Problème Zwave suite ajout clé Zigbee

Bonjour @ tous,
j’ai rajouté sur mon khadas Vi1M une clé conbee II. J’avais avant cela un clé Zwave connectée avec quelques périphériques connectés. Depuis que j’ai connecté la clé Conbee, Zwave Js ne fonctionne plus , j’ai essayé de réinitialiser la config,. Supprimé Zwave-JS en ayant enlevé la clé au préalable et plusieurs redémarrages sans succés. Je vous joins les logs, il manque apparemment un pilote, mais ayant des compétences limités, je ne sais pas comment résoudre mon problème.
Merci @ tous de votre aide


· GetRoutingInfo (0x80)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_LOCK_ROUTE_RESPONSE (0x90)
                                    · GetPriorityRoute (0x92)
                                    · SetPriorityRoute (0x93)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x98 (0x98)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xB4 (0xb4)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_WATCH_DOG_ENABLE (0xb6)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_WATCH_DOG_DISABLE (0xb7)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_WATCH_DOG_KICK (0xb8)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xB9 (0xb9)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_RF_POWERLEVEL_GET (0xba)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_GET_LIBRARY_TYPE (0xbd)
                                    · SendTestFrame (0xbe)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_GET_PROTOCOL_STATUS (0xbf)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD2 (0xd2)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD3 (0xd3)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD4 (0xd4)
                                    · undefined (0xee)
                                    · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xEF (0xef)
2024-06-23T16:26:13.999Z CNTRLR   querying additional controller information...
2024-06-23T16:26:14.140Z CNTRLR   received additional controller information:
                                    Z-Wave API version:         5 (legacy)
                                    Z-Wave chip type:           ZW050x
                                    node type                   Controller
                                    controller role:            primary
                                    controller is the SIS:      true
                                    controller supports timers: false
                                    Z-Wave Classic nodes:       1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
2024-06-23T16:26:14.143Z CNTRLR   querying version info...
2024-06-23T16:26:14.191Z CNTRLR   received version info:
                                    controller type: Static Controller
                                    library version: Z-Wave 4.24
2024-06-23T16:26:14.193Z CNTRLR   querying protocol version info...
2024-06-23T16:26:14.240Z CNTRLR   received protocol version info:
                                    protocol type:             Z-Wave
                                    protocol version:          4.24.0
2024-06-23T16:26:14.244Z CNTRLR   querying controller capabilities...
2024-06-23T16:26:14.279Z CNTRLR   received controller capabilities:
                                    controller role:      primary
                                    is the SUC:           true
                                    started this network: true
                                    SIS is present:       true
                                    was real primary:     false
2024-06-23T16:26:14.282Z CNTRLR   supported Z-Wave features: 
2024-06-23T16:26:14.289Z CNTRLR   Performing soft reset...
2024-06-23T16:26:14.311Z CNTRLR   Waiting for the controller to reconnect...
2024-06-23T16:26:15.815Z CNTRLR   Waiting for the Serial API to start...
2024-06-23T16:26:20.817Z CNTRLR   Did not receive notification that Serial API has started, checking if it respo
2024-06-23T16:26:20.836Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:20.944Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:22.058Z CNTRLR   Serial API did not respond, trying again in 2 seconds...
2024-06-23T16:26:24.074Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:24.179Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:25.286Z CNTRLR   Serial API did not respond, trying again in 5 seconds...
2024-06-23T16:26:30.303Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:30.410Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:31.520Z CNTRLR   Serial API did not respond, trying again in 10 seconds...
2024-06-23T16:26:41.539Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:41.643Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:42.751Z CNTRLR   Serial API did not respond, trying again in 15 seconds...
2024-06-23T16:26:57.776Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:57.883Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2024-06-23T16:26:58.991Z CNTRLR   Serial API did not respond, giving up
2024-06-23T16:26:58.994Z DRIVER   Failed to initialize the driver: ZWaveError: The Serial API did not respond af
                                  ter soft-reset (ZW0100)
                                      at Driver.softResetInternal (/usr/src/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver
                                      at Driver.initializeControllerAndNodes (/usr/src/node_modules/zwave-js/src
                                      at Immediate.<anonymous> (/usr/src/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Dr
Error in driver ZWaveError: Failed to initialize the driver: ZWaveError: The Serial API did not respond after soft-reset (ZW0100)
    at Driver.softResetInternal (/usr/src/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:2655:11)
    at Driver.initializeControllerAndNodes (/usr/src/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:1493:5)
    at Immediate.<anonymous> (/usr/src/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:1276:5) (ZW0100)
    at Immediate.<anonymous> (/usr/src/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:1296:6) {
  code: 100,
  context: undefined,
  transactionSource: undefined
Shutting down
[16:26:59] WARNING: Halt add-on
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped

Ma configuration


System Information

version core-2024.6.4
installation_type Home Assistant Supervised
dev false
hassio true
docker true
user root
virtualenv false
python_version 3.12.2
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.180
arch aarch64
timezone Europe/Paris
config_dir /config
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API ok
GitHub Content ok
GitHub Web ok
GitHub API Calls Remaining 5000
Installed Version 1.34.0
Stage running
Available Repositories 1385
Downloaded Repositories 11
Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in false
can_reach_cert_server ok
can_reach_cloud_auth ok
can_reach_cloud ok
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2024.06.2
agent_version 1.5.1
docker_version 24.0.2
disk_total 14.4 GB
disk_used 13.5 GB
healthy true
supported true
host_connectivity true
supervisor_connectivity true
ntp_synchronized true
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons SomfyProtect2MQTT (2024.3.0), Mosquitto broker (6.4.1), Linky (1.4.0), UniFi Network Application (3.1.0), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.112.1), Terminal & SSH (9.14.0), ZeroTier One (0.18.0), File editor (5.8.0), Studio Code Server (5.15.0), Music Assistant (2.0.7), Z-Wave JS (0.6.2)
dashboards 2
resources 8
views 8
mode storage
oldest_recorder_run 23 juin 2024 à 02:53
current_recorder_run 23 juin 2024 à 18:14
estimated_db_size 138.76 MiB
database_engine sqlite
database_version 3.44.2

as-tu des rallonges USB pour les clés zwave et zigbee ?
Si tu n’en avais pas, il faudrait essayer avec des rallonges sur chaque clé.

Non, les deux clés sont branchées directement. Je teste et te fais un retour du résultat. Je reboote home assistant après avoir mis les rallonges ?

J’aurais éteint d’abord HA et brancher les rallonges, puis démarrer HA.

Je viens de tester, le résultat est identique, je vois la clé qu’il faut installer. Je lance l’installation, il me demande les clés, je laisse vide pour qu’il en génère de nouvelles. et après cela j’ai le message d’erreur que le module n’a pas pu démarrer.


Une piste pour m’aider à résoudre mon problème ?

Bonjour, après de multiples recherches et tentatives, je n’arrive toujours pas à refaire fonctionner ma clé Z-wave.
J’ai supprimer et désinstaller plusieurs fois toutes les applications Z-wave. Echanger les ports USB, débrancher ma clé Conbee … sans succès. Je désespère vraiment.

Je précise que je suis sur un Khadas VIM1S.

Dans Z-Wave JS, j’ai ce message d’erreur, comme quoi le pilote n’arrive pas à s’initialiser:

Driver: Failed to initialize the driver%3A ZWaveError%3A The Serial API did not respond after soft-reset (ZW0100) at Driver.softResetinternal (lopt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:2647:11) at Driver. initializeControllerAndNodes (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/rc/ib/driver/Driver ts: 1485:5) at Immediate.%3Canonymous%3E (lopt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts: 1271:5) (ZW0100) - CONTROLLER STATISTICS IX%0AError: Driver: Failed to initialize the driver: ZWaveError: The Serial API did not respond after soft-reset (ZW0100) at Driver. softResetinternal%0ACOMPACT%0A(/opt/node_modules/zwave js/src/lib/driver/Driverts:2647:11) at Driver initializeControllerAndNodes (/opt/node_modules/zave-s/src/ib/driver/Driver-ts: 1485:5)%0Aat Immediate.% 3Canonymous%3E (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts: 1271:5) (ZWO100)