J’ai depuis quelques temps des capteurs Sonoff et Aquara en Zigbee qui deviennent indisponibles.
Si je les réapaires, cela refonctionne pendant un certain temps et ils redeviennent indisponibles.
Du coup, j’en profite pour installer MQTT, mais j’ai un message d’erreur:
Pour info:
Mosquitto broker:
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/
[18:13:58] INFO: Certificates found: SSL is available
cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/ exited 0
cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/
cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/ exited 0
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
services-up: info: copying legacy longrun mosquitto (no readiness notification)
services-up: info: copying legacy longrun nginx (no readiness notification)
[18:13:58] INFO: Starting NGINX for authentication handling…
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[18:13:58] INFO: Starting mosquitto MQTT broker…
2023-08-27 18:13:58: Warning: Mosquitto should not be run as root/administrator.
[18:13:59] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
[18:13:59] INFO: Successfully send service information to the Supervisor.
[18:19:26] INFO: Preparing to start…
[18:19:26] INFO: Socat not enabled
[18:19:28] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTT…
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-08-27 18:19:31: Logging to console and directory: ‹ /config/zigbee2mqtt/log/2023-08-27.18-19-31 › filename: log.txt
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-08-27 18:19:31: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.32.2 (commit #unknown)
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-08-27 18:19:31: Starting zigbee-herdsman (0.17.2)
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-08-27 18:19:42: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-08-27 18:19:42: Failed to start zigbee
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-08-27 18:19:42: Check Zigbee2MQTT fails to start | Zigbee2MQTT for possible solutions
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-08-27 18:19:42: Exiting…
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-08-27 18:19:42: undefined
Je ne sais pas trop comment régler le soucis.
Merci pour le coup de main