homeassistant",
            "legacy_entity_attributes": true,
            "legacy_triggers": true,
            "status_topic": "hass/status"
        "map_options": {
            "graphviz": {
                "colors": {
                    "fill": {
                        "coordinator": "#e04e5d",
                        "enddevice": "#fff8ce",
                        "router": "#4ea3e0"
                    "font": {
                        "coordinator": "#ffffff",
                        "enddevice": "#000000",
                        "router": "#ffffff"
                    "line": {
                        "active": "#009900",
                        "inactive": "#994444"
        "mqtt": {
            "base_topic": "zigbee2mqtt",
            "force_disable_retain": false,
            "include_device_information": false,
            "keepalive": 60,
            "reject_unauthorized": false,
            "server": "mqtt://",
            "version": 4
        "ota": {
            "disable_automatic_update_check": false,
            "ikea_ota_use_test_url": true,
            "update_check_interval": 1440
        "passlist": [],
        "permit_join": true,
        "serial": {
            "disable_led": false,
            "port": "/dev/ttyACM0"
    "config_schema": {
        "definitions": {
            "device": {
                "properties": {
                    "debounce": {
                        "description": "Debounces messages of this device",
                        "title": "Debounce",
                        "type": "number"
                    "debounce_ignore": {
                        "description": "Protects unique payload values of specified payload properties from overriding within debounce time",
                        "examples": [
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "title": "Ignore debounce",
                        "type": "array"
                    "filtered_attributes": {
                        "description": "Filter attributes from publish payload.",
                        "examples": [
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "title": "Filtered publish attributes",
                        "type": "array"
                    "filtered_optimistic": {
                        "description": "Filter attributes from optimistic publish payload when calling /set. (This has no effect if optimistic is set to false).",
                        "examples": [
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "title": "Filtered optimistic attributes",
                        "type": "array"
                    "friendly_name": {
                        "description": "Used in the MQTT topic of a device. By default this is the device ID",
                        "readOnly": true,
                        "title": "Friendly name",
                        "type": "string"
                    "homeassistant": {
                        "properties": {
                            "name": {
                                "description": "Name of the device in Home Assistant",
                                "title": "Home Assistant name",
                                "type": "string"
                        "title": "Home Assistant",
                        "type": [
                    "icon": {
                        "description": "The user-defined device icon for the frontend. It can be a link to an image (not a path to a file) or base64 encoded data URL like: image/svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aW....R0aD",
                        "title": "Icon",
                        "type": "string"
                    "optimistic": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Publish optimistic state after set",
                        "title": "Optimistic",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "qos": {
                        "description": "QoS level for MQTT messages of this device",
                        "title": "QoS",
                        "type": "number"
                    "retain": {
                        "description": "Retain MQTT messages of this device",
                        "title": "Retain",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "retention": {
                        "description": "Sets the MQTT Message Expiry in seconds, Make sure to set mqtt.version to 5",
                        "title": "Retention",
                        "type": "number"
                "required": [
                "type": "object"
            "group": {
                "properties": {
                    "devices": {
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "type": "array"
                    "filtered_attributes": {
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "type": "array"
                    "friendly_name": {
                        "type": "string"
                    "optimistic": {
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "qos": {
                        "type": "number"
                    "retain": {
                        "type": "boolean"
                "required": [
                "type": "object"
        "properties": {
            "advanced": {
                "properties": {
                    "adapter_concurrent": {
                        "description": "Adapter concurrency (e.g. 2 for CC2531 or 16 for CC26X2R1) (default: null, uses recommended value)",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Adapter concurrency",
                        "type": [
                    "adapter_delay": {
                        "description": "Adapter delay",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Adapter delay",
                        "type": [
                    "cache_state": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "MQTT message payload will contain all attributes, not only changed ones. Has to be true when integrating via Home Assistant",
                        "title": "Cache state",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "cache_state_persistent": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Persist cached state, only used when cache_state: true",
                        "title": "Persist cache state",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "cache_state_send_on_startup": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Send cached state on startup, only used when cache_state: true",
                        "title": "Send cached state on startup",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "channel": {
                        "default": 11,
                        "description": "Zigbee channel, changing requires repairing all devices! (Note: use a ZLL channel: 11, 15, 20, or 25 to avoid Problems)",
                        "examples": [
                        "maximum": 26,
                        "minimum": 11,
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "ZigBee channel",
                        "type": "number"
                    "elapsed": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Add an elapsed attribute to MQTT messages, contains milliseconds since the previous msg",
                        "title": "Elapsed",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "ext_pan_id": {
                        "description": "Zigbee extended pan ID, changing requires repairing all devices!",
                        "items": {
                            "type": "number"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Ext Pan ID",
                        "type": "array"
                    "last_seen": {
                        "default": "disable",
                        "description": "Add a last_seen attribute to MQTT messages, contains date/time of last Zigbee message",
                        "enum": [
                        "title": "Last seen",
                        "type": "string"
                    "legacy_api": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Disables the legacy api (false = disable)",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Legacy API",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "legacy_availability_payload": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Payload to be used for device availabilty and bridge/state topics. true = text, false = JSON",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Legacy availability payload",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "log_directory": {
                        "description": "Location of log directory",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log directory",
                        "type": "string"
                    "log_file": {
                        "default": "log.txt",
                        "description": "Log file name, can also contain timestamp",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log file",
                        "type": "string"
                    "log_level": {
                        "default": "info",
                        "description": "Logging level",
                        "enum": [
                        "title": "Log level",
                        "type": "string"
                    "log_output": {
                        "description": "Output location of the log, leave empty to suppress logging",
                        "items": {
                            "enum": [
                            "type": "string"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log output",
                        "type": "array"
                    "log_rotation": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Log rotation",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log rotation",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "log_symlink_current": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Create symlink to current logs in the log directory",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log symlink current",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "log_syslog": {
                        "properties": {
                            "app_name": {
                                "default": "Zigbee2MQTT",
                                "description": "The name of the application (Default: Zigbee2MQTT).",
                                "title": "Localhost",
                                "type": "string"
                            "eol": {
                                "default": "/n",
                                "description": "The end of line character to be added to the end of the message (Default: Message without modifications).",
                                "title": "eol",
                                "type": "string"
                            "host": {
                                "default": "localhost",
                                "description": "The host running syslogd, defaults to localhost.",
                                "title": "Host",
                                "type": "string"
                            "localhost": {
                                "default": "localhost",
                                "description": "Host to indicate that log messages are coming from (Default: localhost).",
                                "title": "Localhost",
                                "type": "string"
                            "path": {
                                "default": "/dev/log",
                                "description": "The path to the syslog dgram socket (i.e. /dev/log or /var/run/syslog for OS X).",
                                "examples": [
                                "title": "Path",
                                "type": "string"
                            "pid": {
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "PID of the process that log messages are coming from (Default",
                                "title": "PID",
                                "type": "string"
                            "port": {
                                "default": 123,
                                "description": "The port on the host that syslog is running on, defaults to syslogd's default port.",
                                "title": "Port",
                                "type": "number"
                            "protocol": {
                                "default": "tcp4",
                                "description": "The network protocol to log over (e.g. tcp4, udp4, tls4, unix, unix-connect, etc).",
                                "examples": [
                                "title": "Protocol",
                                "type": "string"
                            "type": {
                                "default": "5424",
                                "description": "The type of the syslog protocol to use (Default: BSD, also valid: 5424).",
                                "title": "Type",
                                "type": "string"
                        "title": "syslog",
                        "type": "object"
                    "network_key": {
                        "description": "Network encryption key, changing requires repairing all devices!",
                        "oneOf": [
                                "title": "Network key(string)",
                                "type": "string"
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "number"
                                "title": "Network key(array)",
                                "type": "array"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Network key"
                    "output": {
                        "description": "Examples when 'state' of a device is published json: topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/my_bulb' payload '{\"state\": \"ON\"}' attribute: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/my_bulb/state' payload 'ON' attribute_and_json: both json and attribute (see above)",
                        "enum": [
                        "title": "MQTT output type",
                        "type": "string"
                    "pan_id": {
                        "description": "ZigBee pan ID, changing requires repairing all devices!",
                        "oneOf": [
                                "title": "Pan ID (string)",
                                "type": "string"
                                "title": "Pan ID (number)",
                                "type": "number"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Pan ID"
                    "timestamp_format": {
                        "description": "Log timestamp format",
                        "examples": [
                            "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Timestamp format",
                        "type": "string"
                    "transmit_power": {
                        "description": "Transmit power of adapter, only available for Z-Stack (CC253*/CC2652/CC1352) adapters, CC2652 = 5dbm, CC1352 max is = 20dbm (5dbm default)",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Transmit power",
                        "type": [
                "title": "Advanced",
                "type": "object"
            "availability": {
                "description": "Checks whether devices are online/offline",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Availability (simple)",
                        "type": "boolean"
                        "properties": {
                            "active": {
                                "description": "Options for active devices (routers/mains powered)",
                                "properties": {
                                    "timeout": {
                                        "default": 10,
                                        "description": "Time after which an active device will be marked as offline in minutes",
                                        "requiresRestart": true,
                                        "title": "Timeout",
                                        "type": "number"
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Active",
                                "type": "object"
                            "passive": {
                                "description": "Options for passive devices (mostly battery powered)",
                                "properties": {
                                    "timeout": {
                                        "default": 1500,
                                        "description": "Time after which an passive device will be marked as offline in minutes",
                                        "requiresRestart": true,
                                        "title": "Timeout",
                                        "type": "number"
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Passive",
                                "type": "object"
                        "title": "Availability (advanced)",
                        "type": "object"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Availability"
            "ban": {
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "readOnly": true,
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Ban (deprecated, use blocklist)",
                "type": "array"
            "blocklist": {
                "description": "Block devices from the network (by ieeeAddr)",
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Blocklist",
                "type": "array"
            "device_options": {
                "title": "Options that are applied to all devices",
                "type": "object"
            "devices": {
                "patternProperties": {
                    "^.*$": {
                        "$ref": "#/definitions/device"
                "propertyNames": {
                    "pattern": "^0x[\\d\\w]{16}$"
                "type": "object"
            "external_converters": {
                "description": "You can define external converters to e.g. add support for a DiY device",
                "examples": [
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "External converters",
                "type": "array"
            "frontend": {
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Frontend (simple)",
                        "type": "boolean"
                        "properties": {
                            "auth_token": {
                                "description": "Enables authentication, disabled by default",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Auth token",
                                "type": [
                            "host": {
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Frontend binding host",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Bind host",
                                "type": "string"
                            "port": {
                                "default": 8080,
                                "description": "Frontend binding port",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Port",
                                "type": "number"
                            "url": {
                                "description": "URL on which the frontend can be reached, currently only used for the Home Assistant device configuration page",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "URL",
                                "type": [
                        "title": "Frontend (advanced)",
                        "type": "object"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Frontend"
            "groups": {
                "patternProperties": {
                    "^.*$": {
                        "$ref": "#/definitions/group"
                "propertyNames": {
                    "pattern": "^[\\w].*$"
                "type": "object"
            "homeassistant": {
                "default": false,
                "description": "Home Assistant integration (MQTT discovery)",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Home Assistant (simple)",
                        "type": "boolean"
                        "properties": {
                            "discovery_topic": {
                                "description": "Home Assistant discovery topic",
                                "examples": [
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Homeassistant discovery topic",
                                "type": "string"
                            "legacy_entity_attributes": {
                                "default": true,
                                "description": "Home Assistant legacy entity attributes, when enabled Zigbee2MQTT will add state attributes to each entity, additional to the separate entities and devices it already creates",
                                "title": "Home Assistant legacy entity attributes",
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "legacy_triggers": {
                                "default": true,
                                "description": "Home Assistant legacy triggers, when enabled Zigbee2mqt will send an empty 'action' or 'click' after one has been send. A 'sensor_action' and 'sensor_click' will be discoverd",
                                "title": "Home Assistant legacy triggers",
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "status_topic": {
                                "description": "Home Assistant status topic",
                                "examples": [
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Home Assistant status topic",
                                "type": "string"
                        "title": "Home Assistant (advanced)",
                        "type": "object"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Home Assistant integration"
            "map_options": {
                "properties": {
                    "graphviz": {
                        "properties": {
                            "colors": {
                                "properties": {
                                    "fill": {
                                        "properties": {
                                            "coordinator": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "enddevice": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "router": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                        "type": "object"
                                    "font": {
                                        "properties": {
                                            "coordinator": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "enddevice": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "router": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                        "type": "object"
                                    "line": {
                                        "properties": {
                                            "active": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "inactive": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                        "type": "object"
                                "type": "object"
                        "type": "object"
                "title": "Networkmap",
                "type": "object"
            "mqtt": {
                "properties": {
                    "base_topic": {
                        "default": "zigbee2mqtt",
                        "description": "MQTT base topic for Zigbee2MQTT MQTT messages",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Base topic",
                        "type": "string"
                    "ca": {
                        "description": "Absolute path to SSL/TLS certificate of CA used to sign server and client certificates",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Certificate authority",
                        "type": "string"
                    "cert": {
                        "description": "Absolute path to SSL/TLS certificate for client-authentication",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "SSL/TLS certificate",
                        "type": "string"
                    "client_id": {
                        "description": "MQTT client ID",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Client ID",
                        "type": "string"
                    "force_disable_retain": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Disable retain for all send messages. ONLY enable if you MQTT broker doesn't support retained message (e.g. AWS IoT core, Azure IoT Hub, Google Cloud IoT core, IBM Watson IoT Platform). Enabling will break the Home Assistant integration",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Force disable retain",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "include_device_information": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Include device information to mqtt messages",
                        "title": "Include device information",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "keepalive": {
                        "default": 60,
                        "description": "MQTT keepalive in second",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Keepalive",
                        "type": "number"
                    "key": {
                        "description": "Absolute path to SSL/TLS key for client-authentication",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "SSL/TLS key",
                        "type": "string"
                    "password": {
                        "description": "MQTT server authentication password",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Password",
                        "type": "string"
                    "reject_unauthorized": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Disable self-signed SSL certificate",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Reject unauthorized",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "server": {
                        "description": "MQTT server URL (use mqtts:// for SSL/TLS connection)",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "MQTT server",
                        "type": "string"
                    "user": {
                        "description": "MQTT server authentication user",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "User",
                        "type": "string"
                    "version": {
                        "default": 4,
                        "description": "MQTT protocol version",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Version",
                        "type": [
                "required": [
                "title": "MQTT",
                "type": "object"
            "ota": {
                "properties": {
                    "disable_automatic_update_check": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Zigbee devices may request a firmware update, and do so frequently, causing Zigbee2MQTT to reach out to third party servers. If you disable these device initiated checks, you can still initiate a firmware update check manually.",
                        "title": "Disable automatic update check",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "ikea_ota_use_test_url": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Use IKEA TRADFRI OTA test server, see OTA updates documentation",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "IKEA TRADFRI OTA use test url",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "update_check_interval": {
                        "default": 1440,
                        "description": "Your device may request a check for a new firmware update. This value determines how frequently third party servers may actually be contacted to look for firmware updates. The value is set in minutes, and the default is 1 day.",
                        "title": "Update check interval",
                        "type": "number"
                    "zigbee_ota_override_index_location": {
                        "description": "Location of override OTA index file",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "OTA index override file name",
                        "type": "string"
                "title": "OTA updates",
                "type": "object"
            "passlist": {
                "description": "Allow only certain devices to join the network (by ieeeAddr). Note that all devices not on the passlist will be removed from the network!",
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Passlist",
                "type": "array"
            "permit_join": {
                "default": false,
                "description": "Allow new devices to join (re-applied at restart)",
                "title": "Permit join",
                "type": "boolean"
            "serial": {
                "properties": {
                    "adapter": {
                        "default": "auto",
                        "description": "Adapter type, not needed unless you are experiencing problems",
                        "enum": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Adapter",
                        "type": [
                    "baudrate": {
                        "description": "Baud rate speed for serial port, this can be anything firmware support but default is 115200 for Z-Stack and EZSP, 38400 for Deconz, however note that some EZSP firmware need 57600",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Baudrate",
                        "type": "number"
                    "disable_led": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Disable LED of the adapter if supported",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Disable led",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "port": {
                        "description": "Location of the adapter. To autodetect the port, set null",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Port",
                        "type": [
                    "rtscts": {
                        "description": "RTS / CTS Hardware Flow Control for serial port",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "RTS / CTS",
                        "type": "boolean"
                "title": "Serial",
                "type": "object"
            "whitelist": {
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "readOnly": true,
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Whitelist (deprecated, use passlist)",
                "type": "array"
        "required": [
        "type": "object"
    "coordinator": {
        "ieee_address": "0x00124b001cd4054f",
        "meta": {
            "maintrel": 3,
            "majorrel": 2,
            "minorrel": 6,
            "product": 0,
            "revision": 20201127,
            "transportrev": 2
        "type": "zStack12"
    "log_level": "debug",
    "network": {
        "channel": 11,
        "extended_pan_id": "0x00124b001cd4054f",
        "pan_id": 6754
    "permit_join": false,
    "restart_required": false,
    "version": "1.25.2"

Donc tu as une deuxième clé ?
Si oui et pour éliminer le souci materiel sur l’autre clé, flashe la en mode controler et tente d’y raccorder la prise

Et ça, ça donne quoi ?

Comme quoi des neurones supplémentaires peuvent aider :wink: .
Essayons de lister les étapes:

  • Reflash de la seconde clé en mode controler => OK
  • Utilisation sur un autre Raspi avec autre instance zigbee2mqtt => plusieurs tentatives d’appairage prise & ampoule IKEA, mais en échec. L’inclusion de la prise commence par départ du réseau puis inclusion.
Warning 2022-06-25 20:05:03Device '0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78' left the network
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:03MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/event', payload '{"data":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78","ieee_address":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78"},"type":"device_leave"}'
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:03MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78"},"type":"device_removed"}'
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:08Device '0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78' joined
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:08MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/event', payload '{"data":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78","ieee_address":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78"},"type":"device_joined"}'
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:08MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"message":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78"},"type":"device_connected"}'
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:08Starting interview of '0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78'
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:08MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/event', payload '{"data":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78","ieee_address":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78","status":"started"},"type":"device_interview"}'
Info 2022-06-25 20:05:08MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"message":"interview_started","meta":{"friendly_name":"0xa4c1383c4cf4cb78"},"type":"pairing"}'
  • Utilisation sur Raspi ‹ prod › avec autre instance zigbee2mqtt & nouvelle clé : idem : tentative d’inclusion en échec.
    Par contre j’ai retenté une inclusion sans supprimer l’appareil et la => juste le message « device left the network » sans tentatives d’inclusion.
    En synthèse :
  • je ne sais pas pourquoi l’inclusion sur nouvelle instance est KO
  • je pense avoir un scénario (1ère inclusion KO, nouvelle tentative sans supression de l’appareil ) qui décrit / reproduis mon cas
  • @Pulpy-Luke merci pour m’avoir éclairci les idées

==> prochaine étape correction, mais la j’ai besoin d’un autre indice :wink:

Je n’ai pas de gateway tuya, si tu as un mode op/ tuto sans gwy tuya je suis preneur, car je suis resté un peu bloqué :confused:

C’est pas logique pour moi… Pour un départ, il faut être dedans ! En principe avec une clé vierge (puisque reflash, aucun de tes devices n’est connus). ça veut dire que ton zigbee2mqtt contient déjà les appareils ?? Genre backup/synchro ?

Perso, arrivé là moi je fais un backup, je dégage zigbee2mqtt (y compris en effaçant le dossier /config/zigbee2mqtt), je reflash la clé, je remet un z2m tout neuf et je repars de 0. En renommant les appareils après inclusion avec le même friendly name, ça remontera correctement dans les cartes/automatisations

S’il faut la gateway alors … et comme je ne maitrises pas cette partie… Tant pis

On va mettre cela sur le compte des petits lutins de la domotique ou une clé qui avait besoin d’un peu de repos / de frais.
Dans une dernière tentative après avoir remis ma clé initiale, j’ai finalement réussi à ré-inclure cette prise, faire la mise à jour (pour éviter les coupures intempestives, mieux pour un congélo…)
Bref problème résolu, sans forcément beaucoup d’explications, mais essai/erreurs et un support de @Pulpy-Luke sincèrement apprécié.
Il est peut être temps de songer à un dongle Sonoff ZB :wink:

Alors là, il faut mettre un cercle de farine autour de ton installation domotique. Comme ça s’ils reviennent tu n’as plus qu’à suivre les traces de pas :joy:.
En tout cas, content que ça remarche