Utilisateur RFPLAYER + Version Béta "en cours 16" VOIR NEW

As-tu essayé la version que je propose sur GitHub ?
Normalement le « RTS » devrait être OK, j’ai fait test en mode évènement avec une adresse au hasard ( je n’ai pas de volet en RTS)

Le switch est bien créé avec une ID switch.rts_b5 un ON et un OFF qui devrait envoyé la trame normale …
Là on voit autre ID de test en RTS ( il faut que je regarde le DIM) …


le log appuie sur Bp OFF et ON

2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] writing data: b'ZIA++OFF RTS B5\n\r'
2022-03-15 10:51:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] writing data: b'ZIA++ON RTS B5\n\r'

Ayant un Rflink de connecté je vois bien les trames acceptées :

2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 20;
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 15;Debug;RTS P1;a6490000
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 36ab14;
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got packet: 20;15;Debug;RTS P1;a649000036ab14;
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'debug', 'rts_p1': 'a649000036ab14'}
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'raw', 'value': None, 'tm': None, 'pulses': None}
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type unknown: {'id': 'raw', 'value': None, 'tm': None, 'pulses': None}
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] unhandled event of type: unknown
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: ab14;SWITCH=01;CMD=DOWN;
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got packet: 20;16;RTS;ID=36ab14;SWITCH=01;CMD=DOWN;
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'rts', 'id': '36ab14', 'switch': '01', 'command': 'down'}
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'rts_36ab14_01', 'command': 'down'}
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type command: {'id': 'rts_36ab14_01', 'command': 'down'}
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: ['light.rts_36ab14_01']
2022-03-15 10:50:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] passing event to light.rts_36ab14_01

Et du coup un light.rts_36ab14_01 de créé avec le RFLINK ?

Si tu pouvais essayer de ton côté, fais sauvegarde avant si tu veux récupérer des ID comme avant !
image Merci @+DÕ¿ÕM

Non je n’ai pas essayé ta version, mais j’y jetterai un œil ce week-end. Promis :wink:

Ceci dit, j’ai besoin du DIM dans mes automatisations (mes volets laissent passer la lumière en semaine pour qu’on arrive à se réveiller et ils sont complètement fermés week-end/jours fériés/vacances pour faire la grasse matinée :grin:).

Du coup, c’est plus intéressant pour moi d’avoir des entités covers que des switches.

Pour ce type de prise ce doit être du X10
Si tu as réglage canaux de A à P et de 1 à 16 il devrait remonter dans HA avec son ID du type
sensor.x10_0 pour A1, pour A16 doit être sensor.x10_15
après on passe sensor.x10_16 pour B1 jusqu’à sensor.x10_31 pour B16
et ainsi de suite jusqu’à P16 sensor.x10_255 qui est le maxi des cdes …

Pour remonter les ID type P16 il faudrait modifier la prise en compte de l’ID par le "idMeaning": "P16"
J’attends des tests de ce type en réel …

PS: Si utilisateur du Rfplayer sur HA avec RTS ou autre merci de faire test, et remonter les logs ( voir derniere version de test sur Github, Issues 10)

Si vous voulez récupérer les commandes Parrot en mémoire dans le Rfplayer (avec la modif du fichier [services.yaml] de la version Béta) :

La vraie commande est STATUS PARROT XML « remplacer le TXT par XML »

service: rfplayer.send_command
  command: STATUS
  automatic_add: false
  device_address: 'TXT '
  protocol: PARROT


ne pas sélectionner:
Create entity
Create associated switch entity

ensuite voir les logs:

exemple de log
2022-03-16 13:26:19 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.script.websocket_api_script] websocket_api script: Executing step call service
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer] Rfplayer send command for {'command': 'STATUS', 'automatic_add': False, 'device_address': 'TXT ', 'protocol': 'PARROT'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] writing data: b'ZIA++STATUS PARROT TXT \n\r'
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 1 (A2), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 1/12, reminder: Bp 4 Bp All Off,
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 1 (A2), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 1/12, reminder: Bp 4 Bp All Off, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 1 (A2), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 1/12, reminder: Bp 4 Bp All Off, 

2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 1 (A2), action: 1 (ON), rank: 2/12, reminder: Bp 1,
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 1 (A2), action: 1 (ON), rank: 2/12, reminder: Bp 1, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 1 (A2), action: 1 (ON), rank: 2/12, reminder: Bp 1, 

2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 2 (A3), action: 1 (ON), rank: 3/12, reminder: Bp2 On,
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 2 (A3), action: 1 (ON), rank: 3/12, reminder: Bp2 On, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 2 (A3), action: 1 (ON), rank: 3/12, reminder: Bp2 On, 

2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 3 (A4), action: 1 (ON), rank: 4/12, reminder: Bp3 On,
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 3 (A4), action: 1 (ON), rank: 4/12, reminder: Bp3 On, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 3 (A4), action: 1 (ON), rank: 4/12, reminder: Bp3 On, 

2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 4 (A5), action: 1 (ON), rank: 5/12, reminder: Bp All On,
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 4 (A5), action: 1 (ON), rank: 5/12, reminder: Bp All On, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 4 (A5), action: 1 (ON), rank: 5/12, reminder: Bp All On, 

2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 7 (A8), action: 1 (ON), rank: 6/12, reminder: telecde 54761 4 on,
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 7 (A8), action: 1 (ON), rank: 6/12, reminder: telecde 54761 4 on, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 7 (A8), action: 1 (ON), rank: 6/12, reminder: telecde 54761 4 on, 

2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 8 (A9), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 7/12, reminder: telecde 54761 4 off,
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 8 (A9), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 7/12, reminder: telecde 54761 4 off, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 8 (A9), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 7/12, reminder: telecde 54761 4 off, 

2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 10 (A11), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 8/12, reminder: Bp 1 off,
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 10 (A11), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 8/12, reminder: Bp 1 off, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 10 (A11), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 8/12, reminder: Bp 1 off, 

2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 16 (B1), action: 1 (ON), rank: 9/12, reminder: test all on,
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 16 (B1), action: 1 (ON), rank: 9/12, reminder: test all on, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 16 (B1), action: 1 (ON), rank: 9/12, reminder: test all on, 

2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 20 (B5), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 10/12, reminder: Bp2 Off,
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 20 (B5), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 10/12, reminder: Bp2 Off, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 20 (B5), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 10/12, reminder: Bp2 Off, 

2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 29 (B14), action: 1 (ON), rank: 11/12, reminder: Bp 4 Bp  1,
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 29 (B14), action: 1 (ON), rank: 11/12, reminder: Bp 4 Bp  1, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 29 (B14), action: 1 (ON), rank: 11/12, reminder: Bp 4 Bp  1, 

2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA--
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 30 (B15), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 12/12, reminder: Bp3 Off,
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'message': '\nparrotStatus request number=0\nid: 30 (B15), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 12/12, reminder: Bp3 Off, \n'}
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-03-16 13:26:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:message,v:
parrotStatus request number=0
id: 30 (B15), action: 0 (OFF), rank: 12/12, reminder: Bp3 Off,

Vous pouvez tester d’autres commandes de la même façon … Voir RTS ou réglage du Rfplayer

Ok merci pour ces infos. Je regarderai ça à tête reposée ce week end ou la semaine prochaine.

Par le plus grand des hasards, saurais-tu quels protocoles utilisent les matériels suivants et si on peut les intégrer à HA ?

  • Télécommande Enika Tx Pocket 4 (pour installation lumière halogène 24V). Je sais juste qu’elle émet à 433.92MHz,
  • Sonnette Honeywell DC311. Pareil, je sais juste qu’elle émet à 868 MHz, mais la doc ne donne aucune info et ne dit même pas si c’est du 868.35 ou du 868.95

Essai de faire des émissions de ta télé cde et du bouton , puis voir log dans HA.
Si ce n’est pas protocole propriétaire cela devrait remonter quelque chose …

Slt a tout les utilisateurs du Rfplayer sous HA.
Un petit up pour avoir des infos quand à l’utilisation de la version « béta » sous HA !


test cd edisio

Chouette ton animation !

Tes infos et cde passent ?

Oui j’ai un automatisme pour ouvrir et baisser les volets. pour la femeture rien de spécial par contre pour l’ouverture j’ai une condition qui n’ouvre que certains volets en fonction de hashtags que je mets dans mon calendrier google ( vacance scolaire, le volet du fils ne se leve pas a 8h30 ( vive les ados qui jouent jusqu’a pas d’heure :slight_smile: )

si le jour a le hashtag conge, là les volets restent fermés on se charge de les ouvrir quand tout le monde est debout.

Bonjour à tous,

Je cherche un tutoriel afin d’ajouter le Rfplayer dans home assistant et si possible utiliser le module jamming pour détecter les brouilleurs.

Vous remerciant par avance :slight_smile:

Salut pour l’installation va voir sur Github
Regarde aussi sur la partie issue Version beta en cours 12


1 « J'aime »

Pour les utilisateurs de la version Béta merci de faire remonté les bugs ou améliorations sur certains protocoles …( avec log)

PS @Aohzan as-tu regardé la version béta sur GitHub

Je n’arrive pas à trouver les log pour de capter les signaux et vérifier le bon fonctionnement du rfplayer c’est possible ? La finalité est de capter capter les signaux forts (anti brouilleur)


Pour Doubledom:


  1. est-ce que je vois sur tes Oregon vient du rfplayer ? Non. Le RFX est connecté à la Vera. Le ZIblue RFP1000 est rallié à HA.
  2. OREGON 433: Je dois bien faire la confrontation entre le log et les entités crées. Cela prendra un peu de temps car j’ai 2 capteurs de pluie et six thermo / hygromètres.
  3. VISONIC 868 : compris. Je me demande s’il est possible de récupérer quelque chose en regardent ce qui a été écrit pour Domoticz ou, il parait, tout marche avec RFP1000.
    Ils ont déjà trouvé la table des valeurs - correspondances.
  4. OWL : pendant la nuit, les entites on passe de 25 a 34.
    Il y a même un OWL 64energy et un OWL 64power qui n’existent pas chez moi. Je me demande d’où ils sortent ils. (J’ai un capteur de consommation mai il est en zwave et marche avec la Vera)

Je te retournerais ce que j’ai trouvé ou plus vite possible.


Ok mets les logs entier si tu veux pas découpé, le fichier /config/home-assistant.log ou celui d’avant /config/home-assistant.log.1 je sais pas la limite des fichiers que l’on peut mettre ici

je remets

tes fichiers ici
2022-05-07 11:41:49 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-93", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0.00", "unit" : "mm/h"}]}}}

2022-05-07 11:41:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-91", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "1627161904", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}
2022-05-07 11:41:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: : "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-58", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "10", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "4210726176", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:42:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-77", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val
2022-05-07 11:42:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:43:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-85", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value"

2022-05-07 11:43:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-79", "floorNoise": "-92", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:43:23 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:43:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-99", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "1574757152", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:44:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-78", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:44:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-82", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:44:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-79", "floorNoise": "-105", "rfQuality": "6", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "2499511584", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:44:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "6", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "3730991408", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}
2022-05-07 11:44:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-59", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "10", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "3026219808", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:44:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:45:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-79", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:45:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-87", "floorNoise": "-93", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value"

2022-05-07 11:45:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-93", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:45:53 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-77", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:45:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-82", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "6", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "1224197152", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:46:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-84", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value"

2022-05-07 11:46:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:46:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-79", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:47:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-86", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value"

2022-05-07 11:47:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-96", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "1226163488", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:47:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-60", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "10", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "2521590048", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:47:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:47:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-79", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:48:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: 0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-90", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "4133676064", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:48:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-82", "floorNoise": "-93", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:48:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-55", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "10", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "2142683936", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:48:32 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-78", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:48:52 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:49:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-86", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value"

2022-05-07 11:49:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-61", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "10", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "1727890720", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:49:25 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: " :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-78", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "56", "

2022-05-07 11:49:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: r": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0.00", "unit" : "mm/h"}]

2022-05-07 11:50:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"he

2022-05-07 11:50:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ader": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-85", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "0", "unit" : "%"}

2022-05-07 11:50:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: Type": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-78", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "56", "unit" : "%"}]}}}

2022-05-07 11:50:26 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: 3{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0.00"

2022-05-07 11:50:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-85", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "3472655648", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:50:32 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-76", "floorNoise": "-107", "rfQuality": "7", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "3489915936", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:51:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:51:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: rameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0.00", "unit" : "mm/h"}]}}}

2022-05-07 11:51:28 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: me" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-86", "floorNoise": "-105", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "3469714208", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:51:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "1", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-106", "rfQuality": "6", "protocol": "2", "protocolMeaning": "VISONIC", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "868950"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "258204704", "qualifier": "8", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Supervisor/Alive"]}}}}

2022-05-07 11:52:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0

2022-05-07 11:52:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: 0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-86", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "0", "unit" : "%"}]}}}

2022-05-07 11:52:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-79", "floorNoise": "-92", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "val

2022-05-07 11:52:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-85", "floorNoise": "-95", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x0000", "id_PHYMeaning": "ProbeV1", "adr_channel": "513",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "16",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.4", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value"

2022-05-07 11:52:47 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: 3{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0.00"

2022-05-07 11:52:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "56", "unit" : "%"}]}}}

2022-05-07 11:53:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: rameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-82", "floorNoise": "-92", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "9", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x2A19", "id_PHYMeaning": "PCR800", "adr_channel": "512",  "adr": "2",  "channel": "0",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "total rain", "value" : "3162.3", "unit" : "mm"}, {"type" : "current rain", "value" : "0.00", "unit" : "mm/h"}]}}}

2022-05-07 11:53:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: rame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-77", "floorNoise": "-94", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "37633",  "adr": "147",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "48",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+13.8", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "56

je remets en suivant les infos de décodage de l'Oregon

je remets en suivant les infos de décodage de l’Oregon qui est testé sur « protocolMeaning » son ident sera composé de ce que l’on retrouve dans « protocolMeaning » avec « adr_channel » et si plusieurs valeurs à remonter j’ajoute le « type » qui vient de « measures », je récupère ensuite la valeur dans « value » et normalement son unitée de mesure dans « unit »

2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-46", "floorNoise": "-99", "rfQuality": "10", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x1A2D", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR122/228/238/268,THGN122/123/132", "adr_channel": "49412",  "adr": "193",  "channel": "4",  "qualifier": "32",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+22.3", "unit" : "Celsius"},
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] received data: {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "60", "unit" : "%"}]}}}
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'OREGON', 'id': '49412temperature', 'hardware': 'THGR122/228/238/268,THGN122/123/132', 'command': '+22.3', 'state': '+22.3', 'unit': 'Celsius', 'type': 'temperature'}
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:protocol,v:OREGON
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:id,v:49412temperature
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:hardware,v:THGR122/228/238/268,THGN122/123/132
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:command,v:+22.3
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:state,v:+22.3
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:unit,v:Celsius
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:type,v:temperature
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] event: command -> +22.3
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] packet_events, sensor:command,value:+22.3
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] ignore_event
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] got event: {'id': 'OREGON_49412temperature_cmd', 'sensor': 'command', 'value': '+22.3', 'unit': 'Celsius'}
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer] event of type sensor: {'id': 'OREGON_49412temperature_cmd', 'sensor': 'command', 'value': '+22.3', 'unit': 'Celsius'}
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer] passing event to sensor.oregon_49412temperature
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'OREGON', 'id': '49412hygrometry', 'hardware': 'THGR122/228/238/268,THGN122/123/132', 'command': '60', 'state': '60', 'unit': '%', 'type': 'hygrometry'}
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:node,v:gateway
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:protocol,v:OREGON
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:id,v:49412hygrometry
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:hardware,v:THGR122/228/238/268,THGN122/123/132
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:command,v:60
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:state,v:60
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:unit,v:%
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] f:type,v:hygrometry
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] event: command -> 60
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpparser] packet_events, sensor:command,value:60
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] ignore_event
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer.rflib.rfpprotocol] got event: {'id': 'OREGON_49412hygrometry_cmd', 'sensor': 'command', 'value': '60', 'unit': '%'}
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer] event of type sensor: {'id': 'OREGON_49412hygrometry_cmd', 'sensor': 'command', 'value': '60', 'unit': '%'}
2022-05-08 12:35:02 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rfplayer] passing event to sensor.oregon_49412hygrometry


Pour les OWl les types sont remontés suivant version de OWL (energy, power, P, P2, P3)
Pour Visonic les infos sont dans la partie "qualifierMeaning": { "flags":ICI qui doit corespondre au « qualifier »


Quelqu’un a déjà essayé le dongle avec une alarme deltadore ?

J’utilise le RF Player depuis Jeedom et j’ai bien envie de supprimer ce lien Jeedom !!! Je m’en sert pour mes volets somfy (en RTS) et cela semble bien fonctionner dans la bêta.

Par contre je me sers de la fonction parot en ayant enregistré ma télécommande de lumière extérieur et en rejouant le code radio avec le RF Player. Cella est-il possible actuellement ?

Et je pose une autre question, est’il possible d’écouter en continue avec le RFPlayer pour savoir si quelqu’un appuie manuellement sur un bouton de volet roulant ?

Merci et bonne journée à tous.

Salut @Arnault
Je pense que la restitution du code Parrot en mémoire du Rfplayer Fonctionne, si tu mets la commande enregistrée voir info plus haut , normalement l’écoute est possible sur tout les protocoles ( ce n’est que l’émission qui est bridé par le Rfplayer lui même)

Merci de faire remonté les problèmes…

1 « J'aime »

Merci, je vais tenter l’incursion du RFPlayer dans HA. Peut être ce we si j’ai un peu de temps…