Frigate pour UN nul!

Il faut indiquer la config de ton serveur MQTT, si tu utilises Z2M tu peux indiquer les infos de l’add-on Mosquitto Broker. Chez moi, utilisant Mosquitto Broker :

  enabled: true
  host:   ### <= IP de HA où est installé l'add-on Mosquitto Broker
  user: mqtt
  password: ****************
  port: 1883

Ah il s’agit du port ONVIF, de mon côté pour ma Tapo sur Frigate j’utilise le lien et port RTSP (donc :554), si tu arrives à lire le flux dans VLC avec le port :554 alors peut-être l’essayer dans ta config Frigate.

C’est ça ?

1 « J'aime »

Oui … a mettre entre cote ! <>
( fallait mettre 20 caractères)

Et quel serait l’URL sur VLC pour savoir si cela fonctionne ? Car avec ça ne fonctionne pas.

Essais avec / stream … comme dans mon exemple ci dessus


2025-01-11 18:52:18.420168121  [2025-01-11 19:52:18] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:23.444876815  [2025-01-11 19:52:23]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 18:52:23.445379293  [2025-01-11 19:52:23]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 18:52:25.278836546 - - [11/Jan/2025:19:52:25 +0100] "" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
2025-01-11 18:52:28.428307668  [2025-01-11 19:52:28] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 18:52:28.428622274  [2025-01-11 19:52:28] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 18:52:28.429177617  [2025-01-11 19:52:28] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55777747d2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:28.429195848  [2025-01-11 19:52:28] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:33.461150620  [2025-01-11 19:52:33]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 18:52:33.461555817  [2025-01-11 19:52:33]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 18:52:38.444566638  [2025-01-11 19:52:38] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 18:52:38.444817504  [2025-01-11 19:52:38] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 18:52:38.445372647  [2025-01-11 19:52:38] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55c7a5d212c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:38.445386277  [2025-01-11 19:52:38] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:43.476844872  [2025-01-11 19:52:43]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 18:52:43.477054204  [2025-01-11 19:52:43]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 18:52:48.459748214  [2025-01-11 19:52:48] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 18:52:48.460017753  [2025-01-11 19:52:48] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 18:52:48.460578321  [2025-01-11 19:52:48] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x555cf249a2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:48.460590990  [2025-01-11 19:52:48] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:53.490237294  [2025-01-11 19:52:53]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 18:52:53.490692486  [2025-01-11 19:52:53]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 18:52:58.473408784  [2025-01-11 19:52:58] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 18:52:58.473719885  [2025-01-11 19:52:58] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 18:52:58.474234542  [2025-01-11 19:52:58] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55e9e9da52c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:52:58.474247209  [2025-01-11 19:52:58] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:53:03.503457349  [2025-01-11 19:53:03]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 18:53:03.503783816  [2025-01-11 19:53:03]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 18:53:08.486821501  [2025-01-11 19:53:08] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 18:53:08.487075552  [2025-01-11 19:53:08] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 18:53:08.487627294  [2025-01-11 19:53:08] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x5577cc7f62c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:53:08.487640875  [2025-01-11 19:53:08] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:53:13.517875998  [2025-01-11 19:53:13]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 18:53:13.518306638  [2025-01-11 19:53:13]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 18:53:18.498649123  [2025-01-11 19:53:18] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 18:53:18.498744996  [2025-01-11 19:53:18] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 18:53:18.498787568  [2025-01-11 19:53:18] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x56274eca82c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:53:18.498856671  [2025-01-11 19:53:18] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 18:53:23.526177728  [2025-01-11 19:53:23]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 18:53:23.526495727  [2025-01-11 19:53:23]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 18:53:25.311218016 - - [11/Jan/2025:19:53:25 +0100] "" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
2025-01-11 18:53:28.509017886  [2025-01-11 19:53:28] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 18:53:28.509258687  [2025-01-11 19:53:28] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 18:53:28.509869537  [2025-01-11 19:53:28] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55d062b1d2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed:

Je suis su un tell … c est pas evident … mais deja la premiere ligne … il voit pas ta camera … tu as mis l adresse avec laquelle tu vois ta camera avec vlc ?

Non cela ne fonctionne pas! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Je passe je connais pas les adresses avec les nas… essais de faire une recherche sur le forum … j ai deja vue ce genre de problème… recherche " adresse rtsp nas " …

Si cette adresse que tu parles ? non, je n’ai pas mis cette adresse et je ne sais pas d’où elle sort?

Je comprends. Merci à toi ! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Peux-tu nous donner le début des logs après redémarrage de l’addon stp ?
As-tu un tpu ?

J’espère que tu trouveras ton (mon) bonheur ! :rofl:

2025-01-11 19:44:59.644995817  [2025-01-11 20:44:59]                    INFO    : Flask has exited...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.645889460  [2025-01-11 20:44:59]                    INFO    : Stopping...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.646773132  [2025-01-11 20:44:59] frigate.ptz.autotrack          INFO    : Exiting autotracker...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.646922467  [2025-01-11 20:44:59] frigate.watchdog               INFO    : Exiting watchdog...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.647093999  [2025-01-11 20:44:59]         INFO    : Exiting event cleanup...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.647680483  [2025-01-11 20:44:59] frigate.stats.emitter          INFO    : Exiting stats emitter...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.648848020  [2025-01-11 20:44:59] frigate.record.cleanup         INFO    : Exiting recording cleanup...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.648987991  [2025-01-11 20:44:59]                INFO    : Exiting storage maintainer...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.649681634  [2025-01-11 20:44:59]                    INFO    : Waiting for capture process for name_of_your_camera to stop
2025-01-11 19:44:59.650615298  [2025-01-11 20:44:59] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   INFO    : Terminating the existing ffmpeg process...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.650805285  [2025-01-11 20:44:59] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   INFO    : Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully...
2025-01-11 19:44:59.658491526  [2025-01-11 20:44:59]                    INFO    : Waiting for process for name_of_your_camera to stop
2025-01-11 19:45:00.181204772  [2025-01-11 20:45:00] frigate.object_processing      INFO    : Exiting object processor...
2025-01-11 19:45:00.261885046  [2025-01-11 20:45:00]      INFO    : Exiting event processor...
2025-01-11 19:45:00.332544048  [2025-01-11 20:45:00]                  INFO    : name_of_your_camera: emptying frame queue
2025-01-11 19:45:00.332926522  [2025-01-11 20:45:00]                  INFO    : name_of_your_camera: exiting subprocess
2025-01-11 19:45:00.339083564  [2025-01-11 20:45:00]                    INFO    : Closing frame queue for name_of_your_camera
2025-01-11 19:45:00.841246691  [2025-01-11 20:45:00] root                           INFO    : Waiting for detection process to exit gracefully...
2025-01-11 19:45:00.841536274  [2025-01-11 20:45:00] detector.cpu                   INFO    : Signal to exit detection process...
2025-01-11 19:45:01.154572732  [2025-01-11 20:45:01] detector.cpu                   INFO    : Exited detection process...
2025-01-11 19:45:01.162332920  [2025-01-11 20:45:01] root                           INFO    : Detection process has exited...
2025-01-11 19:45:01.663912233  [2025-01-11 20:45:01]                    INFO    : Detection queue closed
2025-01-11 19:45:02.165304305  [2025-01-11 20:45:02]                    INFO    : Detected frames queue closed
2025-01-11 19:45:02.666599280  [2025-01-11 20:45:02]                    INFO    : Timeline queue closed
2025-01-11 19:45:03.500430281  [2025-01-11 20:45:03] frigate.output.output          INFO    : exiting output process...
2025-01-11 19:45:07.382623651  [2025-01-11 20:45:07]      INFO    : Exiting review maintainer...
2025-01-11 19:45:09.403936412  /usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 1 leaked shared_memory objects to clean up at shutdown
2025-01-11 19:45:09.403939966    warnings.warn('resource_tracker: There appear to be %d '
2025-01-11 19:45:09.406637994  [INFO] Service Frigate exited with code 0 (by signal 0)
s6-rc: info: service frigate successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc: stopping
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log: stopping
2025-01-11 19:45:09.408642933  exit with signal: terminated
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log successfully stopped
2025-01-11 19:45:09.412901538  [INFO] The go2rtc service exited with code 0 (by signal 0)
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log: stopping
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder: stopping
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare: starting
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare successfully started
s6-rc: info: service nginx-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service certsync-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service nginx-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service certsync-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-healthcheck: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate: starting
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-healthcheck successfully started
s6-rc: info: service frigate successfully started
s6-rc: info: service nginx: starting
2025-01-11 19:45:41.661465589  [INFO] Preparing Frigate...
2025-01-11 19:45:41.661824619  [INFO] Preparing new go2rtc config...
2025-01-11 19:45:41.665442892  [INFO] Starting NGINX...
2025-01-11 19:45:41.677466057  [INFO] Starting Frigate...
2025-01-11 19:45:41.678231198  [INFO] No TLS certificate found. Generating a self signed certificate...
2025-01-11 19:45:41.709544032  [INFO] Got IP address from supervisor:
2025-01-11 19:45:41.740446990  [INFO] Got WebRTC port from supervisor: 8555
2025-01-11 19:45:42.074319400  [INFO] Starting go2rtc...
2025-01-11 19:45:42.285239279  20:45:42.284 INF go2rtc platform=linux/amd64 revision=b2399f3 version=1.9.2
2025-01-11 19:45:42.285244381  20:45:42.284 INF config path=/dev/shm/go2rtc.yaml
2025-01-11 19:45:42.285246053  20:45:42.284 INF [rtsp] listen addr=:8554
2025-01-11 19:45:42.285247741  20:45:42.284 INF [api] listen addr=:1984
2025-01-11 19:45:42.285249215  20:45:42.285 INF [webrtc] listen addr=:8555/tcp
2025-01-11 19:45:43.230296869  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : Starting Frigate (0.14.1-f4f3cfa)
2025-01-11 19:45:43.230488888  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : Creating directory: /tmp/cache
2025-01-11 19:45:43.230492351  [2025-01-11 20:45:43] frigate.util.config            INFO    : Checking if frigate config needs migration...
2025-01-11 19:45:43.236602360  [2025-01-11 20:45:43] frigate.util.config            INFO    : frigate config does not need migration...
2025-01-11 19:45:43.403552330  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]          INFO    : Automatically detected vaapi hwaccel for video decoding
2025-01-11 19:45:43.424195871  [2025-01-11 20:45:43] peewee_migrate.logs            INFO    : Starting migrations
2025-01-11 19:45:43.424972489  [2025-01-11 20:45:43] peewee_migrate.logs            INFO    : There is nothing to migrate
2025-01-11 19:45:43.429099865  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : Recording process started: 218
2025-01-11 19:45:43.436855209  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : Recording process started: 221
2025-01-11 19:45:43.437155323  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : go2rtc process pid: 101
2025-01-11 19:45:43.454793140  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : Output process started: 248
2025-01-11 19:45:43.454797615  [2025-01-11 20:45:43] detector.cpu                   INFO    : Starting detection process: 246
2025-01-11 19:45:43.454802485  [2025-01-11 20:45:43] frigate.detectors              WARNING : CPU detectors are not recommended and should only be used for testing or for trial purposes.
2025-01-11 19:45:43.465050165  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : Camera processor started for name_of_your_camera: 262
2025-01-11 19:45:43.475367497  [2025-01-11 20:45:43]                    INFO    : Capture process started for name_of_your_camera: 264
s6-rc: info: service nginx successfully started
s6-rc: info: service certsync: starting
s6-rc: info: service certsync successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
2025-01-11 19:45:43.959764585  [INFO] Starting certsync...
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
2025-01-11 19:45:44.013372162 - - [11/Jan/2025:20:45:44 +0100] "" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
2025-01-11 19:45:48.508203118  [2025-01-11 20:45:48]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 19:45:48.508607240  [2025-01-11 20:45:48]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 19:45:51.658219568  [INFO] Starting go2rtc healthcheck service...
2025-01-11 19:46:03.502046005  [2025-01-11 20:46:03] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 19:46:03.502317730  [2025-01-11 20:46:03] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 19:46:03.502634835  [2025-01-11 20:46:03] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x563536a812c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 19:46:03.502910326  [2025-01-11 20:46:03] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 19:46:08.532248737  [2025-01-11 20:46:08]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 19:46:08.532667217  [2025-01-11 20:46:08]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-11 19:46:13.515326773  [2025-01-11 20:46:13] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-11 19:46:13.515632754  [2025-01-11 20:46:13] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-11 19:46:13.515933640  [2025-01-11 20:46:13] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x5587802bf2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-11 19:46:13.516254297  [2025-01-11 20:46:13] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-11 19:46:18.553540782  [2025-01-11 20:46:18]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-11 19:46:18.553751619  [2025-01-11 20:46:18]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
1 « J'aime »

Pour moi, si tu n’arrives pas à lire le flux RTSP sur VLC avec un lien type rtsp://USER:PASSWORD@ tu n’arriveras pas à le lire et faire fonctionner sur Frigate.

Assure toi que l’user et password soient bien ceux créés dans les réglages avancés de l’app Tapo (= le compte de la caméra), et non ceux de ton compte Tapo en tant que tel (=accès cloud), il s’agit bien de 2 comptes différents. Mais bon normalement ça devrait fonctionner car tu arrives à y accéder depuis ton NAS avec ONVIF.

Une fois que tu auras un lien RTSP fonctionnel et accessible tu pourras te lancer dans la config Frigate. En tout cas c’est comme ça que j’aborderai la chose.

1 « J'aime »

C’est bon: :partying_face: j’ai enfin trouvé le flux RTSP en hd

Je voulais vérifier si tu avais un tpu qui demarrait bien, mais tu n’en as pas, tu utilises ton cpu.
Je ne vois rien d’anormal dans le début du log

Quelles sont les lignes de codes minimales pour faire afficher une caméra dans frigate, sans détection ni enregistrement, pour voir si je n’ai pas un problème à l’installation ?
Dans le rapport, je vois cette adresse que je n’ai jamais mise!

Regarde message 15 au dessus … le premier lien

Alors dans mon fichier /homeassistant/frigate.yml
J’ai inscrit

  enabled: False

  dummy_camera: # <--- this will be changed to your actual camera later
    enabled: False
        - path: rtsp://xxxxxxxxxxx@
            - detect

et le résultat

s6-rc: info: service go2rtc successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log: stopping
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder: stopping
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare: starting
s6-rc: info: service log-prepare successfully started
s6-rc: info: service nginx-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service certsync-log: starting
s6-rc: info: service nginx-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service frigate-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc: starting
s6-rc: info: service certsync-log successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc successfully started
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-healthcheck: starting
s6-rc: info: service frigate: starting
s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-healthcheck successfully started
s6-rc: info: service frigate successfully started
s6-rc: info: service nginx: starting
2025-01-12 09:10:28.659070534  [INFO] Preparing new go2rtc config...
2025-01-12 09:10:28.661493241  [INFO] Preparing Frigate...
2025-01-12 09:10:28.663681387  [INFO] Starting NGINX...
2025-01-12 09:10:28.676537372  [INFO] No TLS certificate found. Generating a self signed certificate...
2025-01-12 09:10:28.679149490  [INFO] Starting Frigate...
2025-01-12 09:10:28.703280681  [INFO] Got IP address from supervisor:
2025-01-12 09:10:28.732970530  [INFO] Got WebRTC port from supervisor: 8555
2025-01-12 09:10:29.025361220  [INFO] Starting go2rtc...
2025-01-12 09:10:29.131706009  10:10:29.131 INF go2rtc platform=linux/amd64 revision=b2399f3 version=1.9.2
2025-01-12 09:10:29.132278470  10:10:29.132 INF config path=/dev/shm/go2rtc.yaml
2025-01-12 09:10:29.132910842  10:10:29.132 INF [api] listen addr=:1984
2025-01-12 09:10:29.132913951  10:10:29.132 INF [rtsp] listen addr=:8554
2025-01-12 09:10:29.133273540  10:10:29.133 INF [webrtc] listen addr=:8555/tcp
s6-rc: info: service nginx successfully started
s6-rc: info: service certsync: starting
s6-rc: info: service certsync successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
2025-01-12 09:10:29.324547164  [INFO] Starting certsync...
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
2025-01-12 09:10:29.395937133 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:29 +0100] "" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
2025-01-12 09:10:30.036817460  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : Starting Frigate (0.14.1-f4f3cfa)
2025-01-12 09:10:30.036881654  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : Creating directory: /tmp/cache
2025-01-12 09:10:30.036948374  [2025-01-12 10:10:30] frigate.util.config            INFO    : Checking if frigate config needs migration...
2025-01-12 09:10:30.042846176  [2025-01-12 10:10:30] frigate.util.config            INFO    : frigate config does not need migration...
2025-01-12 09:10:30.238396193  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]          INFO    : Automatically detected vaapi hwaccel for video decoding
2025-01-12 09:10:30.260507393  [2025-01-12 10:10:30] peewee_migrate.logs            INFO    : Starting migrations
2025-01-12 09:10:30.261010410  [2025-01-12 10:10:30] peewee_migrate.logs            INFO    : There is nothing to migrate
2025-01-12 09:10:30.269876244  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : Recording process started: 390
2025-01-12 09:10:30.269960083  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : Recording process started: 392
2025-01-12 09:10:30.272415681  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : go2rtc process pid: 98
2025-01-12 09:10:30.289145888  [2025-01-12 10:10:30] detector.cpu                   INFO    : Starting detection process: 418
2025-01-12 09:10:30.292424465  [2025-01-12 10:10:30] frigate.detectors              WARNING : CPU detectors are not recommended and should only be used for testing or for trial purposes.
2025-01-12 09:10:30.292429338  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : Output process started: 420
2025-01-12 09:10:30.308432404  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : Camera processor started for name_of_your_camera: 434
2025-01-12 09:10:30.309814419  [2025-01-12 10:10:30]                    INFO    : Capture process started for name_of_your_camera: 436
2025-01-12 09:10:33.656047169 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:33 +0100] "GET // HTTP/1.1" 200 2722 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:33.752511250 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:33 +0100] "GET /api/config HTTP/1.1" 200 7669 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:33.770924636 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:33 +0100] "GET /api/profile HTTP/1.1" 200 18 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:33.773799648 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:33 +0100] "GET /api/review?limit=10&severity=alert HTTP/1.1" 200 3 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:33.846881471 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:33 +0100] "GET /api/name_of_your_camera/latest.webp?h=360&cache=1736673033953 HTTP/1.1" 200 3654 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:33.856189046 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:33 +0100] "GET /api/name_of_your_camera/latest.webp?h=308&cache=1736673033962 HTTP/1.1" 200 3188 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:33.859598430 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:33 +0100] "GET /api/name_of_your_camera/latest.webp?h=360&cache=1736673033962 HTTP/1.1" 200 3654 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:35.348376035  [2025-01-12 10:10:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:10:35.348389825  [2025-01-12 10:10:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:10:38.666237422  [INFO] Starting go2rtc healthcheck service...
2025-01-12 09:10:50.340144939  [2025-01-12 10:10:50] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:10:50.340916623  [2025-01-12 10:10:50] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:10:50.340930741  [2025-01-12 10:10:50] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55ceeee962c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:10:50.341185919  [2025-01-12 10:10:50] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:10:55.374581390  [2025-01-12 10:10:55]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:10:55.374873614  [2025-01-12 10:10:55]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:10:56.647827010 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:56 +0100] "GET /api/profile HTTP/1.1" 200 18 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:56.649311504 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:56 +0100] "GET /api/config HTTP/1.1" 200 7669 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:56.650220584 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:56 +0100] "GET /api/review?limit=10&severity=alert HTTP/1.1" 200 3 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:10:58.832129554 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:10:58 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=-40 HTTP/1.1" 200 3530 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:00.355124181  [2025-01-12 10:11:00] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:11:00.355411459  [2025-01-12 10:11:00] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:11:00.355817045  [2025-01-12 10:11:00] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x5601a00512c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:00.355945222  [2025-01-12 10:11:00] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:03.872781988 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:03 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=25 HTTP/1.1" 200 699 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:05.385909860  [2025-01-12 10:11:05]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:11:05.386267524  [2025-01-12 10:11:05]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:11:08.907892377 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:08 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=29 HTTP/1.1" 200 362 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:10.368813961  [2025-01-12 10:11:10] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:11:10.369061583  [2025-01-12 10:11:10] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:11:10.369713488  [2025-01-12 10:11:10] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x563c4e4ca2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:10.369727385  [2025-01-12 10:11:10] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:13.947680064 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:13 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=31 HTTP/1.1" 200 699 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:15.402526634  [2025-01-12 10:11:15]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:11:15.402851898  [2025-01-12 10:11:15]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:11:18.977664700 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:18 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=35 HTTP/1.1" 200 362 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:20.383550081  [2025-01-12 10:11:20] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:11:20.383799062  [2025-01-12 10:11:20] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:11:20.384178994  [2025-01-12 10:11:20] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55d013e962c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:20.391990670  [2025-01-12 10:11:20] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:24.008150092 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:24 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=37 HTTP/1.1" 200 699 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:25.421800077  [2025-01-12 10:11:25]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:11:25.422173239  [2025-01-12 10:11:25]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:11:29.036817051 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:29 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=41 HTTP/1.1" 200 362 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:29.434182002 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:29 +0100] "" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
2025-01-12 09:11:30.401843413  [2025-01-12 10:11:30] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:11:30.402102311  [2025-01-12 10:11:30] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:11:30.402702754  [2025-01-12 10:11:30] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x5590f09192c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:30.402724637  [2025-01-12 10:11:30] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:34.060336826 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:34 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=43 HTTP/1.1" 200 699 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:35.441446263  [2025-01-12 10:11:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:11:35.441732953  [2025-01-12 10:11:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:11:39.096468245 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:39 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=47 HTTP/1.1" 200 362 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:40.420751825  [2025-01-12 10:11:40] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:11:40.421136623  [2025-01-12 10:11:40] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:11:40.421703269  [2025-01-12 10:11:40] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x5640b10af2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:40.421717772  [2025-01-12 10:11:40] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:42.424733950 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:42 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2651 "-" "HomeAssistantSupervisor/2024.12.3 aiohttp/3.11.11 Python/3.12" "-"
2025-01-12 09:11:44.134126695 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:44 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=49 HTTP/1.1" 200 699 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:45.459156272  [2025-01-12 10:11:45]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:11:45.459456747  [2025-01-12 10:11:45]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:11:49.173739972 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:49 +0100] "GET /api/logs/frigate?start=53 HTTP/1.1" 200 362 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:50.118027552 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:11:50 +0100] "GET /ws HTTP/1.1" 101 7063 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ","
2025-01-12 09:11:50.439522929  [2025-01-12 10:11:50] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:11:50.439914094  [2025-01-12 10:11:50] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:11:50.440142603  [2025-01-12 10:11:50] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x556e9d5062c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:50.440485584  [2025-01-12 10:11:50] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:11:55.473498692  [2025-01-12 10:11:55]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:11:55.473778828  [2025-01-12 10:11:55]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:12:00.453896870  [2025-01-12 10:12:00] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:12:00.454293722  [2025-01-12 10:12:00] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:12:00.454822142  [2025-01-12 10:12:00] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55d40a5d82c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:00.454834664  [2025-01-12 10:12:00] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:05.488396399  [2025-01-12 10:12:05]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:12:05.488630441  [2025-01-12 10:12:05]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:12:10.470223081  [2025-01-12 10:12:10] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:12:10.470514454  [2025-01-12 10:12:10] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:12:10.470918529  [2025-01-12 10:12:10] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55c6282542c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:10.471065798  [2025-01-12 10:12:10] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:15.500388887  [2025-01-12 10:12:15]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:12:15.500663028  [2025-01-12 10:12:15]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:12:20.483843880  [2025-01-12 10:12:20] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:12:20.484227768  [2025-01-12 10:12:20] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:12:20.484712120  [2025-01-12 10:12:20] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x559fcf5da2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:20.484724949  [2025-01-12 10:12:20] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:25.521079185  [2025-01-12 10:12:25]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:12:25.521555244  [2025-01-12 10:12:25]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:12:29.470538035 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:12:29 +0100] "" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
2025-01-12 09:12:30.501943736  [2025-01-12 10:12:30] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:12:30.502259225  [2025-01-12 10:12:30] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:12:30.502863592  [2025-01-12 10:12:30] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55c75ac032c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:30.502876314  [2025-01-12 10:12:30] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:35.532638380  [2025-01-12 10:12:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:12:35.532882818  [2025-01-12 10:12:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:12:40.515410074  [2025-01-12 10:12:40] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:12:40.515688137  [2025-01-12 10:12:40] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:12:40.516068754  [2025-01-12 10:12:40] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55e7d650e2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:40.524083966  [2025-01-12 10:12:40] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:45.548626805  [2025-01-12 10:12:45]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:12:45.548890603  [2025-01-12 10:12:45]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:12:50.532435681  [2025-01-12 10:12:50] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:12:50.532836821  [2025-01-12 10:12:50] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:12:50.533335570  [2025-01-12 10:12:50] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55728db472c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:50.533369338  [2025-01-12 10:12:50] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:12:55.570827499  [2025-01-12 10:12:55]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:12:55.571214143  [2025-01-12 10:12:55]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:13:00.550901067  [2025-01-12 10:13:00] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:13:00.551320656  [2025-01-12 10:13:00] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:13:00.551444116  [2025-01-12 10:13:00] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55bc2d92f2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:00.551757527  [2025-01-12 10:13:00] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:05.587208199  [2025-01-12 10:13:05]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:13:05.587565160  [2025-01-12 10:13:05]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:13:10.567566199  [2025-01-12 10:13:10] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:13:10.567813166  [2025-01-12 10:13:10] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:13:10.568202378  [2025-01-12 10:13:10] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x55ec28df22c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:10.576198205  [2025-01-12 10:13:10] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:15.599322037  [2025-01-12 10:13:15]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:13:15.599410311  [2025-01-12 10:13:15]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:13:20.584724398  [2025-01-12 10:13:20] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:13:20.585133467  [2025-01-12 10:13:20] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:13:20.585411540  [2025-01-12 10:13:20] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x5575d01c82c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:20.593544019  [2025-01-12 10:13:20] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:25.619713603  [2025-01-12 10:13:25]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:13:25.619994002  [2025-01-12 10:13:25]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:13:29.503605491 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:13:29 +0100] "" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
2025-01-12 09:13:30.601791888  [2025-01-12 10:13:30] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:13:30.602115542  [2025-01-12 10:13:30] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:13:30.602724183  [2025-01-12 10:13:30] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x561f4669b2c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:30.602736975  [2025-01-12 10:13:30] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:35.632206454  [2025-01-12 10:13:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:13:35.632595408  [2025-01-12 10:13:35]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
2025-01-12 09:13:40.615554664  [2025-01-12 10:13:40] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for name_of_your_camera.
2025-01-12 09:13:40.615808116  [2025-01-12 10:13:40] watchdog.name_of_your_camera   ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-12 09:13:40.616431495  [2025-01-12 10:13:40] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : [tcp @ 0x56022bf632c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:40.616445897  [2025-01-12 10:13:40] ffmpeg.name_of_your_camera.detect ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
2025-01-12 09:13:42.431665421 - - [12/Jan/2025:10:13:42 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2651 "-" "HomeAssistantSupervisor/2024.12.3 aiohttp/3.11.11 Python/3.12" "-"
2025-01-12 09:13:45.647572976  [2025-01-12 10:13:45]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-12 09:13:45.647628617  [2025-01-12 10:13:45]                  ERROR   : name_of_your_camera: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...

et bien sur, ecran noir dans frigate!

Je pense que c’est normal l’écran noir car tu as mis le paramètre « enabled: False » au niveau de ta caméra, essaie plutôt avec ceci :

  enabled: False

  dummy_camera: # <------ Name the camera
    enabled: True
        - path: rtsp://xxxxxxxxxxx@ # <----- The stream you want to use for detection
            - detect
      enabled: False # <---- disable detection until you have a working camera feed

Une fois que tu auras le flux on pourra peaufiner la config plus en détail.