Tutoriel détecteur LD2450 esphome

merci @jerome6994 pour le plotly-graph :star_struck:

2 « J'aime »

Merci pour la carte ploty-graph

De rien c’est avec plaisir
Partage du visuel et de son code me semble juste et normal quand on voit l’aide que chacun donne ici ou ailleurs

C’est mon papa qui me fait mes modules et voila le code qu’il a utilisé, j’ai lu plus haut qu’il était possible d’ajouter plus de 3 zones. Qu’est ce que je doit ajouter au code pour avoir une 4eme zone ?.

Avez aussi trouver si il était possible tous comme le LD2410 de jouer sur la sensibilité static target, impossible de trouver ce réglage même avec l’application bluethoot et il arrive que lorsqu’on reste immobile le capteur ne nous détecte plus. Avec le 2410 et le réglage de sensibilité rien qu’en respirant le graphique de sensibilité detecte notre respiration ( mouvement)

  name: esp32-presence-radar
  friendly_name: "Presence Radar"
  espID: "esp32_presence_radar"

  name: ${name}
    - priority: 2000
        lambda: |-

  update_interval: 30s

    key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="

  password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

  - id: last_update_ld2450
    type: unsigned long
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: init_zone_publish
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "false"

  level: INFO
  baud_rate: 0

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  - ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
    password: !secret wifi_password
    priority: 2
  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "presenceseba Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "connection"
  output_power: 10dB


  port: 80

  - id: check_zone1_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone1_x_begin).state > id(zone1_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone1_y_begin).state > id(zone1_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone1_x_begin).state == 0, id(zone1_x_end).state == 0, id(zone1_y_begin).state == 0, id(zone1_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone1_x_end).state - id(zone1_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone1_y_end).state - id(zone1_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone2_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone2_x_begin).state > id(zone2_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone2_y_begin).state > id(zone2_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone2_x_begin).state == 0, id(zone2_x_end).state == 0, id(zone2_y_begin).state == 0, id(zone2_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone2_x_end).state - id(zone2_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone2_y_end).state - id(zone2_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone3_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone3_x_begin).state > id(zone3_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone3_y_begin).state > id(zone3_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone3_x_begin).state == 0, id(zone3_x_end).state == 0, id(zone3_y_begin).state == 0, id(zone3_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone3_x_end).state - id(zone3_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone3_y_end).state - id(zone3_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zout1_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone_ex1_x_begin).state > id(zone_ex1_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone_ex1_y_begin).state > id(zone_ex1_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Zone Exclusion 1");

  - platform: restart
    name: "ESP32 Restart ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: safe_mode
    name: "ESP32 Safe Mode Boot ${friendly_name}"
    entity_category: diagnostic

  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Enable ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:account-cancel
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  - platform: debug
      name: "ESP Reset Reason"
      icon: mdi:anchor
      disabled_by_default: True
  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "ESP IP Address ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Connected SSID ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Connected BSSID ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Mac Wifi Address ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Latest Scan Results ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone1_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone2_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone3_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone_ex1_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Zone Exclusion 1" };
    update_interval: 1000s

  - platform: status
    name: "ESP Status ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: template
    name: "Any Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: any_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(any_presence_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone1_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone2_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone3_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_target_exsits
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-remove
    device_class: occupancy
  - platform: gpio
      number: 18
    name: "PIR Sensor"
    device_class: motion

  - platform: internal_temperature
    name: "ESP Temperature ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: wifi_signal # Reports the WiFi signal strength/RSSI in dB
    name: "WiFi Signal dB ${friendly_name}"
    id: wifi_signal_db
    update_interval: 60s
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
  - platform: copy # Reports the WiFi signal strength in %
    source_id: wifi_signal_db
    name: "WiFi Signal Percent ${friendly_name}"
      - lambda: return min(max(2 * (x + 100.0), 0.0), 100.0);
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
  - platform: uptime
    name: "ESP Uptime ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: template
    name: "All Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: all_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-minus-outline
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 X ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Y ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Speed ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 2
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Resolution ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 X ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
    # update_interval: 1s
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Y ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Speed ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Resolution ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 X ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Y ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Speed ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
    # update_interval: 1s
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Resolution ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance

  - platform: template
    name: "Any Presence Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: any_presence_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 7500
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True

  id: uart_ld2450
    number: GPIO17
      #pullup: true
    number: GPIO16
      #pullup: true
  baud_rate: 256000
  parity: NONE
  stop_bits: 1
    direction: BOTH
    dummy_receiver: True
     delimiter: [0X55, 0XCC]
      - lambda: |-
          if ((millis() - id(last_update_ld2450)) <= 500) { 
          id(last_update_ld2450) = millis();

          // p1
          int16_t p1_x = (uint16_t((bytes[5] << 8) | bytes[4] ));
          if ((bytes[5] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_x -= pow(2, 15); 
            p1_x = 0 - p1_x;

          int16_t p1_y = (uint16_t((bytes[7] << 8) | bytes[6] ));
          if ((bytes[7] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p1_y = 0 - p1_y;

          int p1_speed = (bytes[9] << 8 | bytes[8] );
          if ((bytes[9] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p1_speed = 0 - p1_speed;
          int16_t p1_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[11] << 8) | bytes[10] )); 

          // p2
          int16_t p2_x = (uint16_t((bytes[13] << 8) | bytes[12] ));
          if ((bytes[13] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_x -=  pow(2, 15); 
            p2_x = 0 - p2_x;

          int16_t p2_y = (uint16_t((bytes[15] << 8) | bytes[14] ));
          if ((bytes[15] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p2_y = 0 - p2_y;

          int p2_speed = (bytes[17] << 8 | bytes[16] );
          if ((bytes[17] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p2_speed = 0 - p2_speed;
          int16_t p2_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[19] << 8) | bytes[18] )); 

          // p3
          int16_t p3_x = (uint16_t((bytes[21] << 8) | bytes[20] ));
          if ((bytes[21] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_x -=  pow(2, 15); 
            p3_x = 0 - p3_x;

          int16_t p3_y = (uint16_t((bytes[23] << 8) | bytes[22] ));
          if ((bytes[23] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p3_y = 0 - p3_y;

          int p3_speed = (bytes[25] << 8 | bytes[24] );
          if ((bytes[25] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p3_speed = 0 - p3_speed;
          int16_t p3_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[27] << 8) | bytes[26] )); 

          bool p1_vaild = (p1_x != 0 || p1_y > 0);
          bool p2_vaild = (p2_x != 0 || p2_y > 0);
          bool p3_vaild = (p3_x != 0 || p3_y > 0);

          // zone exlude 1

          int16_t target_count_in_zone_ex1 = 0;

          int16_t zone_ex1_x_min = id(zone_ex1_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_x_max = id(zone_ex1_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_y_min = id(zone_ex1_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_y_max = id(zone_ex1_y_end).state;

          bool p1_zone_ex_enter = false;
          bool p2_zone_ex_enter = false;
          bool p3_zone_ex_enter = false;

          if (id(zone_ex1_enable).state){
            if (p1_vaild){
              if (p1_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p1_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p1_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p1_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p1_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;
            if (p2_vaild){
              if (p2_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p2_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p2_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p2_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p2_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;
            if (p3_vaild){
              if (p3_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p3_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p3_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p3_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p3_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_ex1 = (target_count_in_zone_ex1 > 0);
          int16_t all_target_counts = 0;
          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_all = (all_target_counts > 0);

          // zone 1 check

          int16_t target_count_in_zone1 = 0;
          int16_t zone1_x_min = id(zone1_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone1_x_max = id(zone1_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone1_y_min = id(zone1_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone1_y_max = id(zone1_y_end).state;

          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p1_x >= zone1_x_min && p1_x <= zone1_x_max && p1_y >= zone1_y_min && p1_y <= zone1_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone1 ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p2_x >= zone1_x_min && p2_x <= zone1_x_max && p2_y >= zone1_y_min && p2_y <= zone1_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone1 ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p3_x >= zone1_x_min && p3_x <= zone1_x_max && p3_y >= zone1_y_min && p3_y <= zone1_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone1 ++;
          bool has_target_in_zone1 = (target_count_in_zone1 > 0);

          // zone 2 check

          int16_t target_count_in_zone2 = 0;
          int16_t zone2_x_min = id(zone2_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone2_x_max = id(zone2_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone2_y_min = id(zone2_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone2_y_max = id(zone2_y_end).state;

          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p1_x >= zone2_x_min && p1_x <= zone2_x_max && p1_y >= zone2_y_min && p1_y <= zone2_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone2 ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p2_x >= zone2_x_min && p2_x <= zone2_x_max && p2_y >= zone2_y_min && p2_y <= zone2_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone2 ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p3_x >= zone2_x_min && p3_x <= zone2_x_max && p3_y >= zone2_y_min && p3_y <= zone2_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone2 ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone2 = (target_count_in_zone2 > 0);

          // zone 3 check

          int16_t target_count_in_zone3 = 0;
          int16_t zone3_x_min = id(zone3_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone3_x_max = id(zone3_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone3_y_min = id(zone3_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone3_y_max = id(zone3_y_end).state;

          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p1_x >= zone3_x_min && p1_x <= zone3_x_max && p1_y >= zone3_y_min && p1_y <= zone3_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone3 ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p2_x >= zone3_x_min && p2_x <= zone3_x_max && p2_y >= zone3_y_min && p2_y <= zone3_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone3 ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p3_x >= zone3_x_min && p3_x <= zone3_x_max && p3_y >= zone3_y_min && p3_y <= zone3_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone3 ++;
          bool has_target_in_zone3 = (target_count_in_zone3 > 0);

          // public all info
          if (id(target1_x).state != p1_x){
          if (id(target1_y).state != p1_y){

          float p1_m_speed = float(p1_speed) / 100.0;
          if (id(target1_speed).state != p1_m_speed){
          if (id(target1_resolution).state != p1_distance_resolution){

          if (id(target2_x).state != p2_x){
          if (id(target2_y).state != p2_y){
          if (id(target2_speed).state != p2_speed){
          if (id(target2_resolution).state != p2_distance_resolution){

          if (id(target3_x).state != p3_x){
          if (id(target3_y).state != p3_y){
          if (id(target3_speed).state != p3_speed){
          if (id(target3_resolution).state != p3_distance_resolution){

          // publish target info
          if (id(all_target_count).state != all_target_counts){
          }else if (id(any_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_all){

          if (id(zone1_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone1){
          }else if (id(zone1_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone1){

          if (id(zone2_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone2){
          }else if (id(zone2_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone2){

          if (id(zone3_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone3){
          }else if (id(zone3_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone3){
          // zout
          if (id(zone_ex1_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone_ex1){

          if (id(zone_ex1_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_ex1){

          if (!id(init_zone_publish)){
            id(init_zone_publish) = true;

Avez aussi trouver si il était possible tous comme le LD2410 de jouer sur la sensibilité static target,

La doc du LD2450 ne parle d’aucun réglage que se soit. Et donc pas de la sensibilité.

Pour les zones, il faut se mettre dans le code. Je me suis remis à travaillé sur le LD 2450 depuis hier. Je pense que d’ici le WE prochain, je pourrais fournir un nouveau code avec 6 zones de détections et 3 d’exclusions

4 « J'aime »

Comme promis voilà la mise à jour du code. Il y a maintenant six zones de détections et trois d’exclusions.

J’ai aussi mis à jour la carte qui permet de visualiser ce que voit le capteur. Il fonctionne avec la carte « Plotly-graph » que l’on peut installer dans HACS avec le dépôt du même nom.
Les zones d’exclusion n’apparaissent sur la carte que si ils sont activés dans l’ESP32.

Le GitHub est à jour


Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, Zout1 est un frigo et son déclenchement pourrait provoquer un faux positif. Zout2 et 3 sont des fenêtres équipées de rideaux. J’ai ajouté dans Home assistant une automatisation qui active uniquement ces deux zones d’exclusion lorsque les fenêtres sont ouvertes, évitant ainsi que les rideaux soient détectés en faux positif à cause du vent.

La Zone3, à cheval sur la Zone1 et 2, quant à elle est situé sur une porte. Elle permet d’allumer la lumière de la pièce dans laquelle on arrive avant même d’être rentré dedans, évitant ainsi un décalage d’une seconde à l’allumage.

La zone en pointillé gris clair représente la zone de détection approximative du capteur. Son motif en forme de poire provient de la documentation de HLK. Elle permet de comprendre que la zone optimale de détections est de 6 mètres mais que l’on peut aller un peu plus loin en pratique.


  devicename: hpsz-room
#ESP32/LD2450 : Human Presence Sensor by Zone
  name: $devicename
  comment: Human Presence Sensor by Zone (ESP32/LD2450)
  #name_add_mac_suffix: True
    board_build.flash_mode: dio
    # board_build.f_cpu: 80000000L
    name: 53l3cu5.Human_Presence_Sensor_by_Zone
    version: 2.O
    - priority: -200
        lambda: |-

    flash_write_interval: 5s

  board: esp32dev

  - id: last_update_ld2450
    type: unsigned long
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: init_zone_publish
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "false"
  - id: last_illuminance
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "-1"
  - id: last_illuminance_timestamp
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "-1"


  update_interval: 30s

    key: "Xd8KczJ8qKVYtAjyh3zVPar7zF8pkmZeOpnHSfjOqwA="
  # use your own ota password plz. this is a words by Socrates.
  password: !secret ota_password
  safe_mode: False

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  power_save_mode: LIGHT
  reboot_timeout: 10min
    ssid: "${devicename} Hotspot"
    password: !secret hotspot_password


  port: 80
  - platform: debug
      name: "ESP Reset Reason"
      icon: mdi:anchor
      disabled_by_default: True
  - platform: wifi_info
      name: ESP IP Address
      entity_category: "diagnostic"
      disabled_by_default: True
      icon: mdi:ip-network
      name: ESP MAC
      entity_category: "diagnostic"
      icon: mdi:ip-network
      disabled_by_default: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Info"
    id: tips_zone1_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Info"
    id: tips_zone2_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Info"
    id: tips_zone3_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone4 Info"
    id: tips_zone4_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone5 Info"
    id: tips_zone5_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone6 Info"
    id: tips_zone6_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Info"
    id: tips_zone_ex1_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Zone Exclusion 1" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout2 Info"
    id: tips_zone_ex2_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Zone Exclusion 2" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout3 Info"
    id: tips_zone_ex3_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Zone Exclusion 3" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Any-Presence Info"
    id: tips_any_presence_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Any Presence Config" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Direction"
    id: target1_direction
    icon: mdi:directions
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Direction"
    id: target2_direction
    icon: mdi:directions
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Direction"
    id: target3_direction
    icon: mdi:directions
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Position"
    id: target1_position
    icon: mdi:directions
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Position"
    id: target2_position
    icon: mdi:directions
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Position"
    id: target3_position
    icon: mdi:directions

  - platform: template
    name: "Any Presence Timeout"
    id: any_presence_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Timeout"
    id: zone1_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Timeout"
    id: zone2_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Timeout"
    id: zone3_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone4 Timeout"
    id: zone4_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone5 Timeout"
    id: zone5_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone6 Timeout"
    id: zone6_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  # Zone 1
  - platform: template
    name: Zone1 X-Begin
    id: zone1_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone1_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone1 X-End
    id: zone1_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone1_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone1 Y-Begin
    id: zone1_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone1_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone1 Y-End
    id: zone1_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone1_vaild
  # Zone 2
  - platform: template
    name: Zone2 X-Begin
    id: zone2_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone2_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone2 X-End
    id: zone2_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone2_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone2 Y-Begin
    id: zone2_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone2_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone2 Y-End
    id: zone2_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone2_vaild
  # Zone 3
  - platform: template
    name: Zone3 X-Begin
    id: zone3_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone3_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone3 X-End
    id: zone3_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone3_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone3 Y-Begin
    id: zone3_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone3_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone3 Y-End
    id: zone3_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone3_vaild
  # Zone 4
  - platform: template
    name: Zone4 X-Begin
    id: zone4_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone4_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone4 X-End
    id: zone4_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone4_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone4 Y-Begin
    id: zone4_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone4_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone4 Y-End
    id: zone4_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone4_vaild
  # Zone 5
  - platform: template
    name: Zone5 X-Begin
    id: zone5_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone5_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone5 X-End
    id: zone5_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone5_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone5 Y-Begin
    id: zone5_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone5_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone5 Y-End
    id: zone5_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone5_vaild
  # Zone 6
  - platform: template
    name: Zone6 X-Begin
    id: zone6_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone6_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone6 X-End
    id: zone6_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone6_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone6 Y-Begin
    id: zone6_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone6_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zone6 Y-End
    id: zone6_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zone6_vaild
  # Zout1
  - platform: template
    name: Zout1 X-Begin
    id: zone_ex1_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout1_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout1 X-End
    id: zone_ex1_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout1_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout1 Y-Begin
    id: zone_ex1_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout1_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout1 Y-End
    id: zone_ex1_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout1_vaild
  # Zout2
  - platform: template
    name: Zout2 X-Begin
    id: zone_ex2_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout2_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout2 X-End
    id: zone_ex2_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout2_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout2 Y-Begin
    id: zone_ex2_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout2_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout2 Y-End
    id: zone_ex2_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout2_vaild
  # Zout3
  - platform: template
    name: Zout3 X-Begin
    id: zone_ex3_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout3_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout3 X-End
    id: zone_ex3_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout3_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout3 Y-Begin
    id: zone_ex3_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout3_vaild
  - platform: template
    name: Zout3 Y-End
    id: zone_ex3_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
        - script.execute: check_zout3_vaild

  - platform: status
    name: Online
    id: ink_ha_connected
  - platform: template
    name: "Any Presence"
    id: any_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish) || !id(zone_fn_enable).state) {
            return 0;
          return id(any_presence_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Presence"
    id: zone1_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish) || !id(zone_fn_enable).state) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone1_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Presence"
    id: zone2_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish) || !id(zone_fn_enable).state) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone2_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Presence"
    id: zone3_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish) || !id(zone_fn_enable).state) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone3_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone4 Presence"
    id: zone4_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish) || !id(zone_fn_enable).state) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone4_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone5 Presence"
    id: zone5_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish) || !id(zone_fn_enable).state) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone5_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone6 Presence"
    id: zone6_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish) || !id(zone_fn_enable).state) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone6_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Presence"
    id: zone_ex1_target_exsits
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-remove
    device_class: occupancy
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout2 Presence"
    id: zone_ex2_target_exsits
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-remove
    device_class: occupancy
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout3 Presence"
    id: zone_ex3_target_exsits
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-remove
    device_class: occupancy

  - id: check_zone1_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone1_x_begin).state > id(zone1_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone1_y_begin).state > id(zone1_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone1_x_begin).state == 0 && id(zone1_x_end).state == 0 && id(zone1_y_begin).state == 0 && id(zone1_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone1_x_end).state - id(zone1_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone1_y_end).state - id(zone1_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone2_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone2_x_begin).state > id(zone2_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone2_y_begin).state > id(zone2_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone2_x_begin).state == 0 && id(zone2_x_end).state == 0 && id(zone2_y_begin).state == 0 && id(zone2_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone2_x_end).state - id(zone2_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone2_y_end).state - id(zone2_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone3_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone3_x_begin).state > id(zone3_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone3_y_begin).state > id(zone3_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone3_x_begin).state == 0 && id(zone3_x_end).state == 0 && id(zone3_y_begin).state == 0 && id(zone3_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone3_x_end).state - id(zone3_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone3_y_end).state - id(zone3_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone4_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone4_x_begin).state > id(zone4_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone4_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone4_y_begin).state > id(zone4_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone4_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone4_x_begin).state == 0 && id(zone4_x_end).state == 0 && id(zone4_y_begin).state == 0 && id(zone4_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone4_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone4_x_end).state - id(zone4_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone4_y_end).state - id(zone4_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone5_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone5_x_begin).state > id(zone5_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone5_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone5_y_begin).state > id(zone5_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone5_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone5_x_begin).state == 0 && id(zone5_x_end).state == 0 && id(zone5_y_begin).state == 0 && id(zone5_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone5_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone5_x_end).state - id(zone5_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone5_y_end).state - id(zone5_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone6_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone6_x_begin).state > id(zone6_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone6_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone6_y_begin).state > id(zone6_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone6_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone6_x_begin).state == 0 && id(zone6_x_end).state == 0 && id(zone6_y_begin).state == 0 && id(zone6_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone6_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone6_x_end).state - id(zone6_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone6_y_end).state - id(zone6_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zout1_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone_ex1_x_begin).state > id(zone_ex1_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone_ex1_y_begin).state > id(zone_ex1_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Zone Exclusion 1");

  - id: check_zout2_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone_ex2_x_begin).state > id(zone_ex2_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex2_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone_ex2_y_begin).state > id(zone_ex2_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex2_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          id(tips_zone_ex2_conf).publish_state("Zone Exclusion 2");

  - id: check_zout3_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone_ex3_x_begin).state > id(zone_ex3_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex3_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone_ex3_y_begin).state > id(zone_ex3_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex3_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          id(tips_zone_ex3_conf).publish_state("Zone Exclusion 3");

  - platform: uptime
    name: ESP Uptime
    id: sys_uptime
    update_interval: 60s
    disabled_by_default: True
  - platform: wifi_signal 
    name: RSSI
    id: wifi_signal_db
    update_interval: 60s
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
  # Advanced radar data
  - platform: template
    name: "All Target Counts"
    id: all_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Target Counts"
    id: zone1_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Target Counts"
    id: zone2_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Target Counts"
    id: zone3_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone4 Target Counts"
    id: zone4_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone5 Target Counts"
    id: zone5_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone6 Target Counts"
    id: zone6_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Target Counts"
    id: zone_ex1_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-minus-outline
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout2 Target Counts"
    id: zone_ex2_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-minus-outline
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout3 Target Counts"
    id: zone_ex3_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-minus-outline
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"

  # Target 1
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 X"
    id: target1_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    icon: mdi:focus-field-horizontal
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Y"
    id: target1_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
    icon: mdi:focus-field-vertical
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Speed"
    id: target1_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 2
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Resolution"
    id: target1_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  # Target 2
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 X"
    id: target2_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
    icon: mdi:focus-field-horizontal
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Y"
    id: target2_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
    icon: mdi:focus-field-vertical
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Speed"
    id: target2_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Resolution"
    id: target2_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance

  # Target 3
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 X"
    id: target3_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
    icon: mdi:focus-field-horizontal
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Y"
    id: target3_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
    icon: mdi:focus-field-vertical
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Speed"
    id: target3_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Resolution"
    id: target3_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Angle"
    id: target1_angle
    unit_of_measurement: 'º'
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    icon: mdi:angle-acute
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Angle"
    id: target2_angle
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: 'º'
    icon: mdi:angle-acute
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Angle"
    id: target3_angle
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: 'º'
    icon: mdi:angle-acute

  - platform: status_led
    name: sys_status
    pin: GPIO13
    internal: True
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
  - platform: binary
    name: "Red Info Light"
    output: board_info_ed
    entity_category: diagnostic
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
    disabled_by_default: True
  - platform: sntp
    id: time_now

  - platform: gpio
    id: board_info_ed
    pin: GPIO12

#  - platform: factory_reset
#    name: Factory Reset
#    disabled_by_default: True
#    icon: mdi:heart-broken
#    entity_category: diagnostic
  - platform: template
    name: Zout1 Enable
    id: zone_ex1_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:account-cancel
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
  - platform: template
    name: Zout2 Enable
    id: zone_ex2_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:account-cancel
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
  - platform: template
    name: Zout3 Enable
    id: zone_ex3_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:account-cancel
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
  - platform: template
    name: Target Enable
    id: target_fn_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:target-variant
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
  - platform: template
    name: Zone Enable
    id: zone_fn_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:target-variant
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
  - platform: template
    name: Illuminance Fast-Update
    id: bh1750_fast_update
    optimistic: True
    entity_category: diagnostic
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
    icon: mdi:run-fast
    disabled_by_default: True

  - platform: restart
    icon: mdi:power-cycle
    name: "ESP Reboot"
    entity_category: diagnostic

  id: uart_bus
    number: GPIO17
      input: true
      pullup: true
    number: GPIO16
      input: true
      pullup: true
  baud_rate: 256000
  parity: NONE
  stop_bits: 1
  data_bits: 8
    direction: BOTH
    dummy_receiver: True
     delimiter: [0X55, 0XCC]
      - lambda: |-
          if ((millis() - id(last_update_ld2450)) <= 500) { 
          id(last_update_ld2450) = millis();

          // p1
          int16_t p1_x = (uint16_t((bytes[5] << 8) | bytes[4] ));
          if ((bytes[5] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_x -= pow(2, 15); 
            p1_x = 0 - p1_x;
          p1_x = p1_x * -1;

          int16_t p1_y = (uint16_t((bytes[7] << 8) | bytes[6] ));
          if ((bytes[7] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p1_y = 0 - p1_y;

          int p1_speed = (bytes[9] << 8 | bytes[8] );
          if ((bytes[9] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p1_speed = 0 - p1_speed;
          int16_t p1_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[11] << 8) | bytes[10] )); 

          // p2
          int16_t p2_x = (uint16_t((bytes[13] << 8) | bytes[12] ));
          if ((bytes[13] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_x -=  pow(2, 15); 
            p2_x = 0 - p2_x;
          p2_x = p2_x * -1;

          int16_t p2_y = (uint16_t((bytes[15] << 8) | bytes[14] ));
          if ((bytes[15] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p2_y = 0 - p2_y;

          int p2_speed = (bytes[17] << 8 | bytes[16] );
          if ((bytes[17] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p2_speed = 0 - p2_speed;
          int16_t p2_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[19] << 8) | bytes[18] )); 

          // p3
          int16_t p3_x = (uint16_t((bytes[21] << 8) | bytes[20] ));
          if ((bytes[21] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_x -=  pow(2, 15); 
            p3_x = 0 - p3_x;
          p3_x = p3_x * -1;

          int16_t p3_y = (uint16_t((bytes[23] << 8) | bytes[22] ));
          if ((bytes[23] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p3_y = 0 - p3_y;

          int p3_speed = (bytes[25] << 8 | bytes[24] );
          if ((bytes[25] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p3_speed = 0 - p3_speed;
          int16_t p3_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[27] << 8) | bytes[26] )); 

          bool p1_vaild = (p1_x != 0 || p1_y > 0);
          bool p2_vaild = (p2_x != 0 || p2_y > 0);
          bool p3_vaild = (p3_x != 0 || p3_y > 0);

          // Zones exludes

          bool p1_zone_ex_enter = false;
          bool p2_zone_ex_enter = false;
          bool p3_zone_ex_enter = false;
          // zone exlude 1

          int16_t target_count_in_zone_ex1 = 0;

          int16_t zone_ex1_x_min = id(zone_ex1_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_x_max = id(zone_ex1_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_y_min = id(zone_ex1_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_y_max = id(zone_ex1_y_end).state;

          if (id(zone_ex1_enable).state){
            if (p1_vaild){
              if (p1_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p1_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p1_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p1_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p1_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;
            if (p2_vaild){
              if (p2_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p2_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p2_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p2_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p2_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;
            if (p3_vaild){
              if (p3_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p3_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p3_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p3_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p3_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_ex1 = (target_count_in_zone_ex1 > 0);
          // zone exlude 2

          int16_t target_count_in_zone_ex2 = 0;

          int16_t zone_ex2_x_min = id(zone_ex2_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex2_x_max = id(zone_ex2_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone_ex2_y_min = id(zone_ex2_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex2_y_max = id(zone_ex2_y_end).state;

          if (id(zone_ex2_enable).state){
            if (p1_vaild){
              if (p1_x >= zone_ex2_x_min && p1_x <= zone_ex2_x_max && p1_y >= zone_ex2_y_min && p1_y <= zone_ex2_y_max){
                  p1_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex2 ++;
            if (p2_vaild){
              if (p2_x >= zone_ex2_x_min && p2_x <= zone_ex2_x_max && p2_y >= zone_ex2_y_min && p2_y <= zone_ex2_y_max){
                  p2_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex2 ++;
            if (p3_vaild){
              if (p3_x >= zone_ex2_x_min && p3_x <= zone_ex2_x_max && p3_y >= zone_ex2_y_min && p3_y <= zone_ex2_y_max){
                  p3_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex2 ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_ex2 = (target_count_in_zone_ex2 > 0);
          // zone exlude 3

          int16_t target_count_in_zone_ex3 = 0;

          int16_t zone_ex3_x_min = id(zone_ex3_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex3_x_max = id(zone_ex3_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone_ex3_y_min = id(zone_ex3_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex3_y_max = id(zone_ex3_y_end).state;

          if (id(zone_ex3_enable).state){
            if (p1_vaild){
              if (p1_x >= zone_ex3_x_min && p1_x <= zone_ex3_x_max && p1_y >= zone_ex3_y_min && p1_y <= zone_ex3_y_max){
                  p1_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex3 ++;
            if (p2_vaild){
              if (p2_x >= zone_ex3_x_min && p2_x <= zone_ex3_x_max && p2_y >= zone_ex3_y_min && p2_y <= zone_ex3_y_max){
                  p2_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex3 ++;
            if (p3_vaild){
              if (p3_x >= zone_ex3_x_min && p3_x <= zone_ex3_x_max && p3_y >= zone_ex3_y_min && p3_y <= zone_ex3_y_max){
                  p3_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex3 ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_ex3 = (target_count_in_zone_ex3 > 0);

          // all targets

          int16_t all_target_counts = 0;
          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_all = (all_target_counts > 0);

          // zones check

          int16_t target_count_in_zone1 = 0;
          bool has_target_in_zone1 = false;

          int16_t target_count_in_zone2 = 0;
          bool has_target_in_zone2 = false;

          int16_t target_count_in_zone3 = 0;
          bool has_target_in_zone3 = false;

          int16_t target_count_in_zone4 = 0;
          bool has_target_in_zone4 = false;

          int16_t target_count_in_zone5 = 0;
          bool has_target_in_zone5 = false;

          int16_t target_count_in_zone6 = 0;
          bool has_target_in_zone6 = false;

          if (id(zone_fn_enable).state){

            // zone 1 check

            int16_t zone1_x_min = id(zone1_x_begin).state;
            int16_t zone1_x_max = id(zone1_x_end).state;
            int16_t zone1_y_min = id(zone1_y_begin).state;
            int16_t zone1_y_max = id(zone1_y_end).state;

            if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p1_x >= zone1_x_min && p1_x <= zone1_x_max && p1_y >= zone1_y_min && p1_y <= zone1_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone1 ++;
            if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p2_x >= zone1_x_min && p2_x <= zone1_x_max && p2_y >= zone1_y_min && p2_y <= zone1_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone1 ++;
            if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p3_x >= zone1_x_min && p3_x <= zone1_x_max && p3_y >= zone1_y_min && p3_y <= zone1_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone1 ++;
            has_target_in_zone1 = (target_count_in_zone1 > 0);

            // zone 2 check

            int16_t zone2_x_min = id(zone2_x_begin).state;
            int16_t zone2_x_max = id(zone2_x_end).state;
            int16_t zone2_y_min = id(zone2_y_begin).state;
            int16_t zone2_y_max = id(zone2_y_end).state;

            if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p1_x >= zone2_x_min && p1_x <= zone2_x_max && p1_y >= zone2_y_min && p1_y <= zone2_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone2 ++;
            if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p2_x >= zone2_x_min && p2_x <= zone2_x_max && p2_y >= zone2_y_min && p2_y <= zone2_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone2 ++;
            if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p3_x >= zone2_x_min && p3_x <= zone2_x_max && p3_y >= zone2_y_min && p3_y <= zone2_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone2 ++;

            has_target_in_zone2 = (target_count_in_zone2 > 0);

            // zone 3 check

            int16_t zone3_x_min = id(zone3_x_begin).state;
            int16_t zone3_x_max = id(zone3_x_end).state;
            int16_t zone3_y_min = id(zone3_y_begin).state;
            int16_t zone3_y_max = id(zone3_y_end).state;

            if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p1_x >= zone3_x_min && p1_x <= zone3_x_max && p1_y >= zone3_y_min && p1_y <= zone3_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone3 ++;
            if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p2_x >= zone3_x_min && p2_x <= zone3_x_max && p2_y >= zone3_y_min && p2_y <= zone3_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone3 ++;
            if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p3_x >= zone3_x_min && p3_x <= zone3_x_max && p3_y >= zone3_y_min && p3_y <= zone3_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone3 ++;
            has_target_in_zone3 = (target_count_in_zone3 > 0);

            // zone 4 check

            int16_t zone4_x_min = id(zone4_x_begin).state;
            int16_t zone4_x_max = id(zone4_x_end).state;
            int16_t zone4_y_min = id(zone4_y_begin).state;
            int16_t zone4_y_max = id(zone4_y_end).state;

            if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p1_x >= zone4_x_min && p1_x <= zone4_x_max && p1_y >= zone4_y_min && p1_y <= zone4_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone4 ++;
            if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p2_x >= zone4_x_min && p2_x <= zone4_x_max && p2_y >= zone4_y_min && p2_y <= zone4_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone4 ++;
            if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p3_x >= zone4_x_min && p3_x <= zone4_x_max && p3_y >= zone4_y_min && p3_y <= zone4_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone4 ++;
            has_target_in_zone4 = (target_count_in_zone4 > 0);

            // zone 5 check

            int16_t zone5_x_min = id(zone5_x_begin).state;
            int16_t zone5_x_max = id(zone5_x_end).state;
            int16_t zone5_y_min = id(zone5_y_begin).state;
            int16_t zone5_y_max = id(zone5_y_end).state;

            if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p1_x >= zone5_x_min && p1_x <= zone5_x_max && p1_y >= zone5_y_min && p1_y <= zone5_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone5 ++;
            if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p2_x >= zone5_x_min && p2_x <= zone5_x_max && p2_y >= zone5_y_min && p2_y <= zone5_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone5 ++;
            if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p3_x >= zone5_x_min && p3_x <= zone5_x_max && p3_y >= zone5_y_min && p3_y <= zone5_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone5 ++;

            has_target_in_zone5 = (target_count_in_zone5 > 0);

            // zone 6 check

            int16_t zone6_x_min = id(zone6_x_begin).state;
            int16_t zone6_x_max = id(zone6_x_end).state;
            int16_t zone6_y_min = id(zone6_y_begin).state;
            int16_t zone6_y_max = id(zone6_y_end).state;

            if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p1_x >= zone6_x_min && p1_x <= zone6_x_max && p1_y >= zone6_y_min && p1_y <= zone6_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone6 ++;
            if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p2_x >= zone6_x_min && p2_x <= zone6_x_max && p2_y >= zone6_y_min && p2_y <= zone6_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone6 ++;
            if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
              if (p3_x >= zone6_x_min && p3_x <= zone6_x_max && p3_y >= zone6_y_min && p3_y <= zone6_y_max){
                  target_count_in_zone6 ++;
            has_target_in_zone6 = (target_count_in_zone6 > 0);


          // Angle, Position and Direction, idea from walberjunior.

          float p1_angle = 0;
          if (p1_vaild){
            p1_angle = ((float)p1_x / (float)p1_y) * 180 / M_PI;;

          std::basic_string<char> p1_position = "Static";
          if (p1_speed > 0) {
            p1_position = "Moving away";
          } else if (p1_speed < 0) {
            p1_position = "Approaching";

          std::basic_string<char> p1_direction = "None";
          if (p1_x > 0) {
            p1_direction = "Right";
          } else if (p1_x < 0) {
            p1_direction = "Left";
          } else if (p1_y > 0){
            p1_direction = "Middle";

          float p2_angle = 0;
          if (p2_vaild){
            p2_angle = ((float)p2_x / (float)p2_y) * 180 / M_PI;;

          std::basic_string<char> p2_position = "Static";;
          if (p2_speed > 0) {
            p2_position = "Moving away";
          } else if (p2_speed < 0) {
            p2_position = "Approaching";
          std::basic_string<char> p2_direction = "None";
          if (p2_x > 0) {
            p2_direction = "Right";
          } else if (p2_x < 0) {
            p2_direction = "Left";
          } else if (p2_y > 0){
            p2_direction = "Middle";

          float p3_angle = 0;
          if (p3_vaild){
            p3_angle = ((float)p3_x / (float)p3_y) * 180 / M_PI;;
          std::basic_string<char> p3_position = "Static";;
          if (p3_speed > 0) {
            p3_position = "Moving away";
          } else if (p3_speed < 0) {
            p3_position = "Approaching";

          std::basic_string<char> p3_direction = "None";
          if (p3_x > 0) {
            p3_direction = "Right";
          } else if (p3_x < 0) {
            p3_direction = "Left";
          } else if (p3_y > 0){
            p3_direction = "Middle";

          if (id(target1_angle).state != p1_angle && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target2_angle).state != p2_angle && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target3_angle).state != p3_angle && id(target_fn_enable).state){

          if (p1_position != id(target1_position).state && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (p2_position != id(target2_position).state && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (p3_position != id(target3_position).state && id(target_fn_enable).state){

          if (p1_direction != id(target1_direction).state && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (p2_direction != id(target2_direction).state && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (p3_direction != id(target3_direction).state && id(target_fn_enable).state){

          // public all info

          if (id(target1_x).state != p1_x && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target1_y).state != p1_y && id(target_fn_enable).state){

          float p1_m_speed = float(p1_speed) / 100.0;
          if (id(target1_speed).state != p1_m_speed && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target1_resolution).state != p1_distance_resolution && id(target_fn_enable).state){

          if (id(target2_x).state != p2_x && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target2_y).state != p2_y && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target2_speed).state != p2_speed && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target2_resolution).state != p2_distance_resolution && id(target_fn_enable).state){

          if (id(target3_x).state != p3_x && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target3_y).state != p3_y && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target3_speed).state != p3_speed && id(target_fn_enable).state){
          if (id(target3_resolution).state != p3_distance_resolution && id(target_fn_enable).state){

          // publish target info
          if (id(all_target_count).state != all_target_counts){
          }else if (id(any_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_all){

          if (id(zone1_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone1){
          }else if (id(zone1_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone1){

          if (id(zone2_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone2){
          }else if (id(zone2_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone2){

          if (id(zone3_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone3){
          }else if (id(zone3_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone3){

          if (id(zone4_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone4){
          }else if (id(zone4_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone4){

          if (id(zone5_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone5){
          }else if (id(zone5_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone5){

          if (id(zone6_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone6){
          }else if (id(zone6_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone6){
          // zout
          if (id(zone_ex1_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone_ex1){
          if (id(zone_ex1_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_ex1){
          if (id(zone_ex2_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone_ex2){
          if (id(zone_ex2_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_ex2){
          if (id(zone_ex3_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone_ex3){
          if (id(zone_ex3_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_ex3){

          if (!id(init_zone_publish)){
            id(init_zone_publish) = true;

Carte Plotly-graph

type: custom:plotly-graph
title: LD2450
refresh_interval: 2
hours_to_show: current_day
ha_theme: true
    'y': 8000
    orientation: h
  autosize: true
    autoexpand: true
    l: 50
    r: 20
    t: 20
    b: 40
  showlegend: true
    dtick: 1000
    gridcolor: RGBA(200,200,200,0.15)
    zerolinecolor: RGBA(200,200,200,0.15)
    type: number
    fixedrange: true
      - -4000
      - 4000
    dtick: 1000
    gridcolor: RGBA(200,200,200,0.15)
    zerolinecolor: RGBA(200,200,200,0.15)
    scaleanchor: x
    scaleratio: 1
    fixedrange: true
      - 8000
      - 0
  - entity: ''
    name: Person1
    show_value: true
    unit_of_measurement: mm
      size: 12
      shape: spline
      width: 5
      - $ex hass.states["sensor.target1_x"].state
      - $ex hass.states["sensor.target1_y"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Person2
    show_value: true
    unit_of_measurement: mm
      size: 12
      shape: spline
      width: 5
      - $ex hass.states["sensor.target2_x"].state
      - $ex hass.states["sensor.target2_y"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Person3
    show_value: true
    unit_of_measurement: mm
      size: 12
      shape: spline
      width: 5
      - $ex hass.states["sensor.target3_x"].state
      - $ex hass.states["sensor.target3_y"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zone1
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: RGBA(20,200,0,0.1)
      color: RGBA(20,200,0,0.4)
      shape: line
      width: 2
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone1_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zone2
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: RGBA(255,233,107,0.1)
      color: RGBA(255,233,107,0.4)
      shape: line
      width: 2
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone2_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zone3
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: RGBA(0,137,207,0.1)
      color: RGBA(0,137,207,0.4)
      shape: line
      width: 2
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone3_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zone4
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: RGBA(0,169,164,0.1)
      color: RGBA(0,169,164,0.4)
      shape: line
      width: 2
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone4_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zone5
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: RGBA(244,143,159,0.1)
      color: RGBA(244,143,159,0.4)
      shape: line
      width: 2
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      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone5_y_begin"].state
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    name: Zone6
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: RGBA(255,194,34,0.1)
      color: RGBA(255,194,34,0.4)
      shape: line
      width: 2
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zone6_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zout1
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: >-
      $ex hass.states["switch.zout1_enable"].state == "on" ?
      "RGBA(238,48,78,0.2)" : "RGBA(0,0,0,0)"
      color: >-
        $ex hass.states["switch.zout1_enable"].state == "on" ?
        "RGBA(0,137,207,0.4)" : "RGBA(0,0,0,0)" 
      width: 3
      dash: dash
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout1_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zout2
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: >-
      $ex hass.states["switch.zout2_enable"].state == "on" ?
      "RGBA(215,11,140,0.2)" : "RGBA(0,0,0,0)" 
      color: >-
        $ex hass.states["switch.zout2_enable"].state == "on" ?
        "RGBA(215,11,140, 0.4)" : "RGBA(0,0,0,0)" 
      width: 3
      dash: dash
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout2_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Zout3
    mode: lines
    fill: toself
    fillcolor: >-
      $ex hass.states["switch.zout2_enable"].state == "on" ?
      "RGBA(255,48,140,0.2)" : "RGBA(0,0,0,0)" 
      color: >-
        $ex hass.states["switch.zout2_enable"].state == "on" ?
        "RGBA(246,140,30,0.4)" : "RGBA(0,0,0,0)" 
      width: 3
      dash: dash
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      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_x_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_x_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_y_end"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_y_begin"].state
      - $ex hass.states["number.zout3_y_begin"].state
  - entity: ''
    name: Coverage
    mode: lines
      width: 1
      color: rgba(100, 100, 100, .6)
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      - 0
      - 1000
      - 3700
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      - 2000
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      - 0
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      - 8000
      - 7400
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      - 500
      - 0
raw_plotly_config: true

2 « J'aime »

Super :+1:
Avec autant de zone cela ne dégrade pas trop la performance du capteur ?

1 « J'aime »

Merci Jérôme !

Je n’ai constaté aucune baisse de performance. De plus, le code ne me semble pas complexe ou lourd à gérer. Je serai vraiment surpris si l’ESP32 n’arrivait pas à gérer ce genre de code.

D’ailleurs je continue de travailler sur une solution plus complète pour rentabiliser l’utilisation du processeur et sa consommation électrique. Je ne veux pas faire qu’un capteur de présence mais quelque chose de plus complet : détection de la température, de l’humidité, du CO2 et de l’obscurité.

Ca fonctionne déjà chez moi, mais je peaufine le tout pour publier quelque chose de complet et de modulable en fonction du budget, des envies ou besoins.

1 « J'aime »

Alors je ref’ gardais aussi pour ajouter un BMP289 et un BH1750.
Je voulais voir pour faire un PCB propre sur capteur complet et pour capteur Light afin de mettre ça dans un boîtier 3D dont je n’arrive pas à me fixer sur la forme avec ou sans pied orientable

Au fait je ne comprends pas pourquoi le PR esphome reste encore bloqué !

@selecus , je vais tester ton code mais j’ai du mal a comprendre ton explication de la zone 3, elle est définie derrière la porte et donc a l’extérieur de la pièce ?

Je n’ai pas utilisé les mêmes capteurs que toi mais par contre j’ai déjà le PCB. Quant au problème de la forme je travaille encore dessus justement pour pouvoir combiner toutes les contraintes, un boîtier 6 en 1 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pour github je ne l’utilise de façon très succincte je ne peux pas répondre à ta question

Non, ma zone 3 est à moitié dans les deux pièces, au niveau du seuil de la porte.

Sans titre-2
La cuisine est en rouge, le salon en jaune, en vert, c’est la porte et en bleu, c’est la zone où je commence à allumer soit la cuisine, soit le salon.
Dis autrement, quand je suis dans la zone 3 le salon et la cuisine sont forcément allumées

1 « J'aime »

pour ma part j’ai intégré mes 2410 et 2450 dans ce genre de boîtier

[voir ici](Je viens juste de trouver cet incroyable article sur AliExpress. Jetez-y un coup d’œil ! €2.04 | Boîtier en plastique de détecteur d’alarme de capteur de mouvement infrarouge LK-AC52 PIR étuis shuBox pour la conception de carte PCB https://a.aliexpress.com/_ExnIYsp)

1 « J'aime »

C’est une bonne idée. Ca fait très pro !
Par contre, pour mon projet, j’ai peur que pour le capteur d’humidité et de CO2 le boîtier ne fausse les résultats, vu qu’il n’aura pas d’aération

pour avoir mis des dht 22 directement dans des boites même ventilées mais qui contient l’esp, les températures ne seront jamais pico-bello.

le mieux, sur le type de boite que j’utilise et de mettre le dht a l’extérieur et derrière.

L’esp chauffe légèrement et biaise la température.

petit hs, j’ai monté 2 boîtiers qui contiennent chacun un esp32 et 2 modules ld2410. Les 2410 batifoles plein pot, comme si l’un interférait l’autre.
Avez vous deja tenté le test ?

il y a deux raisons possibles pour avoir des interférences avec les capteurs à ondes millimétriques.

  • Les ondes traversent partiellement les parois mais rebondissent également sur ces mêmes parois (que ça soit un boîtier ou un mur). Avec deux capteurs à ondes millimétrique dans le même boîtier la réflexion des ondes de l’un parvient à l’autre, et vice et versa. (le schéma en page 12 du Data Sheet explique ça bien ; c’est en chinois mais le dessin reste clair)
  • Si les boîtiers ne sont pas fermés mais qu’ils sont en face l’un de l’autre on revient au même problème de parasitage (c’est aussi expliqué dans le data sheet mais je ne me souviens plus où)

Salut super ton travail je me posé la question si c’était possible de de ne pas annulé une présence si on touche pas le bord d’une zone. Quand je suis devant la tv si vraiment je bouge pas d 1mm j’arrive à passer en absent. J’espère que tu as compris mon problème :joy::blush:

effectivement j’ai traduit la page et sa reflète ton explication

1 « J'aime »

je comprends cette partie là

mais pas celle-ci

Je vais déjà te répondre à celle que je comprends sachant que je n’ai qu’une réponse partielle.

J’ai surtout lu en détails la spécifications du LD2450 (et pas celle du 2410). Elle dit que la zone de détection est de 6 mètres. Par contre, dans un schéma à la page 10, on se rencontre que l’on peut aller jusqu’à 8 m si l’angle est bon.
Dans la documentation de d’autres capteurs fabriqués par HLK, on trouve souvent les mêmes caractéristiques, notamment celle de la détection jusqu’à 8 mètres. Par contre pour certains capteurs, ils précisent qu’ils détecte les mouvements jusqu’à 8 mètres, mais la détection de la respiration jusqu’à 4 mètres. On peut supposer que c’est la même chose pour le 2450. C’est une supposition…

Essaie de rapprocher ton capteurs et vois si le phénomène continue.

il veut savoir si tant que la périphérie de la zone n’a pas été franchie.

pour avoir des 2410 et des 2450, les 2410 sont beaucoup mieux niveau détection et depuis l’application bluetooth on voit vraiment les respirations.
Pas convaincu que les 2450 détecte aussi les respirations mais l’application bluetooth des 2450 donne beaucoup moins d’infos que les 2410.

Si les 2410 géraient plus d’une zone je ne prendrais que ceux la