@Campashi Tu es sur la bonne voie, j’avais aussi eu ça. Je crois que c’est toujours le problème de l’éditeur du Shelly. Essaye de traficoter avec en stoppant / sauvegardant le script, en refaisant du copier-coller etc., éventuellement en rechargeant la page voir même en redémarrant le Shelly. Désolé, je ne me rappelle plus exactement comment j’avais fait. Aussi, assure-toi que la ligne 681 function update_new_day() { est bien là… Note aussi que sur le script de @garsy020 l’appel à cette fonction est ligne 1027 et sur le tien c’est ligne 1013. Donc soit tu as modifié volontairement quelques lignes soit l’éditeur Shelly t’a encore bouffé des lignes
C’est infernal…
Toujours des erreurs parfois différentes alors que je ne modifie rien sur le script… Il arrive même que le script soit complètement modifié tout seul en redémarrant le shelly…
Franchement j’en ai plein le c…
Je viens de faire une mise à jour du shelly en version 1.3.0
Une erreur qui revient souvent, il me dit qu’il ne peut pas récupérer le température… ai-je fait une erreur dans la syntaxe de l’id de mon shelly ???
J’ai changé la syntaxe, toujours l’erreur… je reviens à la syntaxe qui me générait l’erreur du message précédent… et nouvelle erreur…
concernant le décalage des lignes de code, dans le shelly, une fois passée la ligne 1000, il y a automatiquement un décalage. La ligne 1001 est sur deux lignes de code. Si j’essaie de faire correspondre en ajoutant des lignes vides, pas d’amélioration…
edit 13h03…
J’ai supprimé des lignes d’explications pour tomber sous les 1000 lignes de code et éliminer les potentielles erreurs créées par ce décalage… échec…
Franchement je comprends pas.
c’est vraiment bizarre, tu as rien a toucher dans le code, juste au début les paramètre de configuration:
* CONFIG.freeze_temp : prevent freeze of water under this temp
* CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_ext: Shelly id of external temp ( see your config on shelly UI )
* CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_pool: Shelly id of water pool temp ( see your config on shelly UI )
* CONFIG.ha_ip: IP of your Home assitant
* CONFIG.ha_token: long lived access token on your Home assistant API ( see here: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/auth_api/#:~:text=Long%2Dlived%20access%20tokens%20can,access%20token%20for%20current%20user. )
Tu utilises quoi comme navigateur web ? tu as pas des problèmes de copier coller ?
Tu copies le code depuis quoi ? vers où ?
Salut et merci de prendre le temps de répondre.
Je suis sur Mac et j’utilise safari. A priori pas de problème de copier/coller.
Du coup j’ai téléchargé BBE edit sur Mac pour éditer le code, pensant que ça pourrait régler des problèmes, mais à priori… non…
J’ai essayé de copier le code depuis ton GitHub, le coller directement dans le shelly. Puis j’ai copié sur Notes, modifié et copier sur le shelly. Après via BBE edit, modifier et copier sur le shelly et idem…
Je vais essayer avec un autre navigateur internet.
Avec firefox, même résultat et même erreur…
print("[POOL] start");
* @typedef {"switch" | "binary_sensor" | "sensor"} HADeviceType
* @typedef {"config"|"stat"|"cmd"} HATopicType
let CONFIG = {
shelly_id_temp_ext: 101,
shelly_id_temp_pool: 100,
shelly_id: null,
shelly_mac: null,
shelly_fw_id: null,
device_name: "POOL_PUMP_TEST",
ha_mqtt_ad: "homeassistant",
ha_dev_type: {
name: "",
ids: [""],
mdl: "Shelly-virtual-sensors",
sw: "",
mf: "Isynet",
payloads: {
on: "on",
off: "off",
update_period: 60000,
freeze_temp: 1,
ha_ip: "",
ha_token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
let STATUS = {
temp: 0,
current_temp: Shelly.getComponentStatus("temperature",CONFIG.shellyplus1_d4d4daf38d7c).tC,
temp_ext: Shelly.getComponentStatus("temperature",CONFIG.shellyplus1_d4d4daf38d7c).tC,
temp_max: 0,
temp_today: 0,
temp_yesterday: 0,
next_noon: 14,
freeze_mode: false,
coeff: 1.2,
sel_mode: "Force off",
update_time: 0,
update_time_last: 0,
update_temp_max_last: 0,
current_time: 0,
disable_temp: null,
lock_update: false,
make_unlock: false,
duration: null,
schedule: null,
start: null,
stop: null,
stop_orig: null,
time: null,
uptime: null,
tick: 0,
tick_mqtt: 0,
tick_temp: 0,
tick_lock: 0,
tick_pump: 0,
tick_pump_skip: 0,
tick_day: 0,
// calcul de l'heure pivot pour répartir la programmation de la pompe
// en fonction du zenith du soleil
function update_next_noon(){
// il faut aller chercher la valeur de HA sun.sun next_noon et ensuite la convertir
//print("[POOL_NEXT_NOON] date pivot", d);
//let new_d = JSON.parse(d.slice(0,2)) + JSON.parse(d.slice(3,5)) / 60;
//STATUS.next_noon = new_d;
//print("[POOL_NEXT_NOON] new_date pivot", new_d);
let h = {
method: "GET",
url: "http://"+ CONFIG.ha_ip +":8123/api/states/sun.sun",
headers : {
Authorization: "Bearer "+ CONFIG.ha_token,
'Content-Type': "application/json",
timeout: 4,
Shelly.call("HTTP.Request", h, function (result,error_code,error_message) {
if (error_code == 0 ) {
let re = JSON.stringify(result);
let result_json = JSON.parse(result.body);
if (result_json.hasOwnProperty("attributes")){
if (result_json.attributes.hasOwnProperty("next_noon")){
let next_noon = result_json.attributes.next_noon
let d = new Date(next_noon);
let new_d = d.getHours() + d.getMinutes() /60;
STATUS.next_noon = new_d;
//print("POOL_nn: next_noon"+ STATUS.next_noon);
}else {
print("ERROR HTTP request on HA next noon: "+error_code);
STATUS.next_noon = 14;
}else {
print("ERROR HTTP request on HA next noon: "+error_code);
STATUS.next_noon = 14;
print("ERROR CODE HTTP request on HA next noon: "+error_code);
STATUS.next_noon = 14;
Shelly.call("Shelly.GetDeviceInfo", {}, function (result) {
CONFIG.shelly_id = result.id;
CONFIG.shelly_mac = result.mac;
CONFIG.shelly_fw_id = result.fw_id;
CONFIG.device_name = result.name || CONFIG.device_name;
CONFIG.ha_dev_type.name = CONFIG.device_name;
CONFIG.ha_dev_type.ids[0] = CONFIG.shelly_id;
CONFIG.ha_dev_type.sw = CONFIG.shelly_fw_id;
* Construct config topic
* @param {HADeviceType} hatype HA device type
* @param {string} object_id
* @returns {string} topic - ha_mqtt_auto_discovery_prefix/device_type/device_id/config
function buildMQTTConfigTopic(hatype, object_id) {
return (
CONFIG.ha_mqtt_ad +
"/" +
hatype +
"/" +
CONFIG.shelly_id +
"/" +
object_id +
* @param {HADeviceType} hatype HA device type
* @param {HATopicType} topic HA topic
* @returns {string} topic string
function buildMQTTStateCmdTopics(hatype, topic) {
let _t = topic || "";
if (_t.length) {
_t = "/" + _t;
return CONFIG.shelly_id + "/" + hatype + _t;
* Control device switch
* @param {boolean} sw_state
* * @param {boolean} nolock
function switchActivate(sw_state, nolock) {
print("[POOL_CALL] switch set _ switchActivate");
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", {
id: 0,
on: sw_state,
if ( nolock !== true ){
print("[POOL] disable temp", STATUS.tick_lock);
if (STATUS.disable_temp !== null)
print("[POOL_DISABLE_TEMP] switchActivate() disable temp", STATUS.tick_lock);
STATUS.disable_temp = Timer.set(
600 * 1000,
function () {
print("[POOL] re-enable temp");
STATUS.disable_temp = null;
* Listen to ~/cmd topic for switch conrol
* @param {string} topic
* @param {string} message
// function MQTTCmdListener(topic, message) {
// let _sw_state = message === "on" ? true : false;
// switchActivate(_sw_state);
// }
* Listen to ~/cmd topic for number control Coefficient filtrage
* @param {string} topic
* @param {string} message
function MQTTCmdListenerNumber(topic, message) {
print("[MQTT] listen NUMBER : ", message);
if ( message !== ""){
if (STATUS.lock_update === false){
print("[POOL] - MQTT listenerNumber() lock_update = false");
//print("[MQTT] listen Number", message);
let obj = JSON.parse(message);
STATUS.coeff = obj;
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number", "state"), JSON.stringify(STATUS.coeff));
* Listen to ~/cmd topic for select mode control
* @param {string} topic
* @param {string} message
function MQTTCmdListenerSelect(topic, message) {
print("[MQTT] listen SELECT", message);
STATUS.sel_mode = message;
if (message === "Auto"){
print("[MQTT-SELECT] AUTO", message);
// fonctionnement Automatique normal
// appel du calcul de la pompe
}else if (message === "Force on"){
print("[MQTT-SELECT] FORCE ON", message);
// start pump & delete schedule
let calls = [];
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
}else if (message === "Force off"){
print("[MQTT-SELECT] FORCE OFF", message);
// stop pump & delete schedule
let calls = [];
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
// TODO= a été déplacé a la fin
* Publish update on switch change on binary sensor
// Shelly.addEventHandler(function (ev_data) {
// if (
// ev_data.component === "switch:0" &&
// typeof ev_data.info.output !== "undefined"
// ) {
// let _state_str = ev_data.info.output ? "ON" : "OFF";
// MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
// }
// });
function publishState() {
// use getComponentStatus (sync call) instead of call of "Sys.GetStatus" ( async call)
let result = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
//print("[POOL_] GETCOMPONENT-STATUS SWITCH :", result.output);
let _sensor = {
duration: 0,
start: 0,
stop: 0,
mode: "null",
temp_max : 0,
temp_max_yesterday: 0,
temp_current: 0,
temp_ext: 0,
_sensor.duration = STATUS.duration;
_sensor.start = STATUS.start;
_sensor.stop = STATUS.stop_orig;
_sensor.temp_max = STATUS.temp_max;
_sensor.temp_max_yesterday = STATUS.temp_yesterday;
_sensor.temp_current = STATUS.current_temp;
_sensor.temp_ext = STATUS.temp_ext;
if (STATUS.freeze_mode === true){
_sensor.mode = 'freeze';
_sensor.mode = 'summer';
_sensor.state = result.output;
buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("sensor", "state"),
let _state_str = _sensor.state ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number", "state"),JSON.stringify(STATUS.coeff));
if (STATUS.make_unlock){
STATUS.lock_update = false;
STATUS.make_unlock = false;
print("[POOL] - make_unlock - Publish state lock_update => false");
* Activate periodic updates
if(CONFIG.update_period > 0) Timer.set(CONFIG.update_period, true, publishState);
* Initialize listeners and configure switch and sensors entries
function initMQTT() {
MQTT.subscribe(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number", "cmd"), MQTTCmdListenerNumber);
* Configure the number coeff
buildMQTTConfigTopic("number", "coeff"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number"),
cmd_t: "~/cmd",
stat_t: "~/state",
icon: "mdi:close-circle-multiple",
retain: "true",
min: "0.6",
max: "1.60",
step: "0.1",
name: "coeff de filtration",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_coeff",
MQTT.subscribe(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("select", "cmd"), MQTTCmdListenerSelect);
* Configure the select Mode
let options = [
"Force on",
"Force off",
buildMQTTConfigTopic("select", "mode"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("select"),
cmd_t: "~/cmd",
options: options,
retain: "true",
ic: "mdi:cog-play",
name: "Running mode",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_selectMode",
* Configure binary_sensor of switch
let binarySensorStateTopic = buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state");
buildMQTTConfigTopic("binary_sensor", "pump"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": binarySensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
name: "Pool Pump",
device_class: "running",
ic: "mdi:pump",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_pump",
* Configure sensors
let sensorStateTopic = buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("sensor", "state");
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "duration"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.duration }}",
name: "Duration",
device_class: "duration",
unit_of_measurement: "h",
ic: "mdi:timer",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_duration",
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "start"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.start }}",
name: "Start",
device_class: "duration",
unit_of_measurement: "h",
icon: "mdi:clock",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_start",
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "stop"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.stop }}",
name: "Stop",
device_class: "duration",
unit_of_measurement: "h",
icon: "mdi:clock",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_stop",
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "mode"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.mode }}",
name: "Mode",
icon: "mdi:sun-snowflake-variant",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_mode",
//temperature max between today and yesterday use for calculate duration
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_max"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_max }}",
name: "Max",
device_class: "temperature",
unit_of_measurement: "°C",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_max",
//temperature max yesterday
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_max_yesterday"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_max_yesterday }}",
name: "Yesterday",
device_class: "temperature",
unit_of_measurement: "°C",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_max_yesterday",
//temperature current
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_current"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_current }}",
name: "Now",
device_class: "temperature",
unit_of_measurement: "°C",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_current",
//temperature exterior
buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_ext"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": sensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_ext }}",
name: "Exterieur",
device_class: "temperature",
unit_of_measurement: "°C",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_ext",
// compute duration of filtration for a given max temperature
// duration is returned in float format (1.25 -> 1h 15mn)
function compute_duration_filt(t) {
// if (t < 5)
// return 1* STATUS.coeff;
if (t < 4)
return 0.5 * STATUS.coeff; // ->0.5
if (t < 10)
// return ((t/5)* STATUS.coeff); // 1 -> 2
return ((t/7)* STATUS.coeff);
if (t < 12)
return ((t-8)* STATUS.coeff); // 2 -> 4
if (t < 16)
return ((t/2-2)* STATUS.coeff); // 4 -> 6
if (t < 24)
return ((t/4+2)* STATUS.coeff); // 6 -> 8
if (t < 27)
return ((t*4/3-24)* STATUS.coeff) // 8 -> 12
if (t < 30)
return ((t*4 - 96)* STATUS.coeff); // 12 -> 24
return 24;
// Calcul suivant l'équation
// y = (0.00335 * temperature^3) + (-0.14953 * temperature^2) + (2.43489 * temperature) -10.72859
// https://github.com/scadinot/pool/blob/master/core/class/pool.class.php
function compute_duration_filt_abacus(t){
// Pour assurer un temps minimum de filtration la temperature de calcul est forcée a 10°C
let new_t = null;
new_t = Math.max(t, 10);
//coefficient multiplicateur pour ajuster le temps de filtration
//let coeff = 1;
//print("[POOL_ABACUS] STATUS.coeff = ", STATUS.coeff);
let a = 0.00335 * STATUS.coeff;
let b = -0.14953 * STATUS.coeff;
let c = 2.43489 * STATUS.coeff;
let d = -10.72859 * STATUS.coeff;
return ( (a * Math.pow(new_t,3)) + ( b * Math.pow(new_t,2)) + ( c * new_t ) + d );
// compute the pump schedule for a given duration
// returns an array of start/stop times in float
// [ start1, stop1, start2, stop2, ... ]
function compute_schedule_filt_pivot(d) {
let s = null;
//let matin = Math.round(d)/2;
let matin = d/2;
let aprem = d - matin;
// si l'heure de fin est supérieur 24, repositionner l'heure a partir de 00:00, on retranche 24
let saprem = STATUS.next_noon + aprem;
if ( saprem >= 24) {
saprem = saprem - 24;
//s = [ STATUS.next_noon - matin, STATUS.next_noon + aprem ];
s = [ STATUS.next_noon - matin, saprem ];
STATUS.start = JSON.stringify(s[0]);
STATUS.stop = JSON.stringify(s[1]);
STATUS.stop_orig = JSON.stringify(STATUS.next_noon + aprem);
return s;
// convert a time to a crontab-like timespec
function time_to_timespec(t) {
let h = Math.floor(t);
let m = Math.floor((t-h)*60);
let ts = "0 " + JSON.stringify(m) + " " + JSON.stringify(h) + " * * SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT";
return ts;
//new day, update status
function update_new_day() {
let t = get_current_time();
print("[POOL] [NEW_DAY] update_new_day debug IF - current_time:", t, " <= update_time:", STATUS.update_time);
print("[POOL] [NEW_DAY] temp - update_temp_max:", STATUS.temp_max, "update_temp_max_last:", STATUS.update_temp_max_last,"temp_yesterday:", STATUS.temp_yesterday, "temp_ext:", STATUS.temp_ext);
if (t <= STATUS.update_time && STATUS.temp_today !== null){
print("[POOL_NEW_DAY] update_new_day is OK", STATUS.tick_day);
// suivant le déclenchement du "new day", cela ne prend pas en compte la temperature max de la vielle, et donc la pompe démarre le matin
// puis s'arrete sur une autre reprogrammation, car la température est moins élevé
// donc pour test pour l'instant
//STATUS.temp_yesterday = STATUS.temp_max;
STATUS.temp_yesterday = STATUS.temp_today;
STATUS.temp_today = null;
STATUS.update_time = t
//quand la temeprature diminue d'un jour sur l'autre, le new day change la température de yesterday, mais pas la programation.
// Du coup le matin lapompe fonctionne 10 min et met a jour la programation durant le fonctionnement, puis s'arrete et recommence en fonction de la prog.
// Il faut que la programation soit mise à jour dès que le new day est updated.
// call a chain of API calls
function do_call(calls) {
if (calls.length === 0) {
print("[POOL] call: done.");
let m = calls[0].method;
let p = calls[0].params;
calls.splice(0, 1);
print("[POOL] call:", m, JSON.stringify(p));
function (r, errc, errm, _calls) {
// compute & configure pump schedule
function update_pump(temp, max, time) {
print("[POOL] update_pump", STATUS.tick_pump, "- temp:", temp, "max:", max, "time:", time);
let duration_abacus = compute_duration_filt(max);
let schedule = compute_schedule_filt_pivot(duration_abacus);
print("[POOL] update_pump - duration abacus:", duration_abacus);
print("[POOL] update_pump - schedule:", JSON.stringify(schedule));
STATUS.duration = duration_abacus;
STATUS.schedule = schedule;
let calls = [];
print("[POOL_MODE] sel_mode: ", STATUS.sel_mode);
if (STATUS.sel_mode === "Auto") {
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
print("[POOL] update_pump - after schedule:" );
let on = true;
for (let i = 0; i < schedule.length; i++) {
let ts = time_to_timespec(schedule[i]);
let p = {
id: i+1,
enable: true,
timespec: ts,
calls: [{
method: "Switch.Set",
params: { id: 0, on: on }
calls.push({method: "Schedule.Create", params: p});
on = !on;
function compute_switch_from_schedule(){
if ((STATUS.sel_mode === "Auto") && ( STATUS.freeze_mode === false )){
// compute the current switch state according to the schedule
on = false;
time = get_current_time();
let j = false;
let schedule24 = STATUS.schedule;
if ( schedule24[1] < STATUS.next_noon ){
schedule24[1] = schedule24[1] + 24;
for (let i = 0; i < schedule24.length; i++) {
j = !j;
print("[POOL SWITCH] time:", time ,"schedule24[i]");
if (time >= schedule24[i])
on = j;
print("[POOL SWITCH] time:", time ,"");
let calls = [];
calls.push({method: "Switch.Set", params: {id: 0, on: on}});
let _state_str = on ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
function update_pump_hivernage(){
let calls = [];
//on efface le scheduler
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
//on force la pompe a on
calls.push({method: "Switch.Set", params: {id: 0, on: true}});
* Update temperature from Sensor
* - update max temp
* - retrieve current time
* - switch to new day
* - do a pump update if the last one didn't happen too close and if max temp has changed
* @param {boolean} fromUpdateCoeff
* @param {boolean} nodisable
function update_temp(fromUpdateCoeff, nodisable) {
// update temp only if pump is on.
// let switchResult = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
// print("[POOL_update_temp] GETCOMPONENT-STATUS SWITCH :", switchResult.output);
// if ( !switchResult.output ){
// return
// }
print("[POOL] update_temp", STATUS.tick_temp, STATUS.current_temp);
print("[POOL_DISABLE_TEMP] disable_temp", STATUS.disable_temp, nodisable);
if ((STATUS.disable_temp !== null) && ( nodisable !== true)) {
print("[POOL] update disabled");
if (STATUS.lock_update) {
print("[POOL] update_temp locked");
print("[POOL] update_temp() published lock_update => true");
STATUS.lock_update = true;
STATUS.temp = Math.round(STATUS.current_temp * 10) / 10;
//update max only if pump is on
let switchResult = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
print("[POOL_update_temp] GETCOMPONENT-STATUS SWITCH :", switchResult.output);
if ( switchResult.output ){
STATUS.temp_today = Math.max(STATUS.temp_today, STATUS.temp);
STATUS.temp_max = Math.max(STATUS.temp_today, STATUS.temp_yesterday);
//print("[POOL] update_temp - max today:", STATUS.temp_max, "today:", STATUS.temp_today, "yesterday:", STATUS.temp_yesterday);
//print("[POOL] update_temp - update_temp_max:", STATUS.temp_max, "update_temp_max_last:", STATUS.update_temp_max_last, "temp_ext:", STATUS.temp_ext);
STATUS.current_time = get_current_time();
if ((STATUS.temp_max !== STATUS.update_temp_max_last) ||
(STATUS.temp_ext < CONFIG.freeze_temp ) ||
(STATUS.freeze_mode === true) ||
(fromUpdateCoeff === true) ||
(nodisable === true) ) {
}else if( (STATUS.sel_mode === "Force on") || (STATUS.sel_mode === "Force off")){
print("[POOL] Force ON or Off, lock_update => false");
STATUS.lock_update = false;
}else {
print("[POOL] no temp change, skip update_pump, lock_update => false");
STATUS.lock_update = false;
function get_current_time(){
print("[POOL] get_status current time");
let result = {
time: null,
let i = 1;
while (result.time === null ){
// use getComponentStatus (sync call) instead of call of "Sys.GetStatus" ( async call)
result = Shelly.getComponentStatus("sys");
print("[POOL] get_status tick: ", i);
print("[POOL] get_current_time() time:", result.time);
let time = result.time; // "HH:MM"
// compute current time in float format (12h45 -> 12.75)
let t = JSON.parse(time.slice(0,2)) + JSON.parse(time.slice(3,5)) / 60;
return t;
function update_temp_call(){
STATUS.update_time = STATUS.current_time;
print("[POOL TIME] ", STATUS.update_time);
// freeze_mode
if (STATUS.temp_ext < CONFIG.freeze_temp){
print("[POOL] Mode hivernage - temp : ", STATUS.temp_ext);
STATUS.freeze_mode = true;
// too much RPC (limit to 5)
// the update_temp is locked and unlock only on publishstate.
// add make_unlock, to tel publishState to unlock on his call RPC
// -> I can't pass arg to function to reuse it into rpc call of publishState
STATUS.make_unlock = true;
STATUS.freeze_mode = false;
// faire ici peut-être un off de la pompe.. qui sort du freeze mode
if (STATUS.temp_max !== null) {
// if ((t - STATUS.update_time_last) > 0.15) { // 9 minutes
update_pump(STATUS.temp, STATUS.temp_max, STATUS.update_time);
STATUS.update_time_last = STATUS.update_time;
STATUS.update_temp_max_last = STATUS.temp_max;
// }
// else {
// STATUS.tick_pump_skip++;
// print("[POOL] to much update_pump, skipped", STATUS.tick_pump_skip);
// }
// too much RPC (limit to 5)
// the update_temp is locked and unlock only on publishstate.
// add make_unlock, to tel publishState to unlock on his call RPC
// -> I can't pass arg to function to reuse it into rpc call of publishState
STATUS.make_unlock = true;
function (data) {
let re = JSON.stringify(data);
print("EVENT", re);
* Publish update on switch change on binary sensor
if (
data.component === "switch:0" &&
typeof data.info.output !== "undefined"
) {
let _state_str = data.info.output ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
// Event pour changement de température
//let re = JSON.stringify(data);
//print("EVENTTTTTT", re);
if (data.info.event === "temperature_change") {
if (data.info.id === CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_ext) {
// changement de la temperature exterieur
STATUS.temp_ext = data.info.tC;
print("changement de la temperature exterieur");
if (data.info.id === CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_pool) {
// changement de la temperature pool
STATUS.current_temp = data.info.tC;
print("changement de la temperature piscine");
//process mise à jour des temperature
//event changement du switch et lock
if (data.info.event === "toggle") {
let result = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
let _state_str = result.output ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
print("[POOL] disable temp", STATUS.tick_lock);
if (STATUS.disable_temp !== null)
STATUS.disable_temp = Timer.set(
600 * 1000,
function () {
print("[POOL] re-enable temp");
STATUS.disable_temp = null;
* Activate periodic check for new day
* 300000 = 5min
Timer.set(600000, true, update_new_day);
Bon, essaye avec un chrome déjà, au moins on évacura les problème safari et firefox…
Ensuite pour les problème de température:
il faut que dans STATUS c’est deux lignes soit comme cela:
current_temp: Shelly.getComponentStatus("temperature",CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_pool).tC,
temp_ext: Shelly.getComponentStatus("temperature",CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_ext).tC,
il ne faut pas les modifier !
par contre ici dans CONFIG:
let CONFIG = {
shelly_id_temp_ext: 100,
shelly_id_temp_pool: 101,
tu dois remplacer 100 et 101 par les ID de tes sondes, que tu trouveras en te connectant avec ton navigateur web ( chrome) sur l’ip de ton shelly, sur page d’acceuil tu cliques ici:
Et ensuite tu regardes ici pour chaque sondes.
C’est bon, le script fonctionne !!!
J’étais bien un boulet…
Pour les erreurs générées par le script, il faut l’enregistrer, redémarrer le shelly, et là pas de souci.
En revanche, j’ai un souci, rien ne remonte automatiquement dans mqtt, du coup je suis obligé d’aller les chercher… Sauf que pour les remontées de durées je sèche…
il s’agit de convertir les données reçues en une heure type h:mm
Je ne trouve pas le « select mode » dans mqtt explorer…
Désolé pour les questions de newbie…
Ah ben c’est super on avance !!!
Bon là maintenant ce n’est pas de faute.
En fait si tu regardes le log système, le shelly log des erreurs sur la publication MQTT, je lui envoie trop d’information lors de l’init donc il bug. Et ce bug n’est pas encore corrigé
Du coup pour initialiser le select et les autres c’est assez simple:
Commente à partir de la ligne 461 jusqu’à 589 ( si je ne me trompe pas). Tu relances le script une fois, cela va te créer les éléments MQTT manquants; ensuite de décommente et roule ma poule.
Cette manipulation permet de réduire le nombre d’éléments MQTT à initialiser.
J’ai essayé ta solution, sans trop de succès.
Ça génère des erreurs et le script ne se lance pas.
Est-il normal de ne pas avoir d’infos sur la durée de filtration, et les heures de début et fin de filtration d’un jour à l’autre ?
Pour avoir ces valeurs, il faut que je démarre la pompe manuellement.
Je fais un complément à mon précédent message.
Le script semble fonctionner. Je dis semble, car l’option lancement au démarrage est activé, et qu’il est bien en fonctionnement, néanmoins, après avoir essayé plusieurs fois ta solution pour les remontées dans mqtt de l’ensemble des capteurs, impossible de les avoir.
J’ai l’impression que du coup, le script n’est pas en mode automatique. Il ne démarre pas la filtration et ne la stoppé pas automatiquement aux heures qu’il me renvoie.
J’ai dû démarrer la pompe manuellement hier, et j’ai attendu pour voir si elle s’arrêterait seule, mais ça n’a pas été le cas.
Voici les infos du jour, elle n’a pas démarré seule ce matin.
Est-ce que le fait d’avoir créer des scènes sur le shelly pour la mise en marche et l’arrêt de la pompe (c’est comme cela que c’était géré avant que je ne puisse mettre le script…), même si je les ai désactivées, peut interférer ?
Salut @Campashi, bon on va faire les choses dans l’ordre, on va d’abord se concentrer sur l’affichage de tous les éléments:
voici le script a copier coller pour remplacer l’existant. Le mieux est de désactiver ton script actuel, tu en crées un second pour y mettre le code ci dessous:
PS: oubli pas de remplacer les paramètres habituel ( IP, ID des sondes de températures etc…)
Un fois fais, tu executes le script et tu me dis ce que tu as dans ton mqttExplorer ainsi que les log shelly.
* garcia.sylvain@gmail.com
* https://github.com/sylvaing/shelly-pool-pump
* This script is intended to manage your pool pump from a Shelly Plus device.
* He is compatible from firmware 1.0.8.
* Based on shelly script of ggilles with lot of new feature and improvment.
* https://www.shelly-support.eu/forum/index.php?thread/14810-script-randomly-killed-on-shelly-plus-1pm/
* Calculate duration filter from current temperature of water, and use max temp of the day and yesterday. The script use sun noon
* to calculate the start of script and the end. the morning and the afternoon are separate by sun noon, and duration are equal.
* manage freeze mode : under 0.5°C (CONFIG.freeze_temp) pump will be activate to prevent freeze of water.
* Publish informations on MQTT for Home Assistant autodiscover, all sensors and switch are autocreate in your home assitant.
* Before use the script you must configure correcly your Shelly device to connect a your MQTT broker trought web interface or shelly app.
* You must also use shelly external addon and two DS18b20, one for the water, an other one for air temp.
* So you must configure shelly_id_temp_ext and shelly_id_temp_pool in this script according of your id in shelly addon configuration.
* The next noon is fix at 2h00pm (STATUS.next_noon) by default.
* the script request your home hassitant inorder to find your next_noon. If error to request the next noon on your Home Assisstant the value is 2h00pm
* You must generate token on your Home Assitant installation, and replace value CONFIG.ha_token and also IP of your HA installation
* You have au slider to configure the factor of duration filtration, if you want adapt this, by default its 1, but you can choose what you want.
* configuration resume
* CONFIG.freeze_temp : prevent freeze of water under this temp
* CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_ext: Shelly id of external temp ( see your config on shelly UI
* CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_pool: Shelly id of water pool temp ( see your config on shelly UI
* CONFIG.ha_ip: IP of your Home assitant
* CONFIG.ha_token: long lived access token on your Home assistant API ( see here: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/auth_api/#:~:text=Long%2Dlived%20access%20tokens%20can,access%20token%20for%20current%20user. )
print("[POOL] start");
* @typedef {"switch" | "binary_sensor" | "sensor"} HADeviceType
* @typedef {"config"|"stat"|"cmd"} HATopicType
let CONFIG = {
shelly_id_temp_ext: 100,
shelly_id_temp_pool: 101,
shelly_id: null,
shelly_mac: null,
shelly_fw_id: null,
device_name: "POOL_PUMP",
ha_mqtt_ad: "homeassistant",
ha_dev_type: {
name: "",
ids: [""],
mdl: "Shelly-virtual-sensors",
sw: "",
mf: "Isynet",
payloads: {
on: "on",
off: "off",
update_period: 60000,
freeze_temp: 0.5,
ha_ip: "",
ha_token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiI3MDIxNmE2Yjk4YmY0YWE0OWQ2YjI2YTZmMThhMzE5NSIsImlhdCI6MTY5NjQ5NDk3MiwiZXhwIjoyMDExODU0OTcyfQ._4Jihf-RTSsHWTCU2_F-nLy5bpZrlH--2XV_xN4gbgw",
let STATUS = {
temp: 0,
current_temp: Shelly.getComponentStatus("temperature",CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_pool).tC,
temp_ext: Shelly.getComponentStatus("temperature",CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_ext).tC,
temp_max: 0,
temp_today: 0,
temp_yesterday: 0,
next_noon: 14,
freeze_mode: false,
coeff: 1.2,
sel_mode: "Force off",
update_time: 0,
update_time_last: 0,
update_temp_max_last: 0,
current_time: 0,
disable_temp: null,
lock_update: false,
make_unlock: false,
duration: null,
schedule: null,
start: null,
stop: null,
stop_orig: null,
time: null,
uptime: null,
tick: 0,
tick_mqtt: 0,
tick_temp: 0,
tick_lock: 0,
tick_pump: 0,
tick_pump_skip: 0,
tick_day: 0,
// calcul de l'heure pivot pour répartir la programmation de la pompe
// en fonction du zenith du soleil
function update_next_noon(){
// il faut aller chercher la valeur de HA sun.sun next_noon et ensuite la convertir
//print("[POOL_NEXT_NOON] date pivot", d);
//let new_d = JSON.parse(d.slice(0,2)) + JSON.parse(d.slice(3,5)) / 60;
//STATUS.next_noon = new_d;
//print("[POOL_NEXT_NOON] new_date pivot", new_d);
let h = {
method: "GET",
url: "http://"+ CONFIG.ha_ip +":8123/api/states/sun.sun",
headers : {
Authorization: "Bearer "+ CONFIG.ha_token,
'Content-Type': "application/json",
timeout: 4,
Shelly.call("HTTP.Request", h, function (result,error_code,error_message) {
if (error_code == 0 ) {
let re = JSON.stringify(result);
let result_json = JSON.parse(result.body);
if (result_json.hasOwnProperty("attributes")){
if (result_json.attributes.hasOwnProperty("next_noon")){
let next_noon = result_json.attributes.next_noon
let d = new Date(next_noon);
let new_d = d.getHours() + d.getMinutes() /60;
STATUS.next_noon = new_d;
//print("POOL_nn: next_noon"+ STATUS.next_noon);
}else {
print("ERROR HTTP request on HA next noon: "+error_code);
STATUS.next_noon = 14;
}else {
print("ERROR HTTP request on HA next noon: "+error_code);
STATUS.next_noon = 14;
print("ERROR CODE HTTP request on HA next noon: "+error_code);
STATUS.next_noon = 14;
Shelly.call("Shelly.GetDeviceInfo", {}, function (result) {
CONFIG.shelly_id = result.id;
CONFIG.shelly_mac = result.mac;
CONFIG.shelly_fw_id = result.fw_id;
CONFIG.device_name = result.name || CONFIG.device_name;
CONFIG.ha_dev_type.name = CONFIG.device_name;
CONFIG.ha_dev_type.ids[0] = CONFIG.shelly_id;
CONFIG.ha_dev_type.sw = CONFIG.shelly_fw_id;
* Construct config topic
* @param {HADeviceType} hatype HA device type
* @param {string} object_id
* @returns {string} topic - ha_mqtt_auto_discovery_prefix/device_type/device_id/config
function buildMQTTConfigTopic(hatype, object_id) {
return (
CONFIG.ha_mqtt_ad +
"/" +
hatype +
"/" +
CONFIG.shelly_id +
"/" +
object_id +
* @param {HADeviceType} hatype HA device type
* @param {HATopicType} topic HA topic
* @returns {string} topic string
function buildMQTTStateCmdTopics(hatype, topic) {
let _t = topic || "";
if (_t.length) {
_t = "/" + _t;
return CONFIG.shelly_id + "/" + hatype + _t;
* Control device switch
* @param {boolean} sw_state
* * @param {boolean} nolock
function switchActivate(sw_state, nolock) {
print("[POOL_CALL] switch set _ switchActivate");
Shelly.call("Switch.Set", {
id: 0,
on: sw_state,
if ( nolock !== true ){
print("[POOL] disable temp", STATUS.tick_lock);
if (STATUS.disable_temp !== null)
print("[POOL_DISABLE_TEMP] switchActivate() disable temp", STATUS.tick_lock);
STATUS.disable_temp = Timer.set(
600 * 1000,
function () {
print("[POOL] re-enable temp");
STATUS.disable_temp = null;
* Listen to ~/cmd topic for switch conrol
* @param {string} topic
* @param {string} message
// function MQTTCmdListener(topic, message) {
// let _sw_state = message === "on" ? true : false;
// switchActivate(_sw_state);
// }
* Listen to ~/cmd topic for number control Coefficient filtrage
* @param {string} topic
* @param {string} message
function MQTTCmdListenerNumber(topic, message) {
print("[MQTT] listen NUMBER : ", message);
if ( message !== ""){
if (STATUS.lock_update === false){
print("[POOL] - MQTT listenerNumber() lock_update = false");
//print("[MQTT] listen Number", message);
let obj = JSON.parse(message);
STATUS.coeff = obj;
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number", "state"), JSON.stringify(STATUS.coeff));
* Listen to ~/cmd topic for select mode control
* @param {string} topic
* @param {string} message
function MQTTCmdListenerSelect(topic, message) {
print("[MQTT] listen SELECT", message);
STATUS.sel_mode = message;
if (message === "Auto"){
print("[MQTT-SELECT] AUTO", message);
// fonctionnement Automatique normal
// appel du calcul de la pompe
}else if (message === "Force on"){
print("[MQTT-SELECT] FORCE ON", message);
// start pump & delete schedule
let calls = [];
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
}else if (message === "Force off"){
print("[MQTT-SELECT] FORCE OFF", message);
// stop pump & delete schedule
let calls = [];
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
// TODO= a été déplacé a la fin
* Publish update on switch change on binary sensor
// Shelly.addEventHandler(function (ev_data) {
// if (
// ev_data.component === "switch:0" &&
// typeof ev_data.info.output !== "undefined"
// ) {
// let _state_str = ev_data.info.output ? "ON" : "OFF";
// MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
// }
// });
function publishState() {
// use getComponentStatus (sync call) instead of call of "Sys.GetStatus" ( async call)
let result = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
//print("[POOL_] GETCOMPONENT-STATUS SWITCH :", result.output);
let _sensor = {
duration: 0,
start: 0,
stop: 0,
mode: "null",
temp_max : 0,
temp_max_yesterday: 0,
temp_current: 0,
temp_ext: 0,
_sensor.duration = STATUS.duration;
_sensor.start = STATUS.start;
_sensor.stop = STATUS.stop_orig;
_sensor.temp_max = STATUS.temp_max;
_sensor.temp_max_yesterday = STATUS.temp_yesterday;
_sensor.temp_current = STATUS.current_temp;
_sensor.temp_ext = STATUS.temp_ext;
if (STATUS.freeze_mode === true){
_sensor.mode = 'freeze';
_sensor.mode = 'summer';
_sensor.state = result.output;
buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("sensor", "state"),
let _state_str = _sensor.state ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number", "state"),JSON.stringify(STATUS.coeff));
if (STATUS.make_unlock){
STATUS.lock_update = false;
STATUS.make_unlock = false;
print("[POOL] - make_unlock - Publish state lock_update => false");
* Activate periodic updates
if(CONFIG.update_period > 0) Timer.set(CONFIG.update_period, true, publishState);
* Initialize listeners and configure switch and sensors entries
function initMQTT() {
MQTT.subscribe(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number", "cmd"), MQTTCmdListenerNumber);
* Configure the number coeff
buildMQTTConfigTopic("number", "coeff"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("number"),
cmd_t: "~/cmd",
stat_t: "~/state",
icon: "mdi:close-circle-multiple",
retain: "true",
min: "0.6",
max: "1.60",
step: "0.1",
name: "coeff de filtration",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_coeff",
MQTT.subscribe(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("select", "cmd"), MQTTCmdListenerSelect);
* Configure the select Mode
let options = [
"Force on",
"Force off",
buildMQTTConfigTopic("select", "mode"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("select"),
cmd_t: "~/cmd",
options: options,
retain: "true",
ic: "mdi:cog-play",
name: "Running mode",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_selectMode",
* Configure binary_sensor of switch
let binarySensorStateTopic = buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state");
buildMQTTConfigTopic("binary_sensor", "pump"),
dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
"~": binarySensorStateTopic,
stat_t: "~",
name: "Pool Pump",
device_class: "running",
ic: "mdi:pump",
uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_pump",
* Configure sensors
// let sensorStateTopic = buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("sensor", "state");
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "duration"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.duration }}",
// name: "Duration",
// device_class: "duration",
// unit_of_measurement: "h",
// ic: "mdi:timer",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_duration",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "start"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.start }}",
// name: "Start",
// device_class: "duration",
// unit_of_measurement: "h",
// icon: "mdi:clock",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_start",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "stop"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.stop }}",
// name: "Stop",
// device_class: "duration",
// unit_of_measurement: "h",
// icon: "mdi:clock",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_stop",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "mode"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.mode }}",
// name: "Mode",
// icon: "mdi:sun-snowflake-variant",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_mode",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// //temperature max between today and yesterday use for calculate duration
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_max"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_max }}",
// name: "Max",
// device_class: "temperature",
// unit_of_measurement: "°C",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_max",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// //temperature max yesterday
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_max_yesterday"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_max_yesterday }}",
// name: "Yesterday",
// device_class: "temperature",
// unit_of_measurement: "°C",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_max_yesterday",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// //temperature current
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_current"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_current }}",
// name: "Now",
// device_class: "temperature",
// unit_of_measurement: "°C",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_current",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// //temperature exterior
// MQTT.publish(
// buildMQTTConfigTopic("sensor", "temp_ext"),
// JSON.stringify({
// dev: CONFIG.ha_dev_type,
// "~": sensorStateTopic,
// stat_t: "~",
// val_tpl: "{{ value_json.temp_ext }}",
// name: "Exterieur",
// device_class: "temperature",
// unit_of_measurement: "°C",
// uniq_id: CONFIG.shelly_mac + ":" + CONFIG.device_name + "_temp_ext",
// }),
// 0,
// true
// );
// compute duration of filtration for a given max temperature
// duration is returned in float format (1.25 -> 1h 15mn)
function compute_duration_filt(t) {
// if (t < 5)
// return 1* STATUS.coeff;
if (t < 4)
return 0.5 * STATUS.coeff; // ->0.5
if (t < 10)
// return ((t/5)* STATUS.coeff); // 1 -> 2
return ((t/7)* STATUS.coeff);
if (t < 12)
return ((t-8)* STATUS.coeff); // 2 -> 4
if (t < 16)
return ((t/2-2)* STATUS.coeff); // 4 -> 6
if (t < 24)
return ((t/4+2)* STATUS.coeff); // 6 -> 8
if (t < 27)
return ((t*4/3-24)* STATUS.coeff) // 8 -> 12
if (t < 30)
return ((t*4 - 96)* STATUS.coeff); // 12 -> 24
return 24;
// Calcul suivant l'équation
// y = (0.00335 * temperature^3) + (-0.14953 * temperature^2) + (2.43489 * temperature) -10.72859
// https://github.com/scadinot/pool/blob/master/core/class/pool.class.php
function compute_duration_filt_abacus(t){
// Pour assurer un temps minimum de filtration la temperature de calcul est forcée a 10°C
let new_t = null;
new_t = Math.max(t, 10);
//coefficient multiplicateur pour ajuster le temps de filtration
//let coeff = 1;
//print("[POOL_ABACUS] STATUS.coeff = ", STATUS.coeff);
let a = 0.00335 * STATUS.coeff;
let b = -0.14953 * STATUS.coeff;
let c = 2.43489 * STATUS.coeff;
let d = -10.72859 * STATUS.coeff;
return ( (a * Math.pow(new_t,3)) + ( b * Math.pow(new_t,2)) + ( c * new_t ) + d );
// compute the pump schedule for a given duration
// returns an array of start/stop times in float
// [ start1, stop1, start2, stop2, ... ]
function compute_schedule_filt_pivot(d) {
let s = null;
//let matin = Math.round(d)/2;
let matin = d/2;
let aprem = d - matin;
// si l'heure de fin est supérieur 24, repositionner l'heure a partir de 00:00, on retranche 24
let saprem = STATUS.next_noon + aprem;
if ( saprem >= 24) {
saprem = saprem - 24;
//s = [ STATUS.next_noon - matin, STATUS.next_noon + aprem ];
s = [ STATUS.next_noon - matin, saprem ];
STATUS.start = JSON.stringify(s[0]);
STATUS.stop = JSON.stringify(s[1]);
STATUS.stop_orig = JSON.stringify(STATUS.next_noon + aprem);
return s;
// convert a time to a crontab-like timespec
function time_to_timespec(t) {
let h = Math.floor(t);
let m = Math.floor((t-h)*60);
let ts = "0 " + JSON.stringify(m) + " " + JSON.stringify(h) + " * * SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT";
return ts;
//new day, update status
function update_new_day() {
let t = get_current_time();
print("[POOL] [NEW_DAY] update_new_day debug IF - current_time:", t, " <= update_time:", STATUS.update_time);
print("[POOL] [NEW_DAY] temp - update_temp_max:", STATUS.temp_max, "update_temp_max_last:", STATUS.update_temp_max_last,"temp_yesterday:", STATUS.temp_yesterday, "temp_ext:", STATUS.temp_ext);
if (t <= STATUS.update_time && STATUS.temp_today !== null){
print("[POOL_NEW_DAY] update_new_day is OK", STATUS.tick_day);
// suivant le déclenchement du "new day", cela ne prend pas en compte la temperature max de la vielle, et donc la pompe démarre le matin
// puis s'arrete sur une autre reprogrammation, car la température est moins élevé
// donc pour test pour l'instant
//STATUS.temp_yesterday = STATUS.temp_max;
STATUS.temp_yesterday = STATUS.temp_today;
STATUS.temp_today = null;
STATUS.update_time = t
//quand la temeprature diminue d'un jour sur l'autre, le new day change la température de yesterday, mais pas la programation.
// Du coup le matin lapompe fonctionne 10 min et met a jour la programation durant le fonctionnement, puis s'arrete et recommence en fonction de la prog.
// Il faut que la programation soit mise à jour dès que le new day est updated.
// call a chain of API calls
function do_call(calls) {
if (calls.length === 0) {
print("[POOL] call: done.");
let m = calls[0].method;
let p = calls[0].params;
calls.splice(0, 1);
print("[POOL] call:", m, JSON.stringify(p));
function (r, errc, errm, _calls) {
// compute & configure pump schedule
function update_pump(temp, max, time) {
print("[POOL] update_pump", STATUS.tick_pump, "- temp:", temp, "max:", max, "time:", time);
let duration_abacus = compute_duration_filt(max);
let schedule = compute_schedule_filt_pivot(duration_abacus);
print("[POOL] update_pump - duration abacus:", duration_abacus);
print("[POOL] update_pump - schedule:", JSON.stringify(schedule));
STATUS.duration = duration_abacus;
STATUS.schedule = schedule;
let calls = [];
print("[POOL_MODE] sel_mode: ", STATUS.sel_mode);
if (STATUS.sel_mode === "Auto") {
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
print("[POOL] update_pump - after schedule:" );
let on = true;
for (let i = 0; i < schedule.length; i++) {
let ts = time_to_timespec(schedule[i]);
let p = {
id: i+1,
enable: true,
timespec: ts,
calls: [{
method: "Switch.Set",
params: { id: 0, on: on }
calls.push({method: "Schedule.Create", params: p});
on = !on;
function compute_switch_from_schedule(){
if ((STATUS.sel_mode === "Auto") && ( STATUS.freeze_mode === false )){
// compute the current switch state according to the schedule
on = false;
time = get_current_time();
let j = false;
let schedule24 = STATUS.schedule;
if ( schedule24[1] < STATUS.next_noon ){
schedule24[1] = schedule24[1] + 24;
for (let i = 0; i < schedule24.length; i++) {
j = !j;
print("[POOL SWITCH] time:", time ,"schedule24[i]");
if (time >= schedule24[i])
on = j;
print("[POOL SWITCH] time:", time ,"");
let calls = [];
calls.push({method: "Switch.Set", params: {id: 0, on: on}});
let _state_str = on ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
function update_pump_hivernage(){
let calls = [];
//on efface le scheduler
calls.push({method: "Schedule.DeleteAll", params: null});
//on force la pompe a on
calls.push({method: "Switch.Set", params: {id: 0, on: true}});
* Update temperature from Sensor
* - update max temp
* - retrieve current time
* - switch to new day
* - do a pump update if the last one didn't happen too close and if max temp has changed
* @param {boolean} fromUpdateCoeff
* @param {boolean} nodisable
function update_temp(fromUpdateCoeff, nodisable) {
// update temp only if pump is on.
// let switchResult = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
// print("[POOL_update_temp] GETCOMPONENT-STATUS SWITCH :", switchResult.output);
// if ( !switchResult.output ){
// return
// }
print("[POOL] update_temp", STATUS.tick_temp, STATUS.current_temp);
print("[POOL_DISABLE_TEMP] disable_temp", STATUS.disable_temp, nodisable);
if ((STATUS.disable_temp !== null) && ( nodisable !== true)) {
print("[POOL] update disabled");
if (STATUS.lock_update) {
print("[POOL] update_temp locked");
print("[POOL] update_temp() published lock_update => true");
STATUS.lock_update = true;
STATUS.temp = Math.round(STATUS.current_temp * 10) / 10;
//update max only if pump is on
let switchResult = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
print("[POOL_update_temp] GETCOMPONENT-STATUS SWITCH :", switchResult.output);
if ( switchResult.output ){
STATUS.temp_today = Math.max(STATUS.temp_today, STATUS.temp);
STATUS.temp_max = Math.max(STATUS.temp_today, STATUS.temp_yesterday);
//print("[POOL] update_temp - max today:", STATUS.temp_max, "today:", STATUS.temp_today, "yesterday:", STATUS.temp_yesterday);
//print("[POOL] update_temp - update_temp_max:", STATUS.temp_max, "update_temp_max_last:", STATUS.update_temp_max_last, "temp_ext:", STATUS.temp_ext);
STATUS.current_time = get_current_time();
if ((STATUS.temp_max !== STATUS.update_temp_max_last) ||
(STATUS.temp_ext < CONFIG.freeze_temp ) ||
(STATUS.freeze_mode === true) ||
(fromUpdateCoeff === true) ||
(nodisable === true) ) {
}else if( (STATUS.sel_mode === "Force on") || (STATUS.sel_mode === "Force off")){
print("[POOL] Force ON or Off, lock_update => false");
STATUS.lock_update = false;
}else {
print("[POOL] no temp change, skip update_pump, lock_update => false");
STATUS.lock_update = false;
function get_current_time(){
print("[POOL] get_status current time");
let result = {
time: null,
let i = 1;
while (result.time === null ){
// use getComponentStatus (sync call) instead of call of "Sys.GetStatus" ( async call)
result = Shelly.getComponentStatus("sys");
print("[POOL] get_status tick: ", i);
print("[POOL] get_current_time() time:", result.time);
let time = result.time; // "HH:MM"
// compute current time in float format (12h45 -> 12.75)
let t = JSON.parse(time.slice(0,2)) + JSON.parse(time.slice(3,5)) / 60;
return t;
function update_temp_call(){
STATUS.update_time = STATUS.current_time;
print("[POOL TIME] ", STATUS.update_time);
// freeze_mode
if (STATUS.temp_ext < CONFIG.freeze_temp){
print("[POOL] Mode hivernage - temp : ", STATUS.temp_ext);
STATUS.freeze_mode = true;
// too much RPC (limit to 5)
// the update_temp is locked and unlock only on publishstate.
// add make_unlock, to tel publishState to unlock on his call RPC
// -> I can't pass arg to function to reuse it into rpc call of publishState
STATUS.make_unlock = true;
STATUS.freeze_mode = false;
// faire ici peut-être un off de la pompe.. qui sort du freeze mode
if (STATUS.temp_max !== null) {
// if ((t - STATUS.update_time_last) > 0.15) { // 9 minutes
update_pump(STATUS.temp, STATUS.temp_max, STATUS.update_time);
STATUS.update_time_last = STATUS.update_time;
STATUS.update_temp_max_last = STATUS.temp_max;
// }
// else {
// STATUS.tick_pump_skip++;
// print("[POOL] to much update_pump, skipped", STATUS.tick_pump_skip);
// }
// too much RPC (limit to 5)
// the update_temp is locked and unlock only on publishstate.
// add make_unlock, to tel publishState to unlock on his call RPC
// -> I can't pass arg to function to reuse it into rpc call of publishState
STATUS.make_unlock = true;
function (data) {
let re = JSON.stringify(data);
print("EVENT", re);
* Publish update on switch change on binary sensor
if (
data.component === "switch:0" &&
typeof data.info.output !== "undefined"
) {
let _state_str = data.info.output ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
// Event pour changement de température
//let re = JSON.stringify(data);
//print("EVENTTTTTT", re);
if (data.info.event === "temperature_change") {
if (data.info.id === CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_ext) {
// changement de la temperature exterieur
STATUS.temp_ext = data.info.tC;
print("changement de la temperature exterieur");
if (data.info.id === CONFIG.shelly_id_temp_pool) {
// changement de la temperature pool
STATUS.current_temp = data.info.tC;
print("changement de la temperature piscine");
//process mise à jour des temperature
//event changement du switch et lock
if (data.info.event === "toggle") {
let result = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch",0);
let _state_str = result.output ? "ON" : "OFF";
MQTT.publish(buildMQTTStateCmdTopics("binary_sensor", "state"), _state_str);
print("[POOL] disable temp", STATUS.tick_lock);
if (STATUS.disable_temp !== null)
STATUS.disable_temp = Timer.set(
600 * 1000,
function () {
print("[POOL] re-enable temp");
STATUS.disable_temp = null;
* Activate periodic check for new day
* 300000 = 5min
Timer.set(600000, true, update_new_day);
Merci encore pour le temps consacré au « boulet »…
J’ai copié le script et mis mes éléments, puis je l’ai lancé, pas de création de nouveaux capteurs.
Je suis au boulot et je te mets les premiers éléments :
Par contre, je viens de remarquer le la filtration s’est lancée seule.
Petite question @garsy020 : chez toi le script démarre bien tout seul au reboot du Shelly ? J’ai activé le switch « Run on startup » pour le script dans la page de liste des scripts mais au reboot il est désactivé. Testé avec le denier firmware 1.3.1 et le précedent 1.3.0.
Chez moi je n’ai pas de souci au reboot, l’option « run on startup » reste bien valide.
Je suis également en firmware 1.3.1
@guix77 ouai en effet bizarre chez moi ça fait la même chose… le run on startup est désativé si je fais un reboot manuel.